- 名internal code

This article analyses in detail the structure and relation of Chinese character internal code adopted by IBM PC and that by IBM 5550 ;
Unicode Internal Code Transform and Chinese Random Code
Programming Techniques and Realization of Chinese Environment Under English Windows System
For example , the SOA Performance kit comes with the encoding style , XML parser , and use cases .
The appropriate choice of system encoding is the necessary condition to realize chinese platform of embedded Linux OS .
FPGA Implementation of Channel Inner Decoding in DVB-T System
Access to Unicode Character Set of Chinese Characters and Phonetic Coding
Simulations have shown CPM spreading modulator as an inner coding modulator can provide the interleaver gain explicitly .
Fast estimation of inner-code information in the DVB-S receiving system
Geometric distribution is used to depict the change of scene and the fluctuation is described by the AR ( 2 ) model in the same scene .
Chapter five explains the implementation of inner-code system in DVB-S channel receive chip .
The cascade correcting code of outer RS ( Reed-Solomon ) code concatenated with inner TCM ( Trellis Coded Modulation ) code is adopted for signal coding .
This software makes use of CBD ( component-based development ) and expands the capability of IE to deal with MMC and implements the reading function of Web page .
The main content includes carrying out several tasks , such as designing the target , analyzing the structure module , choosing code , setting up local environment , developing input method and localize Message , and so on .
Within the tracking loop , the code and carrier track together for mutual support . Use a good anti-interference features of code tracking and high-precision features of carrier tracking , which enhanced GPS autonomous tracking performance .
Woven convolutional codes adopt the " Woven " scheme to disperse the errors of inner coder in some special manner . This structure makes Woven convolutional codes perform better .
The principle and method of developing COM component for ASP file upload by VB is described . It is discussed to convert the internal code of Chinese characters into Chinese characters in VB .
In order to reduce the estimate-time of the inner-code information in DVB-S receive systems , two solutions were put forward .
This paper presents a tree data structure so called trie like tree , used for Chinese character input with " full pinyin " method .
To further improve the power efficiency , CPM as a inner code can be serially concatenated with the binary CC ( Convolutional Code ) as a outer code , which is a system both has the channel code and the modulation .
Finally design Z to C compiler , output each kind of word and its code value in Z lexical analysis , leave corresponding wrong processing after the Z grammar analysis , finally through refinement rule to transform the C + + procedure code .
The design and realization of Chinese , Japanese and English character compatible operating system ( NiHao-FP ) are presented . The internal code structure and the interface of Japanese MS - DOS are discussed in detail .
Based on the MPEG-4 video traffic of low quality and high quality , a hybrid model is presented to capture the frame size at multiple time scales : the change of scene and fluctuation of bit-rate .
This paper does a research on the Viterbi decoder which is compatible with DVB-T standards . Viterbi decoder is the critical part of the inner-code decoding of the DVB-T receiver with important research value .
This essay describes the method of using the internal code to take the place of the imformation in the software surface programme which is realized by the special display of UCDOS .
Based on the study of the inter carrier interference ( ICI ) introduced by the Doppler dispersion , the ICI was estimated by using the variations of the channel frequency response among the OFDM symbols and the convolutional re-encoding of the inner decoder 's output .
In order to improve the error code rate performance , modified MAP algorithm is applied to the inner decoder of differential frequency hopping G function . ( 40 × 40 ) block weave encoder is used and the outer code is decoded by the Berlekamp Massey algorithm .
For the concatenated codes , the systematic convolutional codes ( RSC ) are used as the inner code , while tailbiting ( TB ) is used as the outer code .
About the Transformation of the Chinese Character 3 Byte Internal Code
Experiment Research on Real Number in the Intel 80 Series Computer