- 网络issuing storehouse

Chiefs of warehouses at various levels shall be assumed by branch bank managers of the corresponding level .
Failure to deliver all qualified RMB products to the issuance warehouses of the people 's Bank of china ;
Article 21 The People 's Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches .
As an important carrier of the issued funds storage , the safety of the issuance vaults directly concerns normal conduction of rational supply of issued funds as well as currency issuing .
Risk management of the issuance vaults is of most importance to ensure the national property safety & the issued funds supply , to safeguard financial stability and to maintain a good social image of the Central Bank .
The cross-distribution way of checking library versions is the pkg-config command .
Many Linux distributions also include it within their repositories .
The base Python distribution has a huge library of available routines and functions just waiting to be used .
If you use a flavor of UNIX or Linux , check your distribution 's repository for suitable binaries , or build Squirrel Shell from scratch .
You can download its source code and build the application from scratch or , if available , pull an existing binary from your UNIX distribution 's repository .
For each library you have to install in this way ( and for GIMP itself ), you will have to take care not to overwrite the library that came installed in your distribution .
However , each distribution 's definition of core could vary slightly , which means that regression testing is always necessary when claiming your application is supported on a given distribution .
Issuance funds of RMB are the RMB stored in the issuance warehouses of people 's Bank of China before entering into circulation .