- 网络caudine forks;furcae Caudinae

Marx devoted himself to the research on social development theory of eastern countries in his late years and put forward such a theory that oriental backward countries could overpass the capitalist " Caudine forks " and could directly leap to socialism .
On possibility of leaping over Crafting Gorge in Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Leap of the Theory of " Cauldine Forks "
On Leaping over the Period of Capitalism in China
Re-understanding of Marx and Engels ' Assumption on Leaping over " Crafting Gorge "
The Perplexity of Crossing " Ka Fu Ding Valley " and Historical Fate of Socialism
On Transitional Economy and Crafting Gorge
Slightly Discuss on Two Leap Over Against " The Ka Fu Ding Canyon " in China
Striding Across the " Candine Forks " and the Practices of the Socialism in the 20th Century
The Practical Significance and Reexamination of Marx 's Theory of " Cauldine Forks " of Leaping over Capitalism
The socialism having stridden across the Cafdin Canyon must be the socialism established on the basis of modern productivity .
The thought of leaping over the capitalist Cafudin Canyon is the important theoretical research achievement of Marxs remaining years .
Historical Logic Of Crossing " Ka Fu Ding Valley " and Successful Exploration of Road of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics
His thought of Spanning the Ka Fu Ding Canyon is the nuclear content of the theory of the eastern societies .
Some scholars in Chinese academic community give wrong understanding of Marx 's theories by mistaking not experiencing capitalism with leaping it .
Globalization and Realization of Crossing over " Karfding Gorge " by Socialist Countries & From the View Point of New Science and Technology Revolution
The discussion on the theory of common victory and striding across crafting gorge proposed by Marx and Engels attracts attention of theory circle .
From the angles of logic and history , theory and reality , this part is to point out the basic connotation of the assumption .
Making use of all positive achievements created under capitalism is the essential condition put forward by Marx for backward countries to stride across the Caudium Gorge .
It is of great significance for the construction and theory of scientific socialism to study whether the less developed countries can span the historical stages and get into socialism directly .
In consideration of the strategies , the socialist countries in reality have irrelevantly equalized the thought of " Spaning the Caudine Canyou " and " theory of oriental society " .
This paper disagrees to the major viewpoints and the conclusion of Zhang Ming-jun 's paper Marx Did Not Put Forward the Idea of " Overpassing Cafudin Valley of the Capitalism " .
We can know four stages , that is commencement , run , leap and landing the whole course of the theory of " Cauldine Forks " from the creation to practice .
From the peculiarities of rural community in Russian , Marx put forward the idea that a backward country on the economy and culture can leap over the Carffdin Canyon of capitalism .
In the light of the particular revolutional circumstance in the world , Marx put forward the theory of " Cauldine Forks " that undeveloped countries could leap over the stage of capitalism .
In the imagine of Marx leaping over capitalism Ka fu Ding Gorge , he pointed outed that the country falling behind in the east must absorb and utilize capitalism to construct socialism ;
" Crafting Gorge " theory putted forward by Marx , provides a theoretical support to go beyond capitalism in backward countries for socialism , but also left a practice problem on how to achieve leapfrog development of productivity .
Marx and Engels advocated that Russia might not through the capital of the socialist system " kafuting " valley and walk on a different road from western capitalist , with " rural commune " as the foundation to socialism .
In the draft of his reply to zasulich , Marx put forward his hypothesis that Russian communities might be established without going throuth the stage of " furcae Caudiane of the capitalist system ", but he abandoned his hypothesis in his formal reply .
According to the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels , there would be two ways to realize socialism , that is to say , the socialism developing from the experiencing the stage of capitalism and from the surmounting the " KAVTIN CANYON " of capitalism .