
  • 网络Kohei Uchimura
  1. 在裁判重新观看内村航平的鞍马动作回放时,北格林威治体育馆(NorthGreenwichArena)的观众都在紧张地等待着。

    The crowd at North Greenwich Arena tensely waited as the judges reviewed Uchimura 's routine .

  2. 森本诚说,日本能在柔道赛场上夺得4枚金牌;男子体操队有望在团体赛中夺冠,并靠内村航平(KoheiUchimura)在单项比赛中夺金。

    Morimoto says Japan can win four goldmedals in judo , and the men 's gymnastics team is looking for gold with Kohei Uchimura in theindividual event and in the team event .

  3. 在英国男子体操队意外摘得一枚银牌后,日本对鞍马比赛的评分提出申诉,在这项男团决赛的最后一项比赛中,日本超级巨星内村航平(KoheiUchimura)似乎从鞍马上跌落下来。

    After Britain appeared to notch a surprise silver medal on its home turf , Japan appealed a score in the day 's last event , in which superstar Kohei Uchimura appeared to fall off the pommel horse .

  4. 日本体操名将内村航平7月20号出征里约,却因“口袋妖怪”游戏收获了天价账单。

    Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura apparently ran up a ridiculously expensive Pok é mon Go bill after heading to Rio on July 20 .