
nèi hé yùn shū
  • Inland river transportation;inland water transpiration
  1. 基于GIS的内河运输供求平衡系统的开发研究

    Study on the Balance System of Supply and Demand of Inland Water Transport Base on GIS

  2. 首次运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对中国内河运输配置效率进行了实证研究。

    In addition , the first empirical study on Chinese IWT allocation efficiency using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) is demonstrated .

  3. 最后在内河运输SWOT分析和合理定位基础上,提出了内河航运发展战略。

    Finally , put forward the development strategy of inland shipping on the basic of SWOT analysis and rational orientation of inland water transport .

  4. 建立了评价内河运输配置效率的DEA模型,运用模型对我国17个省区的内河运输配置效率进行了实证研究。

    It also discusses DEA method used to evaluate allocation efficiency , and establishes DEA models to estimate the inland waterway efficiencies of 17 provincial regions in China .

  5. 集装箱海铁联运与内河运输的发展关系

    The Development Relationship between Container Sea-rail Transport and Inland Waterways Transport

  6. 内河运输船舶的吨位与面积关系研究

    Research on Relationship Between the Tonnage and Area of Inland Vessels

  7. 长江内河运输船舶事故的探讨

    Probe into Transport Shipping Accidents in Inland Water of the Yangtse River

  8. 欧洲国际内河运输危险货物协定

    European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Navigation

  9. 认识比较优势推进内河运输

    Grasping the relative advantages to advance inland waterway transportation

  10. 泰晤士河管理委员会内河运输国家委员会

    The Thames Conservancy National Association of Inland Waterways Carriers

  11. 内河运输经济与管理的研究也是薄弱环节。

    The studies on IWT economy and management are still under poor condition .

  12. 内河运输成本中管理费用分配办法之管见&兼论湘航现行管理费用分配办法的利弊

    My opinion on the distribution of management expenses in inner river transportation cost

  13. 内河运输企业向第三方物流发展

    Some discussions on the development for inland water transport companies to the 3PL

  14. 船队是内河运输的主要方式之一,船队的操纵性有其特殊性。

    Study on the model test of maneuverability of certain specific ship type ;

  15. 本术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。

    This term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport .

  16. 内河运输可持续发展评价及应用研究

    A Study on the Evaluation and Application of Sustainable Development of Inland Water Transport

  17. 内河运输供给分析的理论、方法与实证研究

    Theoretical , Methodological and Empirical Studies on the Supply Analysis of Inland Water Transportation

  18. 内河运输发展之研究

    Macroscopic Analysis of Inland Water Transport Developing

  19. 现代物流下我国内河运输存在问题及对策

    On the questions of the inland river transportation under the modern material circulation and countermeasures

  20. 内河运输与可持续发展

    Inland waterway transportation and persistence development

  21. 欧洲集装箱内河运输经验借鉴

    Experiences of European Container Inland Transportation

  22. 在一些欧洲国家间装运巨量货物的内河运输。

    In some European countries a huge amount of goods shipped between the inland waterway transport .

  23. 内河运输船舶燃油消耗定额与节油率

    On the Fuel Consumption Quota and Rate of Fuel-saving for Inland Waterways for Inland Waterways Transportation Ships

  24. 北戴河内河运输十分发达,与京杭大运河相通。

    The Beidaihe inland water transportation is extremely developed , it is interlinked with the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal .

  25. 公路运输建设成就是以牺牲内河运输原有优势为代价的等。

    The construction of highway is at the expense of losing the former superiority in river transport , etc.

  26. 内河运输基础设施建设与社会资源有限性之间的矛盾以及当代人利益与后代人利益之间的矛盾等等。

    The contradiction of the basic facilities construction in inland water transport and the limitation of social resources ;

  27. 市场经济体制下,内河运输的核心问题即为需求和供给。

    Under the market economic system , the key question of inland water transport is demand and supply .

  28. 流域面积180.9万平方公里,是中国内河运输的大动脉。

    It has a catchment area of 1,809,000 square kilometers , and is the major inland-river transport artery in China .

  29. 与其它运输方式相比,内河运输发展滞后,经济研究工作更为薄弱。

    Compared with other transportation ways , inland water transport development lags behind , and its economic research work is weaker .

  30. 水路交通是交通运输中的重要组成成分之一,我国内河运输资源丰富,内河运输主要以长江、黄河、淮河等流域为主。

    In Chinese has rich resources of inland water transport , such as the Yangtze , the yellow , the huaihe river .