
xiāng pū
  • sumo;Japanese traditional wrestling sumo
相扑 [xiàng pū]
  • [Japanese traditional wrestling sumo] 一种类似摔交的体育活动,秦汉时期叫做角抵,南北朝到宋元时期叫做相扑

相扑[xiāng pū]
  1. 顶尖的相扑选手可获得超级明星的地位。

    Top-ranking sumo wrestlers attain superstar status .

  2. 背单词—服装英语词汇日本有关组织日前向相扑选手们分发了苹果iPad,以解决他们手指太粗,没法用普通手机进行交流的问题。

    Japanese sumo wrestlers have been given iPads to communicate because their fingers are too fat to use a standard mobile phone .

  3. 据报道,日本相扑协会之所以给选手们发iPad是因为iPad的按键比手机按键大,适合相扑运动员粗壮的手指。

    The iPad was chosen because the sumo association believed the device was big enough to cater to wrestler 's fat fingers , unlike the smaller keys on mobile phones , according to reports .

  4. 在相扑中,这种欺负弱小的行为叫做“kiai-ire”,也就是“精神鼓舞”;

    In sumo this bullying is called kiai-ire , or " instilling spirit ";

  5. 日本相扑协会从本周起开始向该国的51个相扑俱乐部和协会高级官员分发60个iPad,以改善他们彼此间的沟通交流状况。相扑协会主席放驹说:“感觉挺好用的,发电子邮件很方便。”

    The Japan Sumo Association is distributing about 60 iPads among all the 51 training stables and top association officials from this week to help improve communication . " It seems rather easy to use , " association chief Hanaregoma . " Sending emails was very easy . "

  6. Yagihara的公司制造过各种橡胶面具,不仅包括政界名流,还有卡通人物、相扑高手以及青铜佛像的面具。

    Yagihara 's studio has created a variety of rubber masks , not only those of politicians but also the faces of cartoon characters and sumo wrestlers as well as the head of a bronze Buddha statue .

  7. 对于很多人来说,相扑代表日本文化。

    For many people , sumo is synonymous with Japanese culture .

  8. 他出汗的状态就像正在跑马拉松的相扑运动员。

    He 's sweating like a sumo wrestler running a marathon .

  9. 我真的很看重相扑摔角,你知道吗?

    I really take my sumo wrestling seriously , you know .

  10. 在日本我去看了世界级相扑冠军赛。

    While in Tokyo I attended the sumo wrestling world championship .

  11. 而就是这个国家给我们带来了相扑表演

    And this from the land that brought us sumo wrestling

  12. 相扑在日本是一种传统的运动。

    Sumo is a kind of traditional sport in Japan .

  13. 相扑运动是作为日本宗教节日的一部分开始的。

    Sumo started as a part of Japanese religious festivals .

  14. 他是日本最有名的相扑运动员之一。

    He is one of the most famous sumo wrestiers in japan .

  15. 此外,进入相扑运动的新人也越来越少。

    Moreover , there are fewer recruits to the sport .

  16. 在相扑锦标赛期间,相扑火锅专门选用鸡肉为主料。

    During sumo tournaments , this hot pot is served exclusively with chicken meat .

  17. 相扑就是运动与宗教的混合体,仍然保留着复杂的净身仪式。

    Sumo , with its complex purification rituals , was both sport and religion .

  18. 相扑运动员个个都有一个肥硕的身体。

    Every sumo wrestler is large and firm-fleshed .

  19. 然而,相扑不像足球和篮球那样,仅仅是一项运动。

    However , sumo is more than just a sport like football or basketball .

  20. 这是一本论述日本相扑的书。

    This is a book on Japanese sumo .

  21. 而就是这个国家给我们带来了相扑表演……

    And this from the land that brought us sumo wrestling ... Thai him up

  22. 基于模块化设计的相扑机器人研究

    Research on ROBOT-SUMO based on modular design

  23. 2007年,小报披露了日本国家运动——相扑的操纵比赛丑闻。

    In2007 the tabloids broke the allegations of match-fixingin sumo wrestling , the national sport .

  24. 闯荡日本的中国相扑手

    A Chinese Sumo Wrestler in Japan

  25. 题材多以歌妓,相扑,旅游景点和剧情等为主。

    Subject to many singing-girl , sumo , such as tourist attractions and the main plot .

  26. 日本的国技是相扑。人们主要在电视上看比赛。

    The national sport of Japan is sumo , mainly a spectator sport watched on television .

  27. 我看到相扑选手仪式性的向场上撒盐,真是太神奇了。

    It was amazing , the moment the sumo wrestlers threw the ceremonial salt into the air .

  28. 一名职业摔跤手,或者叫相扑手,需要遵守很多不同的规则。

    A professional sumo wrestler , or rikishi , has many different rules and regulations to follow .

  29. 今年,由于一系列丑闻,相扑的声誉受到严重打击。

    The reputation of sumo wrestling has been badly hit by a series of scandals this year .

  30. 一个出生于蒙古人的相扑冠军,在一个四月-长的中止之后在一月中回到圈。

    Asashoryu , a Mongolian-born sumo champion , returned to the ring in mid-January after a four-month-long suspension .