
  • 网络freezing weather
  1. 1999年严重霜冻、冰冻天气对广西农业的影响

    The Effect Of Serious Frostbite And Freezing Weather On Guangxi 'S Agriculture In 1999

  2. 中国南方将持续冰冻天气。

    Freezing weather in south China to continue .

  3. 2008年初全国雨雪冰冻天气的OLR资料分析

    Analysis of Satellite OLR Data for the Extremely Icy Rain and Snow Weather Events in China During January-February 2008

  4. 2008年初江西低温雨雪冰冻天气过程成因探讨

    Causes of Jiangxi low-temperature and freezing rain process in early 2008

  5. 低温雨雪冰冻天气过程锋区特征分析

    Analysis of the frontal characteristics of the cryogenic freezing rain and snow weather

  6. 冰冻天气对桔子树是有害的。

    Freezing winter is harmful to orange trees .

  7. 2008年初云南低温雨雪冰冻天气的气候成因分析

    Cause Analyses of Severe Cold and Snowy Weather Formation in Yunnan in Early 2008

  8. 特大雨雪冰冻天气对林业有害生物的影响及防控对策

    The Effects of Unusual Sleet and Freezing Weather on the Forest Pest and Control Measures

  9. 99.12广西严重霜冻、冰冻天气过程特征及预报分析

    The Features And Forecast Analysis Of " 99.12 " Serious Frostbite And Freezing Weather Process In Guangxi

  10. 从历史上来看,当暴风雪或冰冻天气来临的时候,这个城市的态度是怎样的呢?

    Historically , what 's been the attitude of the city when it comes to snow or ice ?

  11. 受冰冻天气影响,欧洲大部分地区继续面临交通阻塞问题,但是某些基础服务已获恢复。

    Much of Europe continues to face transport problems because of freezing weather but some services have resumed .

  12. 他们需要在温暖的天气变胖,这样他们才能忍受冬天的冰冻天气。

    They need to grow fat in the warm weather if they are to endure the winter freeze .

  13. 2008年初河南低温雨雪冰冻天气的气候特征及环流特点

    Climate Characteristics and Circulation Features of the Extremely Low Temperature and Snow-ice Disasters in Early 2008 in Henan

  14. 英超联赛高层有信心冰冻天气将不会导致大量英超比赛被堆积至赛季末段。

    PREMIER LEAGUE chiefs are confident the big freeze will not lead to a serious fixture pile-up at the end of the season .

  15. 天气预报称,因为近期寒流影响,环渤海地区的冰冻天气将加剧。

    Weather forecasters say the freezing conditions in the area around the Bohai Sea are expected to worsen , due to recent cold snaps .

  16. 然而,中国的长期冰冻天气是有来自西北部的冷空气团在内的多方面的原因造成的。

    However , he said China 's freeze-up was a result of several causes combined and was partly caused by a cold surge from the north and west .

  17. 我国电网事故不断,尤其是2008年初的冰冻天气造成大量杆塔倒塌,严重影响经济运行和正常生活。

    Especially , a large number of towers collapsed because of freezing weather in early 2008 . As a result , economic operation and routine life were severely affected .

  18. 冬季大雪和冰冻天气给车辆和行人的出行安全带来隐患,甚至可能带来巨大的经济损失。于是除雪化冰工作变得十分重要。

    In winter , snowing and icing weather have the potential of danger for the traffic and people , sometimes it will bring enormous economic loss , so shifting snow and ice become important .

  19. 2008年初的南方雨雪冰冻天气属于极性灾害性气候,其中湖南省是本次冰冻灾害天气受灾最为严重的地区,而交通设施受灾又是重中之重。

    The weather of freezing rain and snow in South in early 2008 is belonging to the polarity of disastrous climate . Hunan province was affected severely . And one of the worst affected facilities is traffic facilities .

  20. 在一份随数据发布的官方声明中,余秋梅称:受低温雨雪冰冻天气的影响,加之春节临近,部分鲜活食品价格可能还会出现一定程度的波动。

    Impacted by low-temperature rain , snow and freezing weather , plus with spring festival [ Chinese lunar new year ] approaching , some fresh food prices will continue to be volatile , he said in an official statement released with the data .

  21. 研究背景和目的:近年来,世界各地极端气候事件频繁发生,如2008年初发生于我国南方地区的低温雨雪冰冻天气。

    Background and Objective : Recently years , more and more extremely weather and climate events frequently happen all over the world . For example , the extremely cold and snowy weather event happened in southern China in the beginning of the year 2008 .

  22. 低温雨雪冰冻天气可导致交通事故、建筑物倒塌等意外事件增加,颅脑外伤等创伤性疾病发生率急剧上升。受伤后,由于道路湿滑、交通运输困难等原因,病人往往容易暴露于低温环境中。

    The extremely cold and snowy weather event not only can result traffic accidents and building collapse , increasing the incidence rate of trauma , but also often can get trauma patients exposed to low temperature a period of time following injury because of slippery road and traffic jams .

  23. 2005年湖南省特大冰冻灾害天气分析

    Analysis of Freezing - hazard Event in 2005 in Hunan Province

  24. 在冰冻的天气里,放一盆水在室外。

    Leave a basin of water outside in freezing weather .

  25. 2008年冰冻雨雪天气过程中滇东北地区导线覆冰模拟试验

    The icing simulation experiments of conductor during Jan 2008 in the northeast Yunnan

  26. 南方极端低温雨雪冰冻过程天气学特征分析

    Analysis of Synoptic Characteristic of Extremely Low Temperature and Snow-ice Weather in South China

  27. 湖南罕见的一次低温雨雪冰冻灾害天气分析及预警预报

    A Synoptic Analysis and Warning Forecast of an Unprecedented Severe Cold Surge , Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster in Hunan

  28. 持续大范围低温、雨雪和冰冻极端天气给电力、煤炭、成品油的生产和运输组织工作带来严重影响。

    The Impact of disastrous weather of rain , snow and ice on supply of coal , power and oil and the transportation capacity .

  29. 同时,在一月份发生的冰冻雨雪天气证明极端天气现象也会使国家瘫痪,也许不是经济上的损失,但是却给中国的传统佳节春节蒙上了一层阴影。

    A fierce freeze-up this January showed how the weather could also bring paralysis , less economically damaging perhaps but awkward all the same over a great national holiday .

  30. 最后,通过2008年南方大范围雨雪冰冻灾害天气导致铁路网大规模瘫痪的实例,验证该模型的可用性。

    At last , this paper verifies the availability of this model through an example of paralyzed railway network caused by continuing snow and freezing weather in the south in 2008 .