
  • 网络Co sales;cooperative marketing
  1. 百事公司以这种方式向供应商、零售商和消费者描述了其影响力,这是由于它有能力将其旗下的诸多品牌共同销售及分销。

    That is how Pepsi describes its clout with suppliers , retailers and customers , thanks to its ability to market and distribute severalof its brands together .

  2. 目前,我国大多数保险公司均与各类银行机构共同销售保险产品,双方合作范围和合作形式也逐渐变化和深入。

    At present , the majority insurance companies in China collaborate with all kind of bank organization together to market insurance product , and the scope and form of the cooperation also gradually change and deepen .

  3. 自台湾去年解除对共同基金销售体系的管制以来,外国基金大量拥入台湾。

    Since Taiwan deregulated its distribution architecture for mutual funds last year , foreign funds have been storming in .

  4. 销售机构得与境外基金机构及总代理人共同签订销售契约。

    A sub-distributor agreement may be executed jointly among the sub-distributor , the offshore fund institution , and the master agent .

  5. 在美国推出首轮定量宽松期间,共同基金销售刚刚摆脱了全球金融危机的影响。

    During the first round of us quantitative easing mutual fund sales recovered from the effects of the global financial crisis .

  6. 后来,债券型基金在香港共同基金销售中占主导,2012年净资金流入达到135亿美元的峰值。

    Subsequently , bond funds then dominated mutual fund sales in Hong Kong , peaking with net flows of $ 13.5bn in 2012 .

  7. 亚洲投资者在日渐心灰意冷之后,重新找回了对股票和债券基金的兴趣,这推动整个地区的共同基金销售开始走上复苏之路。

    Asian investors have rediscovered their waning appetite for equity and bond funds , kicking off a fledgling recovery in mutual fund sales across the region .

  8. 占据共同基金销售主导地位的中国四大国有银行,对宣传长期投资兴趣索然,原因是它们可以收取前期托管费和销售费用。以国际标准衡量,这些费率非常高。

    China 's big four banks , which dominate mutual fund distribution , have very little interest in promoting long-term investing because they can pocket up-front custody and distribution fees that are unusually high by international standards .

  9. 银行保险是金融一体化下混业经营的产物,是通过共同的销售渠道向同一客户群提供银行与保险产品及服务的一种形式。

    Bank insurance is the product of the mixed operation under the circumstance of financial integration . It is also a form of offering the banking and insurance products and services to the same target customers through a shared selling channel .

  10. 通过一系列业务流程的实施,制订共同的销售和运作计划,并通过电子化的交流与沟通合作修改销售计划和补给计划,从而提高计划的准确性,有效地降低成本。

    Based on a series of business processes , the partners set up the sales and operation plan . The sales plan and replenishment plan are updated by means of electronic communication , which improves the accuracy of planning and effectively re - duces the cost .

  11. 总部在中国境外的外国资产管理公司可以向中国境内有QDII许可证的银行分销商提供共同基金进行销售。

    Foreign asset managers based outside China are allowed to provide mutual funds to bank distributors in China for sale under the banks ' QDII licences .

  12. 就共同的商品销售来说,你个人的想法怎么会被接受呢?

    How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned ?

  13. 从去年到最近这次市场动荡之前,香港共同基金的销售情况要更好一些。

    Mutual fund sales in Hong Kong have had a better time last year and this year ahead of the recent market turbulence .

  14. 同时,星巴克也与百事可乐公司建立了合作伙伴关系,共同研制和销售一款即饮的咖啡新饮品——法布奇诺(星冰乐)咖啡。此外,星巴克还与美国卡夫国际食品公司签署了专利使用权转让协定。

    Starbucks also formed a partnership with Pepsico , Inc.to create and distribute a new ready-to-drink coffee-based beverage , Frappuccino , as well as entered into a licensing agreement with Kraft Foods .

  15. 得出影响卷烟的销售的因子是多方面的,而且这些因子互相作用共同影响卷烟的销售。

    , and endued that the factors influencing the cigarettes saleroom have many aspects which interacting on each other .

  16. 同时由于股市不断下跌,来自共同基金及证券销售的费用收入肯定会有所下降。

    And fee income from sales of mutual funds and securities will surely drop given the falling stock market .

  17. 在房产商和房产代理人共同组成的房产销售模式中,由于信息不对称,委托代理双方利用个人理性决策会导致道德风险,并陷入囚徒困境。

    Because of information asymmetry , the personal rationality of property company and agent in real estate sale mode will lead to moral risk , and will trap them into " Prisoners ' Dilemma " .