
  1. 发展型组织是组织形式进化的最终阶段。

    Developing organization is the final evolution stage of the organization form .

  2. 关注发展型组织:学校改革的新主题

    Focusing on Development - oriented Organization : the New Topic of School Reform

  3. 论发展型组织的优势和创建

    Discussion on Advantage and Establishment of Developing Organization

  4. 发展型组织理念下的教师专业发展促进策略

    The Promoting Strategy of the Teachers ' Professional Development Based on the Concept of the Development-Oriented Organization

  5. 建立愿景是标准的抽象服务而激励是标准的具体服务,建设发展型组织和授权则是从抽象到具体的过渡性质的服务。

    Building common vision is standard abstract service while stimulates is standard concrete service . Constructing developing organization and authorizing are transition service from abstract to concrete .

  6. 在服务型领导哲学的指导下,结合当代管理实践的成果,可以把服务型领导实践的基本内容确定为建立愿景、建设发展型组织、授权与激励。

    With the guide of servant leadership philosophy , combining contemporary management practice achievements , we can divide base servant leadership practice into building common vision , constructing developing organization , authorizing and stimulating .

  7. 首先阐述了发展型组织的优势,包括提高组织的能力,培养合格的员工,具备动态的、先别人而动的环境等。

    First , it is expounded the advantages of the developing organization , including improving the abilities of the organization , fostering the qualified staff , having the dynamic and beforehand environment and so on .

  8. 第五部分则主要从发展学习型组织、强化市场营销观念和激发企业创新能力三方面来讨论如何培育房地产开发企业的核心能力。

    The last part discusses four methods cultivating the core competence of the real estate corporations .

  9. 发展型学校组织的特征为:发展型的领导模式、发展型的组织形态、发展型的组织准备力和发展型的人力资源。

    The development-oriented school organization has such characteristics as the development-oriented leadership pattern , formation of organization , organizational preparatory power and human resources .

  10. 第5章研究职业发展与学习型组织。

    Chapter 5 discusses the career development and learning organization .

  11. 科技的推动,终身教育、终身学习的发展使学习型组织的出现成为必然;

    With the promotion of science and technology and the development of life-long education and life-long learning , learning organization appears .

  12. 尝试了通过高校文化重塑、组织构架变革等措施创建能够促进师生个人与学校共同发展的学习型组织管理模式,以实现高等教育不断的向前良性发展。

    The article try to create the management model of the learning organization , and promote the development of the individual and the school teachers and students , in order to achieve the virtuous development of higher education .

  13. 在不同的组织发展态势(传统型组织、学习型组织、发展型组织、创新型组织)下,员工绩效评估的内容和绩效维度都将发生变化。

    In different organizational formation ( traditional organization , learning organization , developing organization , and innovative organization ), the content of employee performance measurement and the performance dimensions will change .

  14. 像开源公司这样的民营企业要想健康持续发展,构建学习型组织就显得迫在眉睫。

    The enterprise run by the local people such as the company should think like increasing income the health is developed continuously , seem extremely urgent when being organized to establish studying type .

  15. 现代企业组织结构正由职能型组织向着扁平化,柔性化,网络化发展,其中流程型组织结构就是发展趋势之一,并且这种结构已经在部分企业得到应用和实施。

    The modern enterprise organizations tend to be flat-styled 、 flexible and network connected . The process-oriented organizational structure is one of trends of development , and this kind of structure already obtained the application and the implementation in the individual enterprise .