
  • Exodus;The Book of Exodus
  1. 这个翻拍系列的第三部是关于国家建立的史诗,让人联想起《埃涅阿斯纪》(Aeneid)和《出埃及记》(BookofExodus)。

    The third installment in the revived series is an epic of national founding , with echoes of the Aeneid and the Book of Exodus .

  2. 根据〈出埃及记〉所载,他出生于埃及,父母为希伯来人。为了逃过一项杀死所有希伯来新生儿男婴的法令,他被放入芦苇摇篮中漂到尼罗河上。

    According to the Book of Exodus , he was born in Egypt to Hebrew parents , who set him afloat on the Nile in a reed basket to save him from an edict calling for the death of all newborn Hebrew males .

  3. 当我年轻时,我阅读了里昂·尤瑞斯(LeonUris)所撰写的小说《出埃及记》。

    As a young man , I read a novel : " Exodus " by Leon Uris .

  4. 波爱修的存在(Esse)概念,既是对柏拉图和亚里士多德哲学思想的融会,更是对《出埃及记》中上帝之言的倾听。

    Boethius ' conception of Esse is not only an understanding of Plato and Aristotle but also the obedience to God 's words in Exodus ( 3 : 14 ) .

  5. 它指的是耶稣将会完成的出埃及记。

    It refers to the Exodus that Jesus would accomplish .

  6. 我们还是得要讨论出埃及记。

    We would still be obligated to discuss the exodus .

  7. 与《出埃及记》不同,这并非是一本小说。

    It is non-fiction , unlike " Exodus . "

  8. 他是有丰盛的慈爱和诚实(出埃及记34:6)。

    He is " abounding in goodness and truth " ( Exodus 34:6 ) .

  9. 所以他读的《出埃及记》里的一切,都是透过基督自己的视角的。

    So everything in Exodus he just reads through the lens of Christ himself .

  10. 出埃及记第14章19节说:在以色列营前行走神的使者,转到他们后边去。

    Exodus 14:19 says that the angel of God also removed and went behind them .

  11. 很多同时代的权威相信《出埃及记》是发生在公元前十三世纪。

    Many contemporary authorities believe that the exodus took place in the 13th century BC .

  12. 《圣经》精神的复活与新生&从《出埃及记》到《愤怒的葡萄》

    The Resurrection and Rebirth of Biblical Spirit & From Exodus to the Grapes of Wrath ;

  13. 摩西五经:《创世纪》、《出埃及记》、《利末记》、《民数记》、《申命记》。

    The Five Books of Moses : Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , Deuteronomy .

  14. 比尔·盖茨的新出埃及记

    Bill Gates ' New Exodus

  15. 摩西的生平记载在出埃及记,民数记,申命记和另一本书。

    The life of Moses is found in Exodus , Numbers , Deuteronomy and one other book .

  16. 在过去的几周内,我们的读经一直是围绕出埃及记和利未记展开的。

    Our readings over the past few weeks have been taking us through the books of Exodus and Leviticus .

  17. 今晚,犹太人将团结在一起再次举行家宴,重新讲述《出埃及记》的故事。

    Tonight , Jews will gather for a second Seder , where they will retell the story of the Exodus .

  18. 在福克兰群岛,角斗士们离开他们波澜壮阔的战场,壮观的《出埃及记》现在已经开始。

    In the Falklands too , the mammoth of gladiators are turning away from their battlefields and the spectacular Exodus must now begin .

  19. 《出埃及记》记述的这些事件发生数个世纪后,以色列最初的12个部落分裂成了两个民族。

    Several centuries after the events described in Exodus took place , the original 12 tribes of Israel had split into two nations .

  20. 当你祭祀牲畜时,根据《出埃及记》的指示,你不能再营地里烧这些祭祀的物品。

    When you sacrifice an animal , according to the Exodus'instructions , you don 't burn the materials of the sacrifice inside the camp .

  21. 在阿富扎医生的汽车上,父亲正在跟媒体朋友通话,来给这场河谷版的《出埃及记》做实况评论。

    Inside Dr Afzal 's van my father was talking to the media , giving a running commentary on the exodus from the valley .

  22. 在本周犹太家庭将团聚在逾越节餐桌前,一起纪念出埃及记及反抗压迫的信念取得的胜利。

    This week , Jewish families gathered around the Seder table , commemorating the Exodus from Egypt and the triumph of faith over oppression .

  23. 出埃及记15章25节说:“摩西呼求神。。。”当然,神会给他们预备水喝!

    Exodus 15 : 25 says , And he ( Moses ) cried to the LORD ... " Of course the Lord could provide the water !

  24. 但神说什么?出埃及记第8章第22节说:神说他做这一切,好叫法老知道我是天下的神。

    But what did God say ? Let 's read it in Exodus 8 : 22 ... God said He was doing all these things so that Pharaoh

  25. 有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。

    Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy .

  26. 《出埃及记》解释称,摩西离开他们去攀登西奈山后,人们被孤立地留在贫瘠的沙漠荒野中,感到恐惧。

    Exodus says it was because once Moses had left them to climb Mt Sinai , they became terrified at being left so isolated in a barren desert wasteland .

  27. 路加可能是为了让我们看到耶稣是新的摩西,将领导一个新的出埃及记,而不是走出政治的奴役,乃是罪的捆绑。

    Luke probably intended for us to see Jesus as the new Moses who would lead a new Exodus , not from political servitude but from the bondage of sin .

  28. 就像我们所知的出埃及记,旧约,希伯来圣经一样,大卫想为神建造居所,神说,不。

    It 's just like we see it in Exodus and the Old Testament , the Hebrew Bible , David wanted to build a temple for God , God said , no.

  29. 所以现在耶路撒冷变成了,《出埃及记》中所说的以色列营地,耶稣则是在耶路撒冷城墙外的,被钉在十字架上的献祭品。

    So now Jerusalem has become like the Israelite camp talked about in Exodus , and Jesus is the sacrifice who was sacrificed on the cross outside the walls of Jerusalem .

  30. 是什么样的灾难终于使法老改变了态度呢?我们要等到下一次再说。或者你可以先读一下出埃及记第11和12章。

    What plague could have finally changed Pharaoh 's mind ? Well , you 'll have to wait til next time , or you could read ahead in Exodus chapter 11 and 12 !