
  • 网络KATRINA;hurricane katrina;Caterina
  1. 卡特里娜”飓风造成了近810亿美圆的损失,是美国历史上最严重的自然灾难之一

    At 81 billion dollars , Katrina is the costliest natural disaster in American history . “

  2. 这已经不是什么秘密,萨勒曼发挥让她立足在B镇导师和指导卡特里娜麻醉剂。

    It 's no secret that Salman played a mentor and guide to Katrina Kaif in getting her a foothold in B-town .

  3. 前两次政府干预油价分别发生在1991年第一次海湾战争(firstgulfwar)期间,以及2005年卡特里娜飓风(hurricanekatrina)之后。

    The first two interventions occurred during the first Gulf War in 1991 and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 .

  4. 在卡特里娜飓风(HurricaneKatrina)来临之前,新奥尔良知道其防洪设施非常脆弱。

    Before Hurricane Katrina , New Orleans knew that its flood defences were vulnerable .

  5. LizMcCartney由于和飓风卡特里娜遇害者的工作被评为2008年CNN年度人物。AndersonCooper正在对他进行采访。今年的CNN年度人物是LizMcCartney。

    CNN hero of the year is Liz McCartney .

  6. Mary-BelleNelsonJones从1947年就住在新奥尔良了,卡特里娜飓风过后,她不得不重建家园。

    Mary-Belle Nelson Jones has lived in New Orleans since 1947 and had to rebuild her home after Katrina .

  7. 同样,CIA也在卡特里娜飓风过后做过这方面的调查,他们这是在利用自然灾害。

    Katrina was likewise a study for the CIA in this regard , taking advantage of a natural disaster .

  8. 我们看到里卡斯钠博士(Dr.TonyRecasner)的美国特质,这位校长在卡特里娜飓风的废墟中开办一所新的特许学校。

    We see America 's character in Dr. Tony Recasner , a principal who opened a new charter school from the ruins of Hurricane Katrina .

  9. 然而在卡特里娜飓风中,DHS反应迟钝,这表明它对未来即将到来的攻击缺乏准备。

    The DHS 's abysmal response to Hurricane Katrina revealed its lack of preparedness for a future attack .

  10. 他们每天都在进行沟通,大量谈到卡特里娜飓风(Katrina)以及如何应对这类危机。

    They communicated daily , with a lot about Katrina and about how to deal with this kind of crisis .

  11. 尽管布什兴奋地称赞做了“大量的工作”,但对卡特里娜(katrina)飓风的回应是拙劣的。

    The response to Hurricane Katrina was bungled as Mr Bush sunnily acclaimed a " heck of a job " .

  12. 这场灾难比2005年“卡特里娜”飓风(Katrina)造成的1250亿美元的经济损失更为惨重,同时创造了历史新高。

    That is another record , beating out the $ 125 billion in losses caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 .

  13. RonnieSmith花费了一年多时间和8万美元,修复被卡特里娜飓风损坏的房子。

    It took Ronnie Smith more than a year and $ 80 , 000 to repair the damage to his house caused by Katrina .

  14. 在像台风海燕或飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)这样的事件导致保险索赔大幅增加时,保险公司是有切身体会的。

    They were at the sharp end when events like Typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Katrina caused a huge increase in insurance claims .

  15. 由于一般较温和的气候和良好的水务基础设施,发达国家甚至可以应对非常严重的水患,比如像卡特里娜(Katrina)那样的飓风。

    Blessed with generally milder climates and well-established water infrastructures , developed countries can absorb even terrible water-related events , such as Hurricane Katrina .

  16. NPR新闻的黛比·阿里报道,这是为了取代7年前因卡特里娜飓风而失效的断裂系统。

    NPR 's Debbie Ali reports it 's meant to replace the fractured system of levies that failed during Hurricane Katrina 's 7 years ago .

  17. 在美国,卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风在数日之内,就把新奥尔良从一个稳定、富足和充满活力的城市变成了一片废墟。

    In America , Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans from a stable , wealthy and vibrant city into a wasteland in the space of a few days .

