
  • 网络eilat;ELAT
  1. 一名巴勒斯坦人弹袭击了红海的以色列度假胜地埃拉特。

    Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the Israeli resort of Eilat on the Red Sea .

  2. 那时,珊瑚礁本来应该可以再生,因为当时一个污水处理厂开始处理埃拉特的垃圾了。

    At the time , the reefs should have regenerated as a sewage plant began to treat Eilat 's waste .

  3. 世界上最酷的海底餐厅红海星埃拉特,以色列

    A world famous restaurant under the water eilat , Israel

  4. 在位于死海和埃拉特海湾之间的阿拉瓦山谷中古老铜矿废墟内最近发现了以色列最古老的骆驼遗骸。

    Israel 's oldest camel bones are found at ancient copper mines in the Arava Valley , between the Dead Sea and the gulf .

  5. 以色列红海沿岸旅游城市埃拉特当地时间11月21日遭到大规模蝗虫侵袭,大片的庄稼和树木被蝗虫吞噬一空。

    Millions of locusts swarmed through Israel 's Red Sea resort town of Eilat on Sunday , devouring crops and flowers in the country 's south .

  6. 洛亚说:“我们现在处于最关键的时候,是挽救它们的最后一刻。”他数十年来一直在研究埃拉特的珊瑚礁。

    " We are in the11th hour , the very last moment to save them ," said Loya , who has studied Eilat 's reefs for decades .

  7. 洛亚解释道:关键是埃拉特海湾是一片营养贫乏、完全不含氮的海域。

    " The key point is that the Gulf of Eilat is an oligotrophic sea , a sea that does not have nitrogen at all ," Loya explained .

  8. 八月十八日以色列车队行至一条环以埃边境到旅游城市埃拉特的公路时,遭到猛烈袭击。此后巴拉克作出了上述决定。

    The decision comes after an audacious attack on August18th on Israeli vehicles travelling on a scenic road that hugs the Israel-Egypt border and ends at the resort town of Eilat .

  9. 周四,以色列暂时关闭了南部城市埃拉特的机场,这可能是对潜在袭击情报采取的应对措施,但是机场在武装分子被杀之前便重新开放。

    Israel briefly closed the airport in the southern city of Eilat Thursday , possibly in response to intelligence about potential attack , but the airport reopened before the militants were killed .

  10. 埃拉特不对穆斯林海军的通行构成威胁,但十字军会不断骚扰小规模的穆斯林船队,于是萨拉丁决心清除它。

    It did not pose a threat to the passage of the Muslim navy , but could harass smaller parties of Muslim ships and Saladin decided to clear it from his path .

  11. 同年,不知详细时间,萨拉丁袭击并夺取了十字军堡垒埃拉特,它建在亚喀巴湾湾岬外的一座岛上。

    It is unclear exactly when , but during that same year , he attacked and captured the Crusader castle of Eilat , built on an island off the head of the Gulf of Aqaba .