
  • 网络the Sierra Nevada;sierra nevada mountain
  1. 从雾蒙蒙的北部海岸到内华达山脉,再到洛杉矶上空的圣加布里埃尔山脉,没有一个地区能够幸免或不受影响。

    No area was spared or unaffected , from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles .

  2. ASoftSunset柔和的日落这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers ' reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  3. 红杉国家公园位于内华达山脉南端尽头处。

    The sequoia national forest is at the southern end of the sierra nevada range .

  4. 内华达山脉太空系统(SierraNevadaSpaceSystems)是参与竞标的第三家公司,位于科罗拉多州路易斯维尔,它的设计方案是使用一架小型航天飞机,它能够在飞机跑道上降落。

    A third company , Sierra Nevada Space Systems , of Louisville , Colo. , had proposed a design that resembled a mini-space shuttle that would land on aircraft runways .

  5. 在3月,公园迎来了一群内华达山脉大角羊,多年的拯救濒危物种计划之后,它们终于回到大教堂牧区(CathedralRange)。

    In March , the park welcomed a herd of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep back to its Cathedral Range after the conclusion of a multiyear project to repopulate the endangered species .

  6. 近一个世纪以来,加州内华达山脉东部的凹地中藏匿了一座男校——深泉(DeepSprings),它是一座两年学制的男校,学校中有长满苜蓿的大农场,养了些牛。

    AN ODDITY has hidden for nearly a century in a dusty bowl just east of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California . Deep Springs is a two-year college and , also , a cattle-and-alfalfa ranch .

  7. 例如内华达山脉股份公司SierraNevadaCorporation,简称SNC的有翼的追梦者号,就像一个拥有翅膀和无阻力设计主体的迷你航天飞机,这样就可以从太空飞回来而不是靠穿越大气层的火箭。

    Sierra Nevada 's winged Dream Chaser , for example , resembles a miniature space shuttle , with an aerodynamically shaped body and wings so it can fly back from space , rather than make a ballistic plunge through the atmosphere like capsules .

  8. 内华达山脉的尾部把雨水全挡住了。

    The end of the Sierra Nevada cuts off all rain .

  9. 雨水终将再次降临,内华达山脉的积雪也将重现。

    Rains , and snow to the high Sierra , will eventually return .

  10. 内华达山脉的一种小形、有流苏的、蓝色花。

    Small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains .

  11. 它耸立在内华达山脉。

    Up in the High Sierras .

  12. 美国加利福尼亚州内华达山脉的最高峰,海拔英尺。

    The highest peak in the Sierra Nevada range in California ( 14,495 feet high ) .

  13. 饱经风霜的鳞屑包围一棵狐尾松的树干在加利福尼亚的内华达山脉。

    Weathered scales encase the trunk of a foxtail pine in California 's Sierra Nevada Mountains .

  14. 加州干旱事务负责人比尔·克罗伊尔表示,内华达山脉的情况要更严重。

    State Drought Manager Bill Croyle says the situation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is even worse .

  15. 靠内华达山脉的融雪补充水源的人工湖将被晒成硬邦邦的土质谷地,四周满是丑陋的污渍。

    Artificial lakes filled with Sierra snowmelt will become baked-mud valleys , surrounded by ugly bathtub rings .

  16. 在过去的400万年里,内华达山脉上升了2英里多

    Over the last 4 million years , the Sierra Nevada mountains climb more than 2 miles high .

  17. 冲过金门汹涌的涛水使生命(只能)起步在内华达山脉的奇高处。

    The ferocious water that gushes through the gate starts life innocently high in the Sierra Nevada hills .

  18. 最大的障碍是位于加利福尼亚东面的高达12000英尺的悬崖峭壁,内华达山脉

    The biggest obstacle heading east from California , a 12000-foot wall of granite , the Sierra Nevada .

  19. 生物学家们近日在位于内华达山脉地区的两处国家公园内发现了27种新型动物物种。

    Biologists have just discovered twenty-seven previously unknown species of animals in two national parks in the Sierra Nevada .

  20. 这是另一张在清晨所拍摄形态奇怪而又美丽的凝灰岩照片,背景是内华达山脉。

    Another strangely beautiful early morning shot of the tufa formations , with the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  21. 内华达山脉西部变质带的变质变形史及与秦岭造山带的对比

    Metamorphic and deformational history of the Western metamorphic of belt , Sierra Nevada , usa : a comparison to Qinling oro-genic belt

  22. 地面栖息,喜开阔的地面并散布在矮树丛中;产于美国西部的落矶山脉和内华达山脉之间。

    A ground dweller that prefers open ground and scattered low bushes ; of United States west between Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains .

  23. 分布于西蒙他那、北爱达荷、南大不列颠哥伦比亚、华盛顿州、奥勒冈州、加利福尼亚州中部及内华达山脉西部。

    West Montana , north Idaho , south British Columbia , Washington , Oregon and central California and west Nevada in Sierra Nevada Mts.

  24. 加州救援人员今天运气不错,烧毁了内华达山脉南部地区的山火目前已经控制住了75%的火势。

    California crews were having better luck this day as fire burning down the southern Sierra Nevada was now about 75 percent contained .

  25. 然而就在唐纳一行的尸骨下,内华达山脉深藏着一条黄金矿层,储量之大堪称彼时世界之最。

    But beneath the bones of the Donner Party , the Sierra Nevada conceals a seam of gold . Largest the world has yet seen .

  26. 洛杉矶东部内华达山脉的另一个地区也接到了疏散命令,预计暴雨将持续到明天。

    The evacuation has been ordered in another community in Sierra Nevada mountain east of Los Angeles as storms are expected to continue through tomorrow .

  27. 这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers'reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  28. 经历了有纪录以来干旱程度最严重的冬季之后,加州内华达山脉今年4月份的积雪量创下历史新低,仅为正常年份的5%。

    This year , California set a record low Sierra snowpack in April 5 percent of normal following the driest winter since records have been kept .

  29. 这个带宫殿和花园的古堡坐落在山城上,从那里可远眺积雪皑皑的内华达山脉。具备多风多山条件的该项目地点包括莫哈韦沙漠的一部分,以及内华达山脉的南端。

    Offering windy and hilly conditions , the site includes a section of the Mojave Desert and the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada mountain range .

  30. 在这段时间里,他代表加州政府主持了内华达山脉生态系统项目,这个项目为美国国会提供多学科视角的山脉评估报告。

    During this time , he represented the state on the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project , a major interdisciplinary assessment of the mountain range for the US Congress .