  18. 此前一天,NBC开始调查威廉姆斯,以及他对伊拉克、卡特里娜飓风和其他认为有必要进行核查的新闻事件的报道。

    A day earlier , NBC started an investigation into Williams and his reporting about Iraq , Hurricane Katrina and any other news event that it deemed necessary to review .

  19. 尽管这种下降在一定程度上是由于信贷危机,但同样反映出系统性缺陷,这一点在卡特里娜(katrina)飓风过后的救灾援助中体现得十分明显。

    While some of this fall is due to the credit crisis , it also reflects systemic flaws , which became evident in providing disaster aid after Hurricane Katrina .

  20. 面对卡特里娜飓风,特别是在新奥尔良引发的洪灾,FEMA协调能力差,反应速度慢,曾为此遭受了令其难堪的批评。

    FEMA came under withering criticism for its slow and poorly co-ordinated response to Katrina , particularly to the flooding of New Orleans .

  21. 她说,管理层还对他偏离自己的新闻报道,讲述报道过程的做法感到担心,包括他对卡特里娜飓风(HurricaneKatrina)和其他事件的报道的描述。

    She said that executives also were concerned about the way he portrayed his reporting away from his newscasts . That includes his descriptions of reporting on Hurricane Katrina as well as other stories .

  22. Superdome体育场被卡特里娜飓风毁坏了。

    The Superdome had been ruined by Hurricane Katrina .

  23. 新奥尔良市选出了自1970年以来的首位白人市长MitchLandrieu,以接替备受指责的RayNagin,后者曾在2005年卡特里娜飓风所导致的洪灾期间任市长。

    New Orleans elected its first white mayor since the1970s.Mitch Landrieu takes over from the beleaguered Ray Nagin , who was in office during the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in2005 .

  24. 自那以后,由于原油需求强劲、供应方面的反应速度迟缓,以及去年这个时候卡特里娜飓风(HurricaneKatrina)导致的价格飙升,我们看到油价一路稳步攀升。

    Since then , we have seen a steady increase in prices on the back of strong oil demand , a sluggish response in supply and the spike in prices caused by Hurricane Katrina this time last year .

  25. 虽然它现在处于最小的飓风强度,埃萨克没有像卡特里娜那样威力无比,但NPR的克雷格·温德姆报告说缓慢移动的风暴可能会引发重大水灾。

    Although it is now at minimal hurricane strength Issac does not have the intense winds that Katrina did but NPR 's Craig Windham reports the slow moving storm could cause major water damage .

  26. 你还必须能够处理好外界的批评,哪怕此刻你正在全力对付一场自然灾害,例如卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风,或是上个月发生在中国四川省的毁灭性地震。

    You also have to be able to handle criticism , even when you are grappling with a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or the deadly earthquake that struck China 's Sichuan province on Monday .

  27. 预计台风海燕已造成菲律宾400万人流离失所,超过了飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)和印度洋海啸造成的无家可归的人数总和,给该国政府和救援机构带来史无前例的挑战。

    Typhoon Haiyan displaced an estimated 4 million people in the Philippines-exceeding the number of those who fled their homes during Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean tsunami combined-posing an unprecedented challenge to the government and relief agencies .

  28. “没有人知道卡特里娜比我,我要告诉你们,Zarine不像飓风,”他补充说。

    " Nobody knows Katrina better than me and I 'm telling you guys , Zarine does not look like Katrina ," he added .

  29. 照这样发展的话,可能再次造成卡特里娜那样的影响,可能会是Andrew,Hugo,Gustav或者甚至是Ike那样的飓风。

    To put things into , plain and simple , this could have been , say , another Katrina , it could 've been an Andrew , could have been Hugo , possibly a Gustav , maybe even an Ike for that matter .

  30. 将Zarine汗,Sallu的最新发现,被遗忘消失,像Sneha具有或产生像卡特里娜成名还有待观察?

    Will Zarine Khan , Sallu 's latest find , vanish into oblivion , like Sneha has , or rise to fame like Katrina remains to be seen ?