
  1. 马克思的《资本论》及其经济学手稿

    Marx 's On the Capital & His Manuscript on Economics

  2. 论市场经济条件下原则上的平等与事实上的不平等&重读《经济学手稿(1857-1858年)》的一点体会

    On the Equality and Inequality in the Market Economy

  3. 社会联系和人的全面发展&马克思《1857-1858年经济学手稿》研究

    Social Contact and Human All-round Development ── Study of The Economice Manuscript in 1857-1858

  4. 重新遭遇异化:马克思社会关系物化理论探析&对《1857~1858年经济学手稿》的哲学解读

    Philosophical Interpretation upon Marx ′ s Theory of Materialization of Social Relations in Economics Manuscript from 1857 to 1858

  5. 货币:社会关系的物化及其现代性意义&对马克思《1857-1858经济学手稿》的解读

    Currency : " Materialization of Social Relationships " and Contemporary Meaning & Understanding to " 1857-1858 Economics Manuscripts "

  6. 论人的需要与人的全面发展&对马克思《1857-1858年经济学手稿》的一种解读

    On Human Needs and the Comprehensive Development of Human Being & A Philosophical Interpretation on Marx 's Economics Manuscript From 1857 to 1858

  7. 马克思在《1857-1858年经济学手稿》中,强调了人的实践活动和人的全面发展的社会性质。

    In the Economice Manuscripts Between 1857 and 1858 , Marx emphasized the social nature of human activity of practice and human all-round development .

  8. 本文通过解读马克思的《1857&1858年经济学手稿》,集中研究了马克思的交换理论。

    With an analysis of Marx 's " Manuscript on Economics from 1857 to 1858 ", this paper focuses on the study of Marx 's exchange theory .

  9. 首先介绍了马克思在《1857&1858年经济学手稿》中对三大社会形态理论所作的经典表述,以及对马克思三大社会形态理论的四种常见的理解;

    Firstly , the classical expression of the theory , which was made by Marx in 《 Economic Manuscript 1857 & 1858 》 and four common interpretations to it are introduced .

  10. 在《1857-1858年经济学手稿》中,马克思从人的发展的角度把人类社会划分为人的依赖关系、物的依赖关系、自由个性三种社会形态。

    From the angle of man 's development , Marx divided the human society into three social patterns in the Economics Manuscript in 1857-1858 . They include : man 's dependent relationship , material dependent relationship , free personality .

  11. 实证科学立场主要体现在后期《哲学的贫困》、《1857-1858经济学手稿》和《资本论》等文本之中。最后,论文主要对西方经济学研究中的非实证科学的研究立场进行了探讨。

    The positive science standpoint was mainly embodied in the books of Poverty of Philosophy , 1857-1858 manuscript of economics and Das Kapital . Finally , the thesis mainly probes the non-positive science standpoint in the study of western economics .

  12. 三阶段论是马克思在《1857&1858年经济学手稿》中,从人与自然的关系,侧重从人的能力发展的角度所提出的三种社会形态和个体发展的三个阶段。

    Marx put forward " the three stages theory " in his Economics Manuscript during 1857-1858 and explained three social forms and three stages of individual development from the relationship between human and nature , and especially from the angle of human 's ability development .

  13. 在《1857-1858经济学手稿》中,马克思第一次对自己的货币理论进行了详细而系统地探讨,揭示了货币是产品的商品形式和交换发展的必然结果,货币与价值内在关联;

    At the " 1857-1858 Economics Manuscripts ", Marx first carrys on detailed and systematic ground discussion to his monetary theory , has announced the currency is goods form of the products and inevitable result of exchanging development , the currency and value have inherent relationship ;

  14. 异化理论与马克思哲学革命的实质《1844年经济学哲学手稿》解读

    Alienation Theory and the Essence of the Philosophical Revolution of K.Marx

  15. 从《莱茵报》到《1844年经济学哲学手稿》时期,是马克思的人性历史决定论的形成和发展时期。

    The period of the formation and development of humanistic historical determinism ;

  16. 《一八四四年经济学哲学手稿》对费尔巴哈的超越

    Manuscript of Philosophy in Economics , 1844 , Surpasses Feuerbach

  17. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的生态文明思想

    On Ecological Civilization from Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

  18. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的实践探讨被忽略不计;

    The practical inquiring of Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in1844was neglected ;

  19. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的唯物史观意蕴

    The Implication of Historical Materialism of Max 's Manuscript of Economics-philosophy in 1844

  20. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》与孔子美学思想比较研究

    Comparative Study of Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 and Confucian Aesthetics Thought

  21. 从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》解读马克思的平等观

    On Interpreting Marx 's View of Equality from Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts in 1844

  22. 试论马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》关于人的科学的思想

    On the Scientific Implication about Human of Marx 's Economics Philosophy Manuscript in 1844

  23. 人化自然与自在自然&对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的现代性解读

    Humanization of Nature and Nature Itself & An explanation of Economic Philosophy manuscript in 1844

  24. 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中人和自然的关系及其当代价值

    Relationship between Man and Nature in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 and Its Value

  25. 幸福新解&《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的启示

    New View of " Happiness ": Inspiration of " Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 "

  26. 货币的人学向度论《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的货币哲学

    Humanity Dimension of Money & Monetary Philosophy in " Economic and Philosophical Manuscript in 1844 "

  27. 马克思异化理论的逻辑衔接&重读《1844年经济学哲学手稿》有感

    The logic convergence of Marxist theory of alienation & Rereading The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts in 1844

  28. 主体性与人类中心主义&《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中马克思自然观解读

    Subjectivity and Anthropocentrism & Interpretation Marx 's Concept of Nature in The 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts

  29. 实践的本质是以人自身为目的的对象性活动&论《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中关于实践的思想

    The Nature of Practice is Objectionable Activity for Man-self on Practice Thought in Economical Philosophical Manuscript in 1844

  30. 人道主义:实践哲学的内在意蕴&马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》研究

    Humanitarianism : the Inner Meaning of Practical Philosophy & Study of Marx 's Economice Philosophy Manuscript in 1844