
  • 网络Publishing industry;publishing undertaking
  1. 这个国家的新闻出版事业受到严格控制。

    The country 's press is rigorously controlled .

  2. 鉴于此,必须加强党对科技出版事业的领导,深化科技出版体制改革,以迎接加入WTO的挑战。

    According to these , we must strengthen leading role of party and deepen reform of science and technology publishing system to welcome ours entering WTO .

  3. 现在出版事业当中电子排版得到广泛应用。

    Nowadays , Electronic composition is widely used in the publishing .

  4. 近代福建基督教图书出版事业之研究(1842&1949)

    Study on Modern Fujian Christian Book Industry ( 1842-1949 );

  5. 少年中国学会的出版事业

    On the Publishing Enterprise of the Association of Young China

  6. 报刊出版事业稳步发展。

    The publishing of newspapers and periodicals has also been developed steadily .

  7. 她决意从事出版事业。

    She 's absolutely set on publishing as a career .

  8. 出版事业类核心期刊:变化与启示

    Changes and inspirations in core journals of publication institutions

  9. 我终于有幸介入壁垒森严的出版事业。

    At lust I had a lucky break into the great citadel of publishing .

  10. 编辑队伍的素质关系到新闻出版事业的发展。

    Editorial quality is of great importance to the development of the press circles .

  11. 新升格本科院校学报是我国学术出版事业的新生力量。

    The journal of newly-upgraded universities is a new force in Chinese academic publishing course .

  12. 文化部出版事业管理局

    Publishing Administration of the Ministry of Culture

  13. 进入新世纪以来,我国的新闻出版事业取得了突飞猛进的发展。

    Since we entered the new century , our news and publishing industry has developed rapidly .

  14. 中国近代新闻出版事业为中国近代文学提供了大众传播的崭新载体&报纸,其对近代文学的影响有二。

    The impact of China 's press circles on its modern literature lies in two aspects .

  15. 新闻出版事业健康发展。

    Journalism and publishing developed soundly .

  16. 元代出版事业在金、宋基础上继续发展。

    Publication course achieved a continuous development in Yuan dynasty on the base of Song and Jin .

  17. 编辑的创造性是推动中国出版事业不断发展的不竭动力。

    The creativity of editor is a great power to push Chinese publish work forward for ever .

  18. 总之,福建基督教图书出版事业引领福建出版事业完成近代化进程。

    In a word , Fujian Christian book industry has led Fujian book industry to complete its modernized process .

  19. 新闻出版事业必须自觉承担时代赋予的重任,以人为本,更新出版观念,建立有效的出版运作机制,将代表着先进文化的前进方向这一科学论述落到实处。

    The news and press undertakings must shoulder its historical task to establish a much more efficient operation system .

  20. 新闻纸、出版事业、电影、戏剧、文艺,一切使合于国防的利益。

    Newspapers , books and magazines , films , plays , literature and art should all serve national defence .

  21. 新闻出版事业若要长足发展,就必须注重人才的培养。

    News publishing must pay attention to cultivation of talents if it is to develop soundly with great progress .

  22. 除了公益性的新闻出版事业外,皆为经营性的新闻出版产业。

    In addition to public news and publishing industry , both for the operation of the news publishing industry .

  23. 北魏士大夫居士对传统文教事业影响之探析中英文教出版事业协会有限公司

    Influence of the Lay Buddhist on the Traditional Culture and Education in Northern Wei Dynasty Anglo-Chinese Textbook Publishers Organization Limited

  24. 在新教来华的一百多年间,基督教会的文字出版事业始终都是传教士工作的重点。

    In the hundred years of Protestant in china , the Christian literature work has always been the focus of missionary work .

  25. 中国新闻出版事业的这一贡献,为中国现代文学的发展打好初步的基础。

    A fairly good foundation was laid for the development of China 's modern literature on the basis of the two achievements .

  26. 繁荣文学艺术、广播影视、新闻出版事业。

    We will strongly support social programs in literature , art , radio and television , film , mass media , and publishing .

  27. 大学出版社是我国出版事业的重要组成部分,是随着我国教育事业的发展而产生和发展起来的。

    The university press , which forms and grows with China 's education , is part and parcel of China 's press industry .

  28. 中英文教出版事业协会有限公司《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing .

  29. 但素政堂主人从事才子佳人小说出版事业时,冯梦龙已死,故素政堂主人当是冯梦龙后人。

    But the Bookstore only began to engage in publishing after the death of Feng Menglong , so its owner should be his descendant .

  30. 高校学报是社会主义出版事业中的重要方面军,为繁荣我国科学文化事业做出了积极贡献。

    As an important force of socialist publishing cause , college journals have made active contribution to China 's scientific and cultural flourish and development .