
  • 网络Promotion
  1. 第七十八条股份有限公司的设立,可以采取发起设立或者募集设立的方式。

    Article 78 A joint stock limited company may be established by ways of promotion or stock floatation .

  2. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。

    X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association , based on a natural person , co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks .

  3. 英国财政部前官员丹尼騠虎煓大(DannyAlexander)被任命为中国发起设立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的副行长。他对关于其不够资格的指责不以为然。

    Danny Alexander , the former Treasury minister appointed vice-president of a Chinese-led Asian investment bank , has dismissed criticisms that he is not qualified to do the job .

  4. 发起设立的股份有限公司,股东人数有限,股份比较集中,法律以规定职工持股比例的上限为不得超过公司股本的30%为宜。

    The staff 's shares should be no more than 30 % .

  5. 同时,将集团中最好的资产拿出来,发起设立上市公司。

    By restructuring , the best assets were taken out for the listed company .

  6. 在加强监管前提下,允许具备条件的民间资本依法发起设立中小型银行等金融机构。

    Allow qualified private capital to set up financial institutions such as small - and medium-sized banks , under enhanced supervision .

  7. 大幅放宽民间投资市场准入,鼓励社会资本发起设立股权投资基金。

    We will greatly relax market access for private investment and encourage the use of private capital to set up equity funds .

  8. 开放式基金在发起设立的时候都会事先约定自身的投资风格以满足不同投资者的需求。

    Open-ended fund launched in the establishment of the time will be prior agreement of their own investment style to meet the needs of different investors .

  9. 将风险企业成长的特点与安徽经济发展现状相结合,成立由政府发起设立的具有多种资本来源的风险投资公司。

    This paper integrates venture company 's growth feature with Anhui province economic development and sets up venture investment company founded by the government with multi-capital sources .

  10. 中国国务院今年8月表示:尝试由民间资本发起设立自担风险的民营银行。

    We will promote trials by private capital to initiate the establishment of private banks responsible for their own risks , the State Council said in August .

  11. 该基金由财政部、中国烟草总公司、国家开发投资公司联合发起设立。

    The fund is being financed by the Ministry of Finance , as well as the China National Tobacco Corporation and the State Development and Investment Corporation .

  12. 发起设立,是指由发起人认购公司应发行的全部股份而设立公司。

    Establishment by the promoter method means the establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters for all the shares to be issued by the company .

  13. 各企业介入金融业的方式多样,包括发起设立、投资控股、参股、并购及中外合资等等方式。

    The companies involved in the financial industry in variety of ways , including initiating the establishment , holding equity , joint-stock , mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures , and so on .

  14. 中国航空产业基金由中国航空工业集团公司和建设银行共同发起设立,是我国第一支投资于航空产业及相关应用领域的产业投资基金。

    The fund is set up by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China ( AVIC ) and China Construction Bank as China 's first investment fund for the aviation industry and related fields .

  15. 1999年由黑龙江省高速公路集团公司与吉林省高速公路集团有限公司和华建交通经济开发中心共同出资,发起设立了东北高速公路股份有限公司,并成功上市。

    Northeast Expressway Company which is jointly funded and set up by Heilongjiang Provincial Expressway Corporation and the Jilin Provincial Expressway Group Limited and the transportation economic development center limited successfully listed in 1999 .

  16. 《企业会计制度》颁布实施以来,对企业改制发起设立股份有限公司,依法进行资产评估和报表审计过程中,会计师普遍简单以评估师的评估减值数据作为计提固定资产减值准备的依据。

    Since the issue of the Accounting System for Business Enterprises , the auditors often use the valuation depreciation as the fix assets depreciation preparation in the legal valuation and auditing for enterprises ' reorganization .

  17. 稳步推进由民间资本发起设立中小型银行等金融机构,引导民间资本参股、投资金融机构及融资中介服务机构。

    We will steadily promote the establishment of small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions by private capital , and guide private capital to invest in or hold shares in financial institutions and intermediary financing services .

