
láo yì
  • corvee;forced labour;penal servitude;forced labor;corvée
劳役 [láo yì]
  • (1) [forced labor; penal servitude]∶为政者役使人民作工,强迫的劳动

  • 服劳役

  • (2) [corvée]∶奴仆向其地主应当提供的一天或更长时间的无偿劳动(如修路)

劳役[láo yì]
  1. 可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。

    A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations .

  2. 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

    Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude .

  3. 他被判5年劳役。

    He was sentenced to five years at hard labour .

  4. MaxineBennett你被捕了,强制劳役罪。

    Maxine Bennett , you 're under arrest for involuntary servitude .

  5. 他们来带我们去服劳役了。

    They 're coming to take us to the work detail .

  6. 这犯人被判处五年劳役。

    The criminal was sentenced to five years ' servitude .

  7. 若是为工作和劳役,生命就变得无尽的漫长。

    Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long .

  8. 建立在单方劳役之上的关系。

    A relationship built up of one-way acts of service .

  9. 在柚木产区仍然保留了旧的强迫劳役制。

    In the teak-bearing districts the old compulsory services remained in force .

  10. 逃避劳役的人到底应该由联邦政府交还还是由州政府交还呢?

    Shall fugitives from labor be surrendered by national or by State authority ?

  11. 那些没钱的罪犯被判以充军或服劳役的刑罚。

    Those without money were condemned to penal servitude as soldiers or laborers .

  12. 1959年,身为囚犯的詹姆斯·卡特正在密西西比河畔服劳役。

    In 1959 , James Carter was working on a chain gang in Mississippi .

  13. 即席判决他劳役三个月。

    He stands committed for three months .

  14. 从劳役角度观察,厢军制度具有强制性和剥削性。

    From the point of service , the Xiang Forces system was compulsive and exploiting .

  15. 劳役地租存在的原因有:一,封建原则思想的移植。

    The first was transplant of the principles which lay in the system of enfeoffment .

  16. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。

    Tribute , service , or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord .

  17. 有一个争论得很多的问题是,关于逃避服务或引渡从劳役中逃走的人的问题。

    There is much controversy about the delivering up of fugitives from service or labor .

  18. 理查德判了轻刑,被送到劳改农场服劳役六个月。

    Richard got a light sentence and was sent to a cherry farm for six months .

  19. 在这种情况下,僵尸趋向于代表一种特殊的奴隶或劳役关系。

    In such cases , zombies tend to represent particular kinds of slave or labor relationships .

  20. 法官认为几年劳役会使那个小偷改过。

    The judge felt that a few years at hard labor would straighten out the thief .

  21. 过去,企图谋杀是可以用终身服劳役处罚的。

    In the past , attempts to commit murder were punishable by penal servitude for life .

  22. 《再评加纳的奴隶制、契约劳役制、合法贸易及废奴运动的冲击》。

    G.M.Mcsheffrey , Slavery , Indentured Servitude , Legitimate Trade and the Impact ofAbolition in the Gold .

  23. 一律不得按照这一州的法律或条例,使其解除该项服务或劳役,

    shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor ,

  24. 个人之全部所得,乃是用来购买劳役和商品的。

    The whole of a man 's income is expended in the purchase of services and of commodities .

  25. 二战中有1200名美国战俘被日本政府和私人公司强迫劳役。

    Twelve-thousand American prisoners of war were put into forced labor by the Japanese government and private companies .

  26. 当你从为欲望而劳役终日的忙碌中静下来时,自然会感到它的存在。

    When you retire from the never-ending tasks driven by your desires , you will feel its existence naturally .

  27. 农村中逃避军役和劳役的人越来越多,流民遍地。

    In the countryside , many people escaped from military service and forced labor . Refugees were found everywhere .

  28. 由于韦布的努力,原本被判处七年监禁和劳役的约翰·耶托被释放并驱逐。

    Thanks to him , John Yettaw who had been sentenced to seven years'hard labor will be freed and deported .

  29. “凡根据一个州的法律应在该州于服务或从事劳役的人,如逃到另一州,

    No person held to service or labor in one State , under the laws thereof , escaping into another ,

  30. 而必须按照有权享有该项服务或劳役当事人的要求,将其引渡。”

    but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due .