
  • 网络Manorial system;manorialism;manor
  1. 庄园制的政治管理形态具体从行政管理、司法制度以及人身依附关系三个方面来分析,说明庄园运作的方式和其所产生的影响。

    From the aspect of political management of a manor , it states the administration , the judiciary system , and relations of lords and serfs of manor system .

  2. 中世纪晚期,庄园制解体,村庄生产结构、土地关系和生产方式已经发生根本变革,这些都使共同体走向衰落。

    That period saw the decline of the manor system , and the radical change of production structure and the means of production , all these lead to the decline of community .

  3. 种族问题是南方庄园制经济发展中的关键问题。

    The racial problem is a crucial problem in the growth of plantation economy .

  4. 论中世纪日本与西欧庄园制的异同

    The Similarities and Differences Between the Manors of Japan and West-Europe in Middle Ages

  5. 庄园制社会崇尚的是自给自足,商人却以钱财为本;

    The society of manors advocated self sufficiency , whereas the merchants contrived to maintain a closed society .

  6. 原因在于它以封建庄园制为基础,随着自然经济的瓦解而解体;

    The reason for the decline is that it is based on the plantation system and dissolves with the disappearance of natural economy .

  7. 诺曼征服之后,英国庄园制经济得到迅速发展,并于13世纪臻于极盛,但14、15世纪之后便渐趋式微,并在16世纪最终瓦解。

    The manorial economy developed rapidly in England after Norman Conquest , prospered in the 13th century , then declined in the 14th and 15th century and ultimately collapsed in the 16th century .

  8. 在这个过程中笔者简要梳理了日本几个重要的历史时期土地变革的情形,大概经历了班田制庄园制在乡领主制石高分封制。

    In this process , the author briefly reviews the historical period of Japan several important changes in the case of land , probably experienced a class field system - Manor system - the system in the rural lords - packet system on yield .

  9. 古代日本佛教寺院势力的上升是以政治地位的提高为前提条件,以经济实力为后盾的,并且两者相辅相成,随着佛教的影响而扩大,伴随着庄园制的发展而高涨的。

    The ascendant of the power of Buddhism Temple in ancient Japan is based on the rising of political position and the economical power , both of which supplement each other . The power of temple expands under the influence of the Buddhism and with the development of Manor System .

  10. 黑死病是英国农奴制和庄园劳役制瓦解的重要因素之一。

    The black death was one of the important factors which had caused the serfdom and the manor system declining in medieval england .

  11. 黑死病是英国农奴制和庄园劳役制瓦解的重要因素之一。文景改革以后,笞刑取代肉刑,劳役由无期变为有期。

    The Black Death was one of the important factors which had caused the serfdom and the manor system declining in medieval England . After the Wen Jing reform , the knout replaced the corporal punishment , and penal servitude changed from dateless to terminable .

  12. 庄园是中世纪英国典型的生产组织方式,庄园制在英国历史舞台上扮演了极为重要的角色。

    Manor was the typical mode of productive organization in medieval England , and it played an important part in English history .