  18. 但由于工商管理部门登记范围只包括非上市股份有限公司发起设立时的股东,使得股权登记对质押权人的保护不足。

    However , as registered in Business Administration only has jurisdiction to initiate the establishment of non-listed Company Limited shareholders at the time , making the registration of pledge of shares of the inadequate protection of the right people .

  19. 同时通过中国相关机构的在国内国外发起设立房地产投资信托基金的尝试的案例分析,指出在新的金融环境下更适合国内市场和监管体系的房地产投资信托基金设立运行监管模式。

    Meanwhile , through the case analyses of trials in establishing REITs from home and abroad by certain Chinese institutions , this paper indicates the set-up , operation and monitoring models adapting to the domestic market and monitoring system under new financial environment nowadays .

  20. 由此,渤海银行也成为中国第一家在发起设立阶段就引进境外战略投资者并以集合资金信托方式吸收自然人参股的股份制商业银行。

    From this , Bohai Sea bank also becomes China the first is being initiated establish level to introduce investor of the strategy outside the condition to believe the share-holding system commercial bank that asks means to draw natural person share with gather capital .

  21. 中国中铁股份有限公司是由中国铁路工程总公司以整体重组、独家发起方式设立的股份有限公司。

    ChinaRailway Group Limitedwith by China railway engineering company reorganization , the whole set of sole launched Co. , LTD.

  22. 本公司是由美国美林证券投资公司及摩根?约瑟夫投资银行为主要发起人设立的为在中国投资项目的中国项目投资基金。

    The company is China project investment fund leadingly sponsored by investment banks Merill Lynch and Morgan Joseph which is engaged in investing in China projects .

  23. 由广东群兴玩具实业有限公司作为主发起人发起设立的“澄海兴信小额贷款股份有限公司”正式挂牌开业。

    It is a good news that the sponsor of Guangdong Qunxing Toys Industrial Company set Chenghai Xingxin Small Loan Corporation .

  24. 公司在设立过程中以设立中公司形式存在,发起人是设立中公司的事务执行组织。

    In the process of establishing company , the style of company is establishing company , and initiators are executing organization in establishing company .

  25. 设立中公司订立的合同责任在发起人、设立中公司、成立后公司之间的分配因为采取“意图推定”和“设立中公司责任”大相径庭。

    There are two approaches , namely presumption of intentions and liability of pre-incorporation for analyzing the liability of promoter , pre-incorporation and the established corporation .

  26. 公司能否成立、成立后能否健康有序地发展,在很大程度上依赖于公司成立前发起人的设立活动。

    The company was established , after the establishment of whether can healthy and orderly development , largely dependent on before the establishment of the sponsors set activities .

  27. 发起人是设立中公司的机关,对内执行设立行为之事务,对外代表设立中公司;

    The promoter is the organ of the company while setting up , carry out the affairs of setting up the behavior inwards , represent the company while setting up to the outside ;

  28. 即由中国再保险集团担任发起机构并设立信托;由国家防汛抗旱总指挥部对洪水巨灾风险进行评估;由中诚信或联合咨询评级机构对洪水巨灾债券进行评级;由信托公司发行洪水巨灾债券。

    That is , The China Reinsurance Group works as sponsoring agencies and establish trust , the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of the flood assesses catastrophe risk , the Centrol or Joint Advisory integrity rating the flood catastrophe bond , flood catastrophe bonds issued by the Trust .

  29. 公司发起人是公司设立三大要素中人的要素,对公司的设立起到至关重要的作用。

    There are three factors in the incorporation , promoters is the important hominine factor in them .

  30. 1997年11月颁布的《证券投资基金管理暂行办法》中规定,基金发起人可以申请设立开放式基金,也可以申请设立封闭式基金。

    Issued in November of 1997 stipulates ," the fund promoter can either apply to set up open-end fund or to set up closed-end type " .