
ɡònɡ tónɡ tóu zī
  • Co investment;joint venture investment
  1. 百度与普罗维登斯投资(ProvidenceEquityPartners)在2010年共同投资创办了视频网站奇艺,后更名为爱奇艺。

    Qiyi , now known as iQiyi , started in 2010 with investments from Baidu and Providence Equity Partners .

  2. 而共同投资机构投资者【比如,在收购Skype中伸出援手的加拿大退休基金(Canadianpensionfund)】也再贡献5亿美元。

    And then another $ 500 million comes in from institutional co-investors , like the Canadian pension fund that helped out on Skype .

  3. 证券交易委员会称,高盛使ACA误以为保尔森基金将会与其共同投资。

    The SEC alleges that Goldman misled ACA into believing that Paulson would co-invest with it .

  4. 他们还经营了一个小生意-在周末电子市场里卖MP3,这是他们共同投资的。

    They operate a small business-selling the MP3 on the Sunday market which is invested by both of them .

  5. 这个价值77亿美元的度假区,是由北京一家国有公司和美国康卡斯特NBC环球公司共同投资的。

    The 7.7 billion resort is an investment by a Beijing-based state-owned company and America 's Comcast NBCUniversal .

  6. 2008年,中国外管局曾出资25亿美元与德州太平洋集团(TPG)共同投资,其中一些资金所投的投资工具后来亏损10亿美元,原因是其在错误的时机向陷于困境的华盛顿互惠银行(WashingtonMutual)作出投资。

    In 2008 , Safe invested $ 2.5bn with TPG , some of it in investment vehicles that went on to lose $ 1bn in an ill-timed investment in Washington Mutual , the distressed lender .

  7. 这支新车队是优步和沃尔沃(Volvo)的合作的一部分,两家公司将共同投资3亿美元开发一款新的自动驾驶汽车。

    The new fleet is part of a partnership between Uber and Volvo that will see the companies jointly invest $ 300m to develop a new self-driving vehicle .

  8. 但是温伯格公司治理研究中心(WeinbergCenterforCorporateGovernance)负责人查尔斯埃尔森(CharlesElson)说:如果CEO个人与自己所在的企业进行共同投资,会被认为存在令人不安的利益冲突。

    But Charles Elson , head of the Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance , said : Where a chief executive is co-investing with his or her own business , that would be viewed as a troubling conflict .

  9. 他们两人,再加上一个英国籍的首席运营官史蒂夫威廉斯(SteveWilliams),共同投资二十万美元的自有资金,创办了这家私营企业。

    Together the two men , and a British chief operating officer , Steve Williams , invested a couple of hundred thousand dollars of their own money to found the company , which is privately held .

  10. 2014年底,另一家铝材生产商、中国山东富海集团(ShandongFuhaiGroup)表示,将与鞍钢集团(AnsteelGroup)共同投资12亿美元,在乌戎嘉翁(UjungJabung)开发一个工业园区和基础设施。

    And late run 2014 , China-based Shandong Fuhai Group , another provider of aluminium products , said it would invest $ 1.2bn with Ansteel Group in the development of an industrial estate and infrastructure facilities in Ujung Jabung .

  11. 在伯纳德•马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌的500亿美元欺诈案中,亏损的对冲基金和投资者已开始为他们与马多夫共同投资的决定辩护,有些人甚至试图将过失归咎于美国监管者。

    Hedge funds and investors who lost money in the alleged $ 50bn Madoff scam have begun defending their decision to invest with Bernard Madoff , in some cases trying to shift the blame to US regulators .

  12. 中国房地产集团万达集团(Wanda)正联手中国最大的两家互联网企业,共同投资8.14亿美元设立一家电子商务企业,希望借此打破阿里巴巴(Alibaba)对中国电子商务市场的统领地位。

    Chinese real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda is teaming up with two of China 's largest internet companies in an $ 814m ecommerce joint venture aimed at loosening Alibaba 's stranglehold on the country 's booming ecommerce market , the FT 's Charles Clover writes .

  13. 它是由上海电气集团股份有限公司与德国KSB股份有限公司共同投资组建的,地处上海市临港新城重装备产业区,是上海电气核电产业的重要组成部分。

    It is invested by Shanghai Electric Group Co Ltd and KSB AG , with its location in the Heavy Equipment Base of Shanghai Lingang New City and also it is an important part of SEC nuclear industry .

  14. 寻求现有有限合伙人共同投资是一个选择。

    One option is to tap existing limited partners for co-investments .

  15. 未来他们是否只应该与类似的投资机构共同投资呢?

    Should they only co-invest with similar investors in the future ?

  16. 和有才能的人共同投资,是未来的经营方式。

    Joint venturing with good capable people is what the future is all about .

  17. 我们该试试共同投资企业,以筹募所需的资金。

    We should try a joint venture in order to raise the necessary fund .

  18. 英吉利海底隧道是由法英共同投资的。

    The channel tunnel WS jointly funded joint-funded by th French and the buitish .

  19. 一个变化在于和客户共同投资。

    The twist is co-investing with clients .

  20. 目前最重要的是构建规模、共同投资以及共享技术。

    The name of the game is scale and co - investments and sharing technologies .

  21. 在一只关联共同投资基金的文件中同样没有找到与罗姆尼相关的信息。

    Mitt Romney is not among them .

  22. 而各家投行(有时几家共同投资)也乐于助一臂之力。

    Investment banks , some of which co-invested , were happy to lend a hand .

  23. 换句话说,他们对共同投资和拯救互联网品牌并不陌生。

    In other words , they are no strangers to either co-investments or Internet brand revivals .

  24. 共同投资,共同富裕

    Joint investment and common prosperity

  25. 双方共同投资组建一个新的制药有限责任公司,由双方共同经营和管理。

    Build through mutual investment a new pharmaceutical corporation with limited responsibilities for mutual operation and management .

  26. 这部电影是合拍片,由迪斯尼和儿童电影基金会共同投资。

    The film is a co-production , with input from Disney and the children 's film foundation .

  27. 联合投资:公司将引进投资伙伴,共同投资和运营数字酒店多媒体互动平台。

    Co-investment : Leaguer will invite investment partner , co-invest and co-operate the digital hotel multi-media interactive platform .

  28. 该节目由浙江卫视和香港英皇娱乐集团共同投资制作。

    The program is jointly invested and produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV and the Hong Kong Emperor Entertainment Group .

  29. 中方将积极考虑建立中欧共同投资基金,助力欧洲战略投资基金。

    China will actively consider establishing a China-EU joint investment fund to support the European Fund for Strategic Investment .

  30. 于世俗上,第八宫掌管赌博,欠债,共同投资,遗产及继承权。

    On the mundane level , the8th house deals with debts , loans , joint finances , legacies and inheritances .