
fěn dǐ
  • foundation make-up
  1. 佩戴口罩会改变我们使用的粉底和遮瑕膏的类型。

    Wearing masks will likely change the types of foundations and concealers we use .

  2. 日本男性用淡妆让自己看上去清新自然,韩国男性则大胆通过男用眼线液或粉底霜打造精致优雅的面庞。

    While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look , South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face .

  3. 在打粉底前,使用化妆低乳,如出色潮流专业妆前底乳(SmashboxPhotoFinish)($36),让你的肤色保持哑光.

    Keep your complexion matte by applying a makeup primer like Smashbox Photo Finish , $ 36 , under your foundation .

  4. MAC品牌的“超真实”的防晒15粉底:一种顺畅的珠光粉底液配方使反映出正常健康和活力的皮肤。

    MAC Hyper Real SPF15 Foundation : A smooth pearlescent liquid foundation formulated to make the skin reflect a natural health and vibrancy .

  5. 涂一些BB霜或打一点点粉底,你看起来就会很不同。

    A little BB cream or even light foundation can go a long way .

  6. 如果你不喜欢粉底,或你不被允许使用粉底,改试BB霜吧。

    If youre not a fan of foundation or if you are not allowed to wear foundation , try BB cream instead .

  7. 使用有调整肤色作用同时含有SPF的面霜也能代替粉底使用,它能使你的肌肤焕发自然光泽,并有效防止阳光对肌肤的伤害。

    Apply a tinted moisturizer with SPF . This multi-tasker not only moisturizes but also replaces foundation , gives you a sun-kissed glow , and protects skin from harmful rays .

  8. Prescriptives、Chanel和LauraMercier也研制出了看上去像皮肤那么完美的粉底。

    Prescriptives , Chanel and Laura Mercier have also worked to create foundation that looks as good as skin .

  9. 我自己曾见过女士们费劲心思在脸上厚厚地涂抹粉底、粉末、古铜色及高光等彩妆产品——矩形、三角形以及圆形的款式应有尽有,这不由得让人想起儿时使用特定颜色填充带有编号区域的画笔盒(painting-by-numberskits)。

    I 've seen rectangles , triangles and circles of painstakingly painted-on foundation , powder , bronzer and highlighter , all of which remind me of my childhood painting-by - numbers kits . The results are invariably neither attractive nor beautiful ; they just look odd .

  10. BinkyFelstead向你展示拥有这种完美妆容的步骤,告诉你她的所有心得。1.涂粉底

    Binky Felstead guides you through the steps and tells you all her tips for this perfect look . Step 1 : Apply Foundation

  11. 最初推出的40色粉底系列被认为是使这一系列成为美容行业的标杆,被称为“Fenty效应”。

    The original 40-shade foundation collection has been credited with making this range a standard in the beauty industry , dubbed as " the Fenty effect . "

  12. ChoWon-hyuk站在卧室里的镜子前,在自己的额头、鼻尖和脸颊轻轻涂上一层黄棕色的粉底,直至脸部皮肤看起来完美无瑕。

    Cho Won-hyuk stands in front of his bedroom mirror and spreads dollops of yellow-brown makeup over his forehead , his nose , his chin and cheeks , blending the cream until he 's left with smooth , flawless skin .

  13. 我用了你的粉底漂亮吗?

    Do I look pretty with the powder you bought me ?

  14. 微型打印机可以将粉底液涂抹到你的皮肤上。

    A micro printer then applies the foundation to your skin .

  15. 在雅诗兰黛活动中卖的最好的化妆品就是粉底霜。

    The best-selling make-up product at the Lauder events was foundation .

  16. 隔离霜主要是在上粉底之前起一个保护性作用。

    Primer is a protective provides a smooth surface for foundation .

  17. 脸:之前我会抹粉底,但现在不了。

    Face : I used to wear foundation but not anymore .

  18. 粉底应该要轻透,就像面纱一样。

    NO07 , Foundation should be light , like a veil .

  19. 选择和肌肤颜色相近的粉底和遮瑕膏。

    Choose a foundation and concealer that match your skin tone .

  20. 在面部所有皮肤涂抹粉底液来打底。

    Apply a foundation all over your skin as a base .

  21. 厚厚的粉底粉底用来遮盖细纹和脸上的小瑕疵。

    Foundationis created to hide fine lines , blemishesand little flaws .

  22. 使用矿物质粉底可避免鼻子附近的皮肤发红。

    Use a mineral foundation to eliminate redness around your nose .

  23. 选择和你肤色相近的粉底。

    Do choose a color that matches your skin tone .

  24. 使用无光泽粉底让皮肤光洁无瑕。

    Use a matte foundation to get extra flawless skin .

  25. 涂抹粉底,先从脸的中间部位开始。

    Apply the foundation , starting at the center of your face .

  26. 使用粉扑来代替液体粉底。

    Apply a thin layer of translucent powder instead of liquid foundation .

  27. 如果你用粉底的话,在遮瑕膏之前使用。

    If you wear foundation , put it on before applying concealer .

  28. 高保湿性能、稳定性良好O/W乳剂型粉底液的研制

    Preparation of a Good Stability and Moisture of the O / W Foundation

  29. 你涂腮红前,应该要先上粉底。

    You should put on foundation before applying blush .

  30. 艾琳:你们有哪些粉底呢?

    IRENE : What do you have in foundation ?