
jiàn jiē tóu zī
  • indirect investment
  1. 私人资本可以分为三类,银行贷款,间接投资和FDI。

    Private capital could be divided into three catalogues : bank loan , indirect investment and FDI .

  2. 伴随金融创新,房地产投资方式日趋多样化,且REITs已成为间接投资的主要工具。

    In financial innovation , ways of global real estate investment are more diversified and REITs become major tools for indirect investment .

  3. 基建投资增长曲线:美国vs.全球与其他投资者一样,大多数富裕家庭采用间接投资的方式进入基础设施建设领域。

    Most wealthy families get into infrastructure the same way other investors do : indirectly .

  4. 该行还谎称没有直接或间接投资于伯纳德•马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌犯下的500亿美元庞氏骗局。该骗局于去年12月曝光。

    The bank also falsely claimed that it had no direct or indirect exposure to the $ 50bn Ponzi scheme allegedly perpetrated by Bernard Madoff , which came to light in December .

  5. 第二节分析了境外间接投资外汇管理法制基本情况,着重介绍QDII制度的产生和发展。

    Part two is about an analysis of the legislative system of the administration of the foreign currency invested abroad and special emphasis is placed on the origin and evolution of the QDII system .

  6. 以接近800亿美元净资产被《福布斯》(Forbes)列为世界首富的盖茨表示,他已直接投资了约15家公司,另外还间接投资了30家公司。

    Mr Gates , who is listed by Forbes as the world 's richest person with a net worth of almost $ 80bn , said he had invested directly in about 15 companies and indirectly in another 30 .

  7. 有价证券投资是对外间接投资的主要形式。

    Portfolio investment is the main form of the foreign indirect investment .

  8. 论直接投资与间接投资

    A Simple Analysis of Direct Investment and Indirect Investment

  9. 资本流动可分为直接投资和间接投资两种形式,当前,资本流动对区域经济发展的影响越来越显著。

    Capital flow can be classified into direct capital flow and indirect capital flow .

  10. 举例而言,这可以让保险商间接投资于一些本来不被官方许可的投资。

    This allows insurers , for example , to indirectly invest in funds that officially they should not .

  11. 最后,从直接投资、间接投资及汇兑方面稳步推进资本账户顺利开放。

    Last , gradually pushing the opening from the respect of direct investment , indirect investment and exchange .

  12. 直到最近,中国投资者才获准通过结构性产品间接投资海外证券。

    Only recently , Chinese individuals were permitted to invest in foreign securities indirectly , through structured products .

  13. 继国际贸易、国际金融及证券投资(间接投资)之后,国际直接投资成为了主要的国际经济活动。

    Following international trade , international finance and securities investment , FDI has become the major international economic activity .

  14. 比较典型的间接投资是指股份或公司之间的证券交易或直接介入房地产活动中的信托物。

    Indirect investment typically refers to holding or trading securities in companies or trusts that engage in direct real estate activities .

  15. 伴随着中国富人对直接购买国内住宅的热情下降,他们将转向商铺和房地产信托、地产基金等间接投资。

    With the investment enthusiasm for real estate decreasing , they turn to the stores , real estate trusts and real estate fund .

  16. 然而,长期而言,我认为投资者将从直接和间接投资中国经济增长中获益。

    In the long-run however , I believe investors will be rewarded by having some direct and indirect exposure to the growth of China .

  17. 外资风险投资基金是外国投资者在我国投资设立的风险投资基金。与间接投资和一般的生产性投资不同,这种引进外资的方式还必须考虑风险投资的特殊性。

    Different from the indirect investment and general manufacturing investment , specialty of the venture capital should be taking into consideration for this form .

  18. 到第一次世界大战前夕,欧洲人在美国的直接和间接投资增加一倍以上。

    By the eve of the first world war , European investments in the United states , direct and indirect , had more than doubled .

  19. 对外直接投资是区分于对外间接投资,随着世界经济一体化、跨国公司规模化的发展越来越重要的一种对外投资形式。

    Differing from indirect foreign investment , direct foreign investment is a more and more important foreign investment form with the development of world economy unification .

  20. 全球房地产间接投资的回报率周期更短,但它却在过去的五年里保持着每年15.6%的惊人回报率。

    The return history for global indirect real estate returns is shorter , but over the last five years has been more impressive running at15.6 % per annum .

  21. 房地产直接投资与间接投资作为房地产投资的主要类型,其相对应的市场价格及其波动关系到房地产投资收益与风险。

    Real estate direct investment and indirect investment as the main types of real estate investment , their corresponding market price fluctuations is relative to their returns and risks .

  22. 上海世博会的直接投资是二百八十六亿元,城市交通、通信等基础设施的间接投资将达到直接投资的十倍。

    Direct investment in the Shanghai World Expo is28.6 billion yuan , urban transportation , communication , and other indirect investment in infrastructure to reach ten times the direct investment .

  23. 应以加强财税方法、适度调整对外商直接投资的优惠政策等为方向,促进外商对我国进行直接或间接投资的积极性。

    We should reinforce finance and taxation method , adjust preference policies of foreign merchant investment , and so on , promote activity of various investments for foreigner with china .

  24. 虽然很密有到确切数字,但分析师估计,正在去年人们的炒股亡味大删后,约2000万人间接投资股市。

    Although precise figures are hard to come by , analysts estimate that around20m people have invested directly in the stockmarket , after a huge spurt of interest over the last year .

  25. 另外当母公司才子公司的投资出现间接投资或直接与间接投资共有时,投资比例的计算不同;

    In addition , when the investment the parent company make to its subsidiary companies belongs to indirect investment or both direct and direct investment , the calculation of investment proportion is different .

  26. 本文认为,印度较为完善的银行体系和资本市场,便利了本土企业的融资,促成了印度外包业务和外来间接投资的盛行,也促进了本土企业的发展。

    According to the author , a mature banking system and capital market in India proves quite helpful to bolster a liberal domestic inflow of capital , foreign indirect investment and growing outsourcing .

  27. 思科拒绝透露支出计划的细节,这些支出还包括商务开支、为客户融资、直接和间接投资,以及研发费用。

    Cisco declined to give details of how it would spend the money , which also includes business expenses , financing for customers , direct and indirect investments , and R & D costs .

  28. 在现代金融市场中,开放式基金已经成为其主流,表现出组合投资、分散风险、专业管理、专家理财、间接投资、流动性好等特征。

    Open-ended fund has become the mainstream of today 's money market , demonstrating features such as combination of investment , diversion of risk , professional management , indirect investment , and good fluidity .

  29. 知情人士表示,中投还设有间接投资国内房地产市场的部门,并已请求参与国际基金对中国的投资。

    It also has units that have indirectly made property investments in China and has asked to invest alongside international funds in their investments on the mainland , people familiar with the matter say .

  30. 我国社保基金进入资本市场采取委托基金管理公司间接投资和社保机构直接投资两种模式。

    Social insurance fund in our country entering into the capital market adopts two kinds of patterns : to request fund management company indirectly invests and to request the organization of society managements directly invests .