
  1. 倘若“地轴倾斜”理论被观察否定了

    If the axis-tilt theory had been refuted ,

  2. 假说的第二种运动与地轴倾斜有关,

    The second movement involved in the hypothesis has to do with axial tilt .

  3. 地轴的倾斜也解释了太阳在一年中不同的仰角

    And the tilt also explains the sun 's angle of elevation at different times of year ,

  4. 如果地轴不倾斜,地球上就没有季节变化。

    If the earth 's axis did not tilt , there would be no seasonal change on it .

  5. 在智利发生的地震造成的地轴23.5度轻微倾斜的现象是地球母亲计划的先兆。

    The delicate shift in the Earth's23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is anyhow another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans .

  6. 报告称在过去的年代中火星也许曾有过一个相对温暖的气候,那时它的地轴冲着太阳倾斜的角度更大。

    The report says that Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages past , due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun .