
yú qū
  • fishing area;fishing ground
渔区 [yú qū]
  • [fishing ground] 某地区渔业在生产结构中居主导地位

渔区[yú qū]
  1. 浙江舟山渔区糖尿病流行病学调查

    Survey of diabetes mellitus in a fishing area of Zhoushan Zhejiang

  2. 发展休闲渔业振兴渔区经济

    Developing recreational fishery , revitalizing fishing area economy

  3. 浙江舟山渔区健康成人血清脂质和载脂蛋白B水平的初步研究

    Preliminary study on serum lipids and apo B levels of the healthy adults in Zhou San fishery District

  4. 这片争议海域蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,同时还包括斯卡伯勒浅滩(ScarboroughShoal,中国称黄岩岛)等渔区,菲律宾船只和中国船只曾于2012年在该区域进行了近两个月的对峙。

    The contested waters include areas potentially rich in oil and gas , as well as rich fishing waters such as Scarborough Shoal , where Philippine and Chinese vessels were locked in a standoff for nearly two months in 2012 .

  5. 其次介绍了FLMS的系统设计,主要有系统结构设计、数据库设计、代码标准化设计、安全性设计、渔区设计、图表设计等;

    Secondly , the system design of the FLMS was introduced which mainly includes system architecture design , database design , coding standard design , security design , fishing zone design and design of chart , etc.

  6. 尽管食肉动物增多了,但加勒比海珊瑚礁得到了禁渔区的保护。

    Caribbean reefs protected by no-fishing zones despite rise in predators .

  7. 中国沿海渔区类型划分的初步研究

    Study on dividing fishing areas in Chinese coastal regions

  8. 关于培育渔区二、三产业对策探讨

    A Study on Countermeasure to Bring up the Second and the Third Industries in Fishery Region

  9. 浙江省舟山渔区外周动脉病患病率调查

    Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease and its risk factors in Zhoushan fishery area in Zhejiang Province

  10. 使用地理信息系统绘制海洋渔区及渔业政策图

    The application of GIS techniques on drawing the China marine fishing chart and fishery polices map

  11. 平安渔业建设中渔区社会保障体系建设研究

    Social security system in fishing villages

  12. 炼锅真是一切渔区的最富有鱼气的地方,它真是名副其实;

    Fishiest of all fishy places was the Try Pots , which well deserved its name ;

  13. 目的:探讨渔区高血压患者血脂,载脂蛋白,免疫球蛋白水平的改变。

    Objective : To explore the serum lipoproteins and humeral immunity levels of hypertensive patients in fishing district .

  14. 渔区年轻人主动脉蛋白聚糖和嗜苏丹病变的定量分析

    Proteoglycan Analysis and Morphometric Study on the Sudanophilic Lesions of Arterial Intima in Young Adults in Fishing Zone

  15. 四,论文对浙江省沿海重要渔区进行了实证分析。

    This paper did some research analyses on fishery mutual insurance along the coastal areas in Zhejiang province .

  16. 渔民所遭受的这种危害并不只限于渔场遭受油污染的情况,非渔区的溢油污染也同样会造成这种危害。

    The impair to fishermen are due to both fishing ground petroleum spill and petroleum spill of other areas .

  17. 延长东海区伏季休渔期的渔业效果分析平安渔业建设中渔区社会保障体系建设研究

    Effects of the prolonged summer closed fishing period on fisheries in East China Sea Social security system in fishing villages

  18. 在禁渔区或者禁渔期内禁止销售非法捕捞的渔获物。

    It is prohibited to sell illegally fished fishing gains in the banned fishing areas or within the banned fishing periods .

  19. 我们先放弃在公地采集食物,把农地圈围起来,草原,猎区和渔区列为禁区。

    First we abandoned the commons in food gathering , enclosing farm land and restricting pastures and hunting and fishing areas .

  20. 训练内容包括:在中国专属经济区的8个渔区内,舰艇和战机配合,共同打击目标。

    The training involves naval vessels and fighter planes shooting together at targets in eight fishing zones within China 's exclusive economic zone .

  21. 分析了影响流转的限制因素,如法律障碍、渔区经济发展水平、渔民自身素质等;

    Then , the affected factors , such as legal obstacles , the economic development in fisheries society and the quality of fishermen , were analyzed .

  22. 本文重点从两个方面对通过加快渔业增长方式转变促进社会主义新渔区建设进行了阐述。

    The paper has expatiated that the transformation of the manner of fishery increase is the realism requirement of the construction of new socialism fishery region .

  23. 海洋渔业不仅为沿海渔区和渔村提供主要的经济来源,也是沿海地区重要的经济增长点。

    Marine fishery not only provides the main source of income for coastal region and fishing villages , but also acts as an important economic growth to littoral .

  24. 天津中心渔港是发展新型海洋经济的重要载体,是促进渔区城市化的国家重点项目。

    As a national key project , Central Fishing Port of Tianjin is an important carrier of a new oceanic economy development , which can promote urbanization of fishing area .

  25. 浙江舟山普陀渔区20年脑卒中发病变化的前瞻性研究&脑卒中保护因子初探

    A Prospective Survey of the Change of Stroke Incidences over 20 Years in Putuo Fishing Village of Zhoushan , Zhejiang Provinc & A Primary Exploration on the Protective Factors for Stroke

  26. 长期以来,渔业高投入、高风险、低保障的矛盾十分突出,已经严重影响到了渔业经济可持续发展和渔区社会稳定。

    Sustainable development of fishery economics and social stability of fishery areas have been affected seriously as a result of prominent contradictions in fishery high input , high risk and low security .

  27. 渔业执法是维护渔区正常渔业生产秩序,保障合法生产渔民的利益,维护渔业资源可持续发展的重要手段。

    Fishery law enforcement is maintaining the normal order of mutually fishery production and to ensure the legal interests of fishermen , maintain production of fishery resources sustainable development is the important means .

  28. 根据实测数据对我国主要渔区(东、黄海)的波浪进行了统计分析,得出适用于该海区的有效波高与有效周期及有效波高与平均周期的统计关系式。

    Based on data collected from East China Sea , the waves are calculated and analysed statistically , therefore as obtained the relation between wave height and significant period as well as average period .

  29. 同一地理环境、不同居住区域儿童肥胖检出率差异有统计学意义,城区、农区、渔区检出率分别为6.3%,2.6%,2.5%。

    The prevalence of obesity varied in different habitation areas of the same geography environment , and the rate was 6.3 % for urban , 2.6 % for suburb and 2.5 % for fishing area .

  30. 我国农、牧、渔区能源短缺严重,风力发电作为补充能源,在这些地区有着广阔的发展前途。

    Owing to the severe shortage of energy in the rural , pastoral and fishing areas of China , there are broad prospects for the development of wind power as an auxiliary energy source in the above districts .