
  • 网络Kassel;Niestetal
  1. 但人工智能和自动化专家表示,卡塞尔市(Kassel)附近发生的这起事件,应被理解为一起极为罕见的工业事故,而不是关于人类未来会面临哪些威胁的一次警告。

    But experts on artificial intelligence and automation said the incident near Kassel should be understood as an extremely rare industrial accident , rather than a warning about future threats .

  2. 德国卡塞尔市国王广场

    King 's plaza Kassel Germany

  3. 狮子堡是一座中世纪风格的城堡,位于德国卡塞尔市一端的威廉高地公园内。

    Within the Wilhelmshohe Hill Park which sits on one end of the city of Kassel , there stands what appears to be a medieval castle .