
ɡònɡ tónɡ bǎo xiǎn
  • Co-insurance;coinsurance
  1. 一般途径包括再保险、共同保险和风险时期均衡手段。

    Ordinary pathway involves reinsurance , co-insurance and balance means during risk period .

  2. 国际合作社和共同保险联合会

    International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation

  3. 所有的人都没有拿走他们的钱。我们也把过去的共同保险扩张成一个新的股票保险。

    All the people kept their jobs and we expanded the old mutual as a new stock insurer .

  4. 保诚诞生于1848年。当时叫保诚共同保险、投资和贷款协会,地处伦敦。

    Prudential was founded in 1848 , as the Prudential Mutual Assurance , Investment and Loan Association in London .

  5. 根据共同保险条款,保险人通常必须付全部费用的百分之二十。

    According to co-insurance clauses , the insured person must pay usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered .

  6. 照共同保险条款,保险人通常必须付全部费用的百分之二十。

    The amount of co-insurance that the insured person must pay is usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered .

  7. 保险中可以包括精神病治疗特别赔偿费,可是许多家保险公司对精神病费用列有不同的可扣减或共同保险条款。

    Special benefits for psychiatric care may be included in an insurance policy , but many policies have different deductible or co-insurance clauses for psychiatric coverage .

  8. 但是保险公司保险单又规定了免赔额、共同保险条款、责任限额,从而使存在不当行为的董事自己承担一部分损失和费用。

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount , coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts , so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs .

  9. 在那个时期中间,我设计出一种方法,把一个共同保险公司转化成一个股票保险公司,给所有的保险客户一个选择,拿走他们的钱或者得到一个免费的保险。

    In the midst of that , I devised a way to convert a mutual insurance company into a stock insurance company , giving all the policyholders a choice of getting their money back or getting free insurance .

  10. 与境外托管代理人共同监督保险公司、保险资产管理公司、境外受托人的境外投资运作;

    Supervising the overseas investment operation of insurance companies , insurance asset management companies and overseas trustees jointly with overseas escrow agents ;

  11. 目前,我国大多数保险公司均与各类银行机构共同销售保险产品,双方合作范围和合作形式也逐渐变化和深入。

    At present , the majority insurance companies in China collaborate with all kind of bank organization together to market insurance product , and the scope and form of the cooperation also gradually change and deepen .

  12. 建立反垄断主管机关和保险监督机关之间权力共享的合作机制,共同执行保险业的反垄断法规制;

    Establish the cooperation mechanism with power shared between the competent organs for antimonopoly and insurance supervision organs , so as to make joint efforts to put insurance industry on the right track by means of the antimonopoly law ;

  13. 四是采用个人住房贷款保险,对商业银行进行风险转移,要求银行、开发商、购房人按照一定的比例共同负担保险费用,以银行作为受益人。

    Fourth , adapt loan insurance on individual housing , transfer the risks from the commercial banks , and require banks , building companies , home buyers pay according to a certain percentage of co-insurance costs to banks as the beneficiary .

  14. bhatia是一位典型的印度新生中产阶级,寻求专业人士的帮助,以筛选近年来涌现的大量共同基金、保险计划、抵押贷款、信用卡、储蓄计划和银行贷款等信息。

    In seeking help to sift through the vast number of mutual funds , insurance plans , mortgages , credit cards , savings schemes and bank loans that have emerged in recent years , Mr Bhatia is typical of the burgeoning Indian middle class .

  15. 然而在欧元区不会有共同的存款保险。

    But there will be no common deposit insurance .

  16. 编纂现代银行,公司,共同基金,保险和信讬法。

    Codification of modern banking , company , mutual fund , insurance and trust laws .

  17. 经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理功能等共同构成现代保险的功能体系。

    Economic compensation , capital financing and social management altogether constitute the functional system of modern insurance .

  18. 长期来看,它们必须建立共同的储蓄保险、银行危机解决政策和银行业监管制度。

    Over time they will have to establish common deposit insurance , bank resolution policies and banking supervision .

  19. 共同基金和保险人蜂拥而至分散化他们的投资组合并使他们的回报更有刺激。

    Mutual funds and insurers have flocked in to diversify their portfolios and to spice up their returns .

  20. 但我们建议国家财政在事前就直接拨款,和其他渠道的缴费一起共同构成养老保险基金。

    But we propose the state government to allocate money in advance to form the old-age insurance fund together with payment from other channels .

  21. 投资者和客户可以从专业化公司那里,获得他们所需的一切服务,包括传统银行、投资银行、对冲基金、共同基金以及保险服务。

    Investors and customers can find all the traditional banking , investment banking , hedge fund , mutual fund and insurance services they need in specialised firms .

  22. 截至9月底,60家银行业金融机构推出了个人理财服务,如共同基金、保险产品和离岸投资产品。

    By the end of September there were 60 banking institutions in China offering individual wealth management services such as mutual funds , insurance products and offshore investments .

  23. 只有建立全面的银行业联盟才能真正结束这种分化,而这需要构建共同的存款保险和有效的银行处置政策,可是这两者都不会出现。

    Only a fully-fledged banking union could end such discrimination . But that would require common deposit insurance and effective bank resolution policies . Neither is going to happen .

  24. 如果对所有银行债务提供担保,而对货币市场共同基金或保险公司不同等对待的话,消费者可能会因此将资金从一个领域转至另一个领域,以便求得最好的保护。

    Guaranteeing all bank liabilities without doing the same for money-market mutual funds or insurance companies could prompt customers to move money from one sector to another , seeking the best protection .

  25. 地震保险市场存在着典型的市场失灵,其有效的解决方法是让政府参与到这一市场当中,与商业保险公司共同提供地震保险产品。

    There exists typical market failure in earthquake insurance market , and the effective way is to let the government participate in this marketplace , and provide earthquake insurance products together with commercial insurance companies .

  26. 我国保险监管经历了从注重市场行为监管到市场行为监管与偿付能力监管并重,再到目前以偿付能力监管为核心的偿付能力、市场行为、公司治理结构共同构成的保险监管制度的三支柱。

    The insurance supervision has experienced from emphasizing market activities supervision to solvency and market activities supervision , and now to " three-pillar " supervision system , namely the supervision of solvency margin , corporate governance and market activities .

  27. 传统主权财富基金的规模大于对冲基金及私人股本的总和,但与养老基金、共同基金和保险投资构成的75万亿美元机构投资池相比,各种主权财富基金仍是相形见绌。

    Conventional SWFs are larger than hedge funds and private equity combined . But all the varieties of sovereign investment funds are dwarfed by the $ 75000bn institutional investment pool that contains pension funds , mutual funds and insurance investments .

  28. 医患双方参加医疗风险投保,承担各自的风险,由医院、保险公司共同建立风险保险制度开辟了一条保障人民健康的新路子。

    Medical department and patients both insure the medical risk , and accept of one 's risk . Medical risk insurance regulation , made by hospital , patients and insurance company , open a new route for insuring people 's health .

  29. 因此,两种制度相互补充,共同构成了多数保险这一框架体系。

    These two complementary systems constitute the framework of the multiple insurance .

  30. 社会各方应共同努力,促进保险事业的健康发展。

    All parties concerned should work together to promote healthy development of the insurance sector .