
  • 网络Earth Water
  1. 比例并不大:只有2.5%的地球水是是淡水,其中大多数还封锁在极地冰中。

    It 's not much : 2.5 percent of Earth water is fresh , and most of that is locked up in polar ice .

  2. 数据显示月球水比地球水包含更多的重氢元素,并与海尔波普彗星、百武彗星及哈雷彗星更为接近。

    They found deuterium at higher levels than it 's found in Earth water - but at levels similar to the comets Hale-Bopp , Hyakutake and Halley .

  3. 兰州市榆中盆地地球水化学特征与地温场分析

    Hydrochemical features and geothermal field analysis of Yuzhong basin , Lanzhou City

  4. 结果,发现地球水化学与地温场存在密切关系,并依此确定了地热异常区和深部断裂构造。

    Geothermal anomaly area and deep seated faults are determined .

  5. 事实上,地球水资源的97.5%都是咸水&海水。

    Well , 97.5 per cent of our water resources are salty - it 's sea water .

  6. 此研究同时也解释了有关地球水资源的一个谜题——海洋是如何形成的。

    The finding could also explain a mystery of water on Earth - how the oceans got here .

  7. 地球水化学测温测压技术在辽河油田千12块中的应用研究

    Application and research of earth hydrochemistry temperature and pressure measuring technology in Qian 12 unit of Liaohe oil field

  8. 由于意识不到地球水资源的有限性,人们每天都浪费很多水。

    People , not realizing that water resources on the earth are limited , waste a great amount of water every day .

  9. 由于地球水分子多,能量释放缓慢亦使陆地生成缓慢,陆地是其后产生的。

    Owing to its vast quantities of water , the Earth released energy in a slow manner , thus making its epeirogeny slow , too .

  10. 水源热泵技术是利用地球水所储藏的太阳能资源作为冷、热源,进行转换的空调技术。

    Water source heat pump technology is a kind of air-condition technology , which uses the energy store in water as cold and heat source to conversion .

  11. 摘要地球水资源短缺问题日益严重,直接影响自然与经济社会可持续发展。

    Water resource shortage problem of the earth is getting more and more serious , which directly influences the sustainable development of the nature , economy and society .

  12. 河流系统在维持地球水循环、能量平衡、气候变化和生态发展方面具有重要作用,是人类最重要的生命支撑系统,它提供了生产、生活和生态用水等功能。

    The river system plays an important role in maintaining the water cycle , energy balance , climate changing and ecological development , which is the most important human life support system , and provides the functions of water use of production , living and ecological .

  13. 整个地球的水循环正在改变,斯托特表示。

    The whole water cycle is changing , said Mr Stott .

  14. 论地球之水与人类发展的关系

    On the Relationship of Earth Water and the Development of Mankind

  15. 对未来推测,如:如果明天地球没有水的话,我们怎么办?

    What should we do if there should no water on the earth tomorrow ?

  16. 世界撞球和台球锦标赛国际联合会地球是水与陆地合成的球体。

    International Federation for World Snooker and Billiard Championships The earth is a terraqueous globe .

  17. 有关特别是涉及领航方面地球表面水的测量,描述与映射的科学。

    The science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation .

  18. 像彗星这样的冰状天体曾给年轻的地球提供水和碳基分子,从而促进了地球上生命的起源。

    Icy objects such as comets may have helped start life on Earth by delivering water and carbon-based molecules to the young planet .

  19. 地球上海水占的面积共计为三百八十三亿二千五百五十八万平方公里。

    THE PART OF THE planet earth that the seas occupy has been assessed at 3832558 square myriameters , hence more than 38000000000 hectares .

  20. 地球是水资源不可替代的珍贵源泉。环境是我们每一个生活在这个星球上的人都必须保护的东西。

    Save nature the planet earth is a valuable and irreplaceable source of water and the environment is something everyone living on this planet must protect .

  21. 现在,通过检查水的同位素构成,研究人员发现这与第一次给地球带来水的陨石相吻合。

    Now , by examining the isotopic composition of that water , researchers have found that it matches that of meteorites , the likes of which also delivered Earth its first drink .

  22. 古人认为地球飘浮在水里。

    The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water

  23. 的地球表面为水所覆盖。这些水一直处于运动状态之中。

    Three-fourths of the Earth 's surface is covered with water .

  24. 所以我们要好好利用地球上的水。

    So we should make good use of water on earth .

  25. 在地球上,水比陆地占的面积大。

    We have more water than land on the globe .

  26. 溶质迁移理论包括水动力弥散、分子扩散和水文地球化学的水岩作用。

    The theory of migration includes dispersion , diffusion and water-rock interaction .

  27. 人们相信在地球上的水资源是有限。

    It is believed that the water resources on the earth are limited .

  28. 许多人认为,地球上有水的存在这个特性对于生命的起源特别重要。

    Many people think that this was important for the beginning of life .

  29. 百分之六十一多的地球表面被水覆盖着。

    More than sixty-one percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water .

  30. 我们的地球一直拥有水。

    Our planet has always harbored water .