- exporter;exporting country;country of exportation;exporting nation

( ii ) the price of goods for export from a country other than the country of exportation ;
Identical imported goods produced in a country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for customs valuation ;
France is the world 's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products .
Vietnam has emerged as the world 's third-biggest rice exporter
Not many economies bloomed in 1990 , least of all gold exporters like Australia
We will be a net exporter of motor cars in just a few years ' time .
Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries , but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export .
The trend began in 2007 , when leading wheat-exporting countries such as Russia and Argentina limited or banned their exports , in hopes of increasing local food supplies and thereby bringing down domestic food prices .
In 1998 , China was the fourth-largest exporter , accounting for 14 per cent of the global market , according to the US Department of Agriculture .
China will shove Germany off its pedestal as the world 's biggest exporter .
After WTO , Japan had to declare opening rice market gradually , it gives China and other countries a good chance to export rice to Japan .
The White House favours a 4 per cent limit on current account surpluses or deficits , which would require major exporters to increase domestic consumption .
McKinsey predicts China will remain the world 's largest exporter of photovoltaics for the foreseeable future .
And it could put huge pressure on the Gulf Co-operation Council exporters to be , at the very least , slow in offering replacements to Europe .
China is set to overtake Germany as the largest goods exporter this year , as Asia 's dynamic economies show signs of leading a recovery in global trade , the World Trade Organisation said yesterday .
There have been calls for these subsidies to be eliminated , as well as calls for African cotton exporting countries to improve their competitiveness .
China has been a net exporter of all steel products for the past two months , according to a report by Macquarie equities .
China is one of the most important agricultural exporters in the world . After entering WTO , complying with international trend of economic globalization and trade integration , the development of Chinese agricultural products export goes steady .
Even the Brics group is divided equally between net importers ( China and India ) and net exporters ( Brazil and Russia ) .
Generally speaking , at the downstream stage , while GATT / WTO system provides appropriate rules for regulating various price discriminations , the key issue is to put them into operation .
Despite the fact that its people consume more calories and more grain-intensive meat , China has remained a net food exporter , says Jonathan Anderson , economist at UBS .
Real estate investment directly accounts for about 13 per cent of GDP so a collapse in the sector would have repercussions , not just in China but for commodity-exporting countries that rely on Chinese construction for their own growth .
G20 countries are to step in to try to co-ordinate a response to surging food prices , after the worst US drought in half a century devastated crops in the biggest agricultural exporter .
Though China is the largest production and export country of textiles and garment , the entry method to international market is relatively simplistic , with direct export and OEM as the main ways .
The dislocation prompted Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest oil exporter , to drop WTI as its benchmark for sales in the US .
With the termination of the Agreement on Textile and Clothes ( ATC ), trade in textile and clothing enters into an era of free trade . It is both an opportunity and a challenge for every fabric country .
Steven Englander , of Citigroup , said the losers from a rise in energy prices driven by a supply shock would be currencies belonging to growth-sensitive , non-oil commodity exporters and to currencies of economies that have large current account deficits .
Bottlenecks in exporting countries will hamper its ability to deliver .
The exporting country is unlikely to have much monopoly power .
Obvious examples are the now-vanished surpluses of oil exporters .