
chū rù jìnɡ guǎn lǐ
  • entry and exit administration;entry and exit control
  1. 出入境管理中的海关法问题&兼论2008北京奥运涉及的海关法问题

    Issues concerning Customs Law Related to Entry and Exit Administration : Concurrently Discussing Issues of Customs Law Related to 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  2. 与其他行政事务不同,出入境管理具有自身的独特性,譬如中央事权属性、涉外性、具有警察执法职能等。

    The entry and exit administration has its unique characters , such as implementing responsibilities by central government , concerning with foreign affairs , function of enforcing the law .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,对出入境管理的政策法规、管理方式、管理机制和体制、管理队伍诸方面都将产生许多影响。故此,要加强政策研究,完善政策法规;

    China 's entry into WTO is to exert much influence upon exit - entry administration and policy and laws and regulations , administration mode , mechanism and system and the contingent , etc.

  4. 我国加入WTO将对出入境管理、出入境管理方式、管理体制和机制以及队伍管理产生影响。

    Our country 's entry into WTO will exert an influence on Exit - Entry administration , the mode of Exit - Entry administration , the administrative system and mechanism and the contingent administration .

  5. 负责掌握、分析全市出入境管理的信息情报;

    Collect and analyze information about exit and entry management in Zhaoqing ;

  6. 论出入境管理电子政务建设的基本原则

    On the Principles of E - politics in Exit and Entry Administration

  7. 但是由于历史和客观的原因,我国对出入境管理法律制度研究十分有限。

    But the discussions field is limited by the history and objective reality .

  8. 把握迁移机理拓展出入境管理空间

    Grasp the Migration Mechanism and Open up Exit-Entry Administration

  9. 加快政府出入境管理体制改革和职能转变;

    Speed up the government system reform of the Exit - Entry administration ;

  10. 中外出入境管理相关法律制度研究

    Research on Laws and Regulation in Associate with Immigration in China and Abroad

  11. 在上海,人们早上就开始抵达出入境管理局。

    In Shanghai , people began arriving at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau early in the morning .

  12. 这不仅扰乱了我国正常的出入境管理秩序,也影响了社会治安的稳定。

    They not only disorder the entry-exit administration of China , but also threaten the social security .

  13. 对出入境管理工作的新思考

    New Ideas on Immigration

  14. 加强新形势下的出入境管理队伍建设具有重要意义。

    It is very significant to strengthen the building of exit - entry frontier inspection rank in the new situation .

  15. 针对现行出入境管理立法存在的问题,笔者提出6项修订原则。对现行出入境管理行政执法中存在的行政体制陈旧,管理职能配备和机构设置不合理;

    In order to solve the problems in the entry & exit administrative legislation , the author proposes 6 adjustment principles .

  16. 出入境管理电子政务是一个涉及出入境行政管理和信息技术的综合性系统工程。

    E-politics in the Exit and Entry Administration is a comprehensive and systematic project involving exit and entry control with information technology .

  17. 出入境管理属于中央事权,是国家行政管理的一部分,必须坚持中央事权的原则不动摇,维护中央事权的集中和统一。

    It is a part of state administration . It must adhere to principles of central power and uphold focus and unity .

  18. 在当前中国新形势下,改革和完善我国的出入境管理法律制度十分必要。

    The author thinks that the reform and readjustment is very necessary for Chinese entry & exit legal system under the new circumstance .

  19. 而且查找起来非常方便,非常适用于潍坊市外事办登记检测和出入境管理。

    Moreover searches is convenient , is suitable for the Weifang foreign affairs office registration examination and the entering / leaving country management .

  20. 留学生应密切注意居留许可有效期,并亲自前往重庆市出入境管理局办理居留许可延长。

    International students shall pay close attention to the validity of residence permit and extend the residence permit in Chongqing Exit & Entry Administration Bureau by themselves .

  21. 学校有权向英国出入境管理局的决定提出申诉,并在六个月后可以重新申请高信任担保人资格。

    The university is entitled to appeal against the UKBA 's decision , and will be able to reapply for Highly Trusted Sponsor status in six months .

  22. 随着国家主权的加强,各国家民族意识的强化,各国的出入境管理机制日趋严密,非法移民问题越来越成为问题。

    Along with the national sovereignty and national consciousness constantly strengthened , appeared more and strict immigration management mechanism , illegal immigration and unity as opposing appears .

  23. 笔者认为,加强出入境管理和银行监管有利于阻止腐败犯罪分子逃至国外,预防犯罪资产跨国境转移。

    The author holds that strengthening Exit & Entry Administration and bank supervision can help stop corrupt officials from fleeing abroad and prevent illicit assets from being transferred abroad .

  24. 义乌市出入境管理局官员来院检查有3次不到课者将被取消学籍,并注销学习签证。

    Academic status and study visa will be cancelled if one is absent for any three inspections by the officials from the Entry-Exit Administration Department of Yiwu Public Security Bureau .

  25. 在京居留证需要境外租户事先到市出入境管理处办理(详情请见下表)。

    The Card of Residence in Beijing should be applied at Division of Exit and Entry Administration by overseas lessee . ( Details please refer to the following table ) .

  26. 我国的出入境管理工作历史由来已久,但在漫长的封建社会时代,出入境管理基本上比较粗犷、不成系统。

    Chinese control of the exit and entry has a long history , but in the long feudal society , control of the exit and entry was comparatively rough and unsystematic .

  27. 本月早些时候,出入境管理局的决定在伦敦都会大学的审查结束后作出。虽然本决定还没有正式宣布,但是已经透露给《星期日泰晤士报》。

    The border agency 's decision , which has not yet been formally announced but has been leaked to the Sunday Times , follows an audit of London Met earlier this month .

  28. 因此,必须进一步完善出入境管理法规,加强国际合作,在对人口走私犯罪活动进行严厉打击的同时,对当地居民加以合理的疏导。

    In the light of these , we must further perfect the acts in border administration , strengthen international cooperation , and reasonably direct the local residents while rigorously attacking human smuggling .

  29. 海外华侨华人和国家之间的不仅存在民族血缘关系,还存在法律确认的权利义务关系,涉及国籍、出入境管理、居留等多项权利义务。

    The overseas Chinese not only have national blood relations with China , but also have right and obligation relations involves nationality , migration management and inhabitation and so on which are confirmed by law .

  30. 然而,由于与我云南接壤段缅方地方民族武装势力的存在,给双方的边境安全、出入境管理和边境地区治安管理等增加了复杂性和特殊性。

    However , the existence of Burma local armed farces in the contiguous areas with Yunnan province add complexity and difficulty in the safety of border ' exit and entry management and public order management .