- post glacial

Two sedimentary rhythms can be detected in core D : MIS 4 regression to MIS 3 transgression and MIS 2 regression to the post glacial transgression .
The surface sand layer ( 0 ~ 2 cm ) consists of residual or palimpsest sediments which were formed in the late Pleistocene and transformed in the post glacial transgression .
In the calculation of site displacement , 3-degree Love numbers are introduced , the viscosity of the earth mantle is considered , the ICE-4G model of postglacial rebound is applied , and the formulae of removing antenna deformation in VLBI observations are given .
Preliminary study on postglacial coastal sequences of China drying the ice
Characteristics of Element Composition of Postglacial Sediment in the Changjiang Estuary
Sedimentary features and division of the postglacial strata atop the Changjiang Delta
In late-glacial transgression the coasts must be transformed .
The climate of this area has been changing with aridity and moisture .
The evolution of the water body environment in Qinghai Lake since the postglacial age
Was a post-glacial temperature-increasing stage , in which lakes had their high water level .
A preliminary study on sediment flux in the Zhujiang River Delta during the postglacial period
A Preliminary Discussion on the Sediment Source of the East China Sea Coast since Late-glacial Transgression
Postglacial transgressive sedimentary records of muddy sedimentary areas in the north of the South Yellow Sea
Dali glacial period in the Northwest Yunnan and rate of crustal deformation in post ~ glacial period
The postglacial Changjiang incised-valley system consists of the earlier valley fills and consequent estuarine and deltaic deposits .
There were three main stages in Late Quaternary climate changes : last interglacial , Dali-ice age and post glaciation .
The maximum flooding surface lying in estuarine - shallow marine muddy unit demarcates the underlying transgressive sequence and overlying regressive sequence .
The northern Yellow Sea muddy coast changes , the formation of coastal landform and the natural zoning of tidal flat are analysed .
The Dali glaciation and the postglacial in eastern China a preliminary discussion of china 's climatic variation during past 3o , ooo years
Lake-level reconstruction for closed-basin lakes in China may provide key-site information important for the study of Asian monsoon evolution of the Holocene .
Based on the synthesis analysis of dating data , the positions of ancient coast lines in post-glacial period and mid-Holocene are given .
As a post glacial age came , the Beijing climate became warm and wet , weathering fragments formed in that glacial age were moved from the mountain region into Beijing Plain .
The formation of marine organic-rich source rocks is closely related to the oxygen content in the atmosphere , xerothermic climate , and the rapid rise of sea level caused by a rapid increase of temperatures and melting of glaciers , between a glacial age and a postglacial age .
This strongly proves the fact that the old strata are exposed , then weathered , eroded , transported and mixed with the young sediment in the sea area under the suitable hydrodynamical condition owing to the great change of the climate and structure conditions in the postglacial period .
The initial ice jam thickness is a basic parameter in research of ice jam character and has important influences on its thickening , developing or in equilibrium later on .