
bīng qíng
  • ice condition
冰情[bīng qíng]
  1. 2002~2003年冬季渤海的冰情及预报

    Ice condition and forecast in the Bohai Sea in 2002-2003 winter

  2. 本文取上世纪后50年至2003年度冬季渤海地区气温作为与渤海冬季冰情有关的气候指标。

    By using the winter air temperature data of the Bo-hai sea area from 1951 to 2003 for the climate guideline of the ice condition .

  3. BP神经网络非线性组合预测模型在海洋冰情预测中的应用

    BP Neural Network Based Nonlinear Combination Forecasting Model for Forecasting Marine Ice Condition

  4. 模型的尺寸是以现场冰情为准,其中河宽为长,冰厚为高。河流的轴向长度远远大于河宽,属于平面应变问题,计算宽度取为1m。

    It is a kind of plane strain problem because the river length is far more than its width so that the width of the model is set to be 1m .

  5. 假定不出现冰情,观测河段水位将下降0.1~0.4m,过流能力将提高30%~65%。

    If the ice conditions were not considered , the water levels in the observed river reaches would be reduced by 0.1-0.4 m and the discharge capacities , increased by 30 % - 65 % .

  6. 海洋冰情预测的径向基函数网络模型

    Radial basis function network model for prediction of sea ice condition

  7. 三个海湾比较,辽东湾冰情最重。

    Liaodong Bay is the most serious area among the three bays .

  8. 遗传双线性模型在海洋冰情预测中的应用

    Application of genetic bilinear time series model to predicting marine ice condition

  9. 利用灰色系统方法预测冰情

    A Grey System Forecasting Method Used to Forecast the Sea ice Condition

  10. 用基于加速遗传算法的组合预测模型预测海洋冰情

    Predicting Sea Ice Condition by Using Accelerating Genetic Algorithm Based Combined Forecasting Model

  11. 渤海冬季油气生产危险冰情报警方法

    A Dangerous Ice Warning Method for Oil and Gas Production In Bohai Sea

  12. 渤海冰情航空遥感技术研究

    Research on aerial remote sensing technique of sea ice for the Bohai Sea

  13. 黄河上游冰情变化与水库调度关系

    Relationship Between Changes Of Ice Information In The Upper Yellow River And Reservoir Regulation

  14. 冰情雪韵中同享冰城瑰丽之冬色,和谐世界里共抒深情厚谊之情怀。

    Enjoy beauty of winter of ice city , enjoy friendship of harmonious world .

  15. 他们告诫他注意冰情。

    They warned him about the ice .

  16. 明渠冰情预报的数学模型

    Ice regime forecast model in open channel

  17. 南水北调中线工程输水冰情的初步分析

    Preliminary study on ice regime in the Middle Route of South to North Water Transfer Project

  18. 2005~2006年冬季渤海冰情及海冰警报

    Sea Ice Condition and Ice Warning in the Bohai Sea during the 2005 ~ 2006 Winter

  19. 1982~1983年冬季渤海及黄海北部的冰情分析

    Ice conditions analysis of Bohai Sea and north area of Yellow Sea in winter season during 1982-1983

  20. 2006~2007年冬季渤海天气与冰情分析

    Analysis of Weather and Ice Conditions for the Bohai Sea in the Winter of 2006 ~ 2007

  21. 建立黄河下游冰情数学模型优化三门峡水库防凌调度的研究

    River Ice Modelling in Lower Reaches of the Yellow River and Its Utility in Sanmen Gorge Reservoir Regulation

  22. 本文的研究可为冰冻地区河流建立冰情预报模型提供有益的参考。

    This study provide useful and important help reference for the frozen rivers of ice forecasting model established .

  23. 黄河宁蒙河段冰情预报决策支持系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of decision support system for ice regime forecast of Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of Yellow River

  24. 本文概述2005-2006年冬季渤海冰情。

    The sea ice conditions of Bohai Sea in the winter of 2005 ~ 2006 are introduced briefly .

  25. 1997/98年冬季渤海和黄海北部冰情特征分析

    Sea ice characteristic analysis of the Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea during the 97 / 98 's winter

  26. 南堡-曹妃甸海域是渤海湾冰情严重海域之一。

    The sea area from Nanpu to Caofeidian is one of the sea areas with serious ice condition in Bohai Bay .

  27. 分析了多种因子与冰情的滞后相关,指出20世纪90年代渤海冰情持续偏轻与全球气候变暖趋势相当一致;

    The ice conditions are continuously mild since the 1990s , which is related to the tendency of the global warming .

  28. 黄河冰凌灾害遥感动态监测模式及冰情信息提取模型研究

    The Research on the RS Dynamic Monitoring Mode of the Yellow River Icicle Hazard and the Ice Regime Information Extraction Model

  29. 为充分发挥预报的作用,进一步满足不同形式作业的要求,本文首次尝试用计算的网格点上冰情的时间变化提供定点定时冰情预报图。

    In order to satisfy requirements of users , this paper tries to develop a new kind of ice situation prediction .

  30. 对于寒区的海洋平台,当冰情出现时,海冰载荷将成为平台的主要控制载荷。

    Towards the offshore platform in sea ice zone , sea ice load is the primary control load when ice conditions appear .