
  • 网络equity investment;private equity
  1. 基于IPO目的股权投资风险分析与控制

    The Risk Analysis and Control of the Equity Investment Based on the Purpose of IPO

  2. 第二部分是私募股权投资相关理论,介绍了私募股权投资的概念及退出的意义,主要是PE四种退出方式。

    Chapter 2 is private equity investment related theory is introduced , the concept of private-equity investment and exit significance , mainly introduces four kinds of exit manner .

  3. 3日,普华永道在一份报告中指出,中国2015年私募股权投资创历史新高,不少投资者在科技领域寻求高增长投资机会。

    China 's private equity1 investment surged to a record high last year as investors2 pursued high-growth opportunities in technology , PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday .

  4. 去年10月,戴尔公司创始人迈克尔o戴尔和私募股权投资公司银湖投资集团(SilverLake)完成了备受争议的250亿美元戴尔私有化交易。

    Dell was taken private last October by company founder Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake in a contentious $ 25 billion transaction .

  5. 下个月,戴尔公司的股东就将对公司创始人迈克尔•戴尔和私募股权投资公司银湖(SilverLake)发出的245亿美元收购要约进行投票。

    Included were several requisite barbs at the personal computer market , and why shareholders would be smart to bail before things get even worse .

  6. 私募股权投资公司&凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)周二上午向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了S-1上市登记表,宣布该公司计划完成市场期待已久的IPO上市。

    Private equity firm Carlyle Group filed an S-1 with the SEC Tuesday morning , declaring its intent to complete a long-anticipated public offering .

  7. 3月份,澳大利亚养老基金管理公司localgovernmentsuper采纳汇丰和碳追踪计划的观点,在一项股权投资方案中完全摒弃了煤矿:在该国经济依赖煤炭资源的情况下。

    In March , an Australian pension fund manager , local government super , used the HSBC and CarbonTracker arguments to rationalise A shares investment option that excludes coal mining completely : this in an economy reliant on it .

  8. 从UT斯达康危机探研企业对外股权投资业务内部控制

    A Study on Internal Control Over the Corporate External Equity Investment Business Based on UT STARCOM 's Crisis

  9. 由于用户喜新厌旧、技术迅速迭代以及准入门槛低到近乎不存在,King以及手游行业的其他公司已被证明是糟糕的股权投资。

    With a fickle audience , rapidly changing technology , and almost no barriers to entry , King as well as the rest of the mobile gaming space have proven to be terrible equity investments .

  10. X公司除了小部分股权投资外,其余投资都为项目建设投资,其中项目建设投资主要是公司内部与主业相关的固定资产投资。

    ⅹ In addition to small equity investment , other investments are investments for the project construction , including construction investment projects within the company is mainly associated with the main business investment in fixed assets .

  11. 随着中国经济的开放和发展,与世界经济和全球化金融的接轨,私人股权投资(PE)和风险投资(VC)等资本投资方式逐渐且迅猛的进入了中国市场。

    Along with the opening-up and development of China economy and its connecting with global economy , many kinds of capital investment entities such as PE and VC quickly and gradually involve into Chinese market .

  12. 广义的私募股权投资包括了风险投资(venturecapital)、成长型投资以及并购基金等多种形式,运用新型金融工具开展对非上市公司股权的投资活动。

    It has developed since late 1970s . In broad sense , Private Equity ( PE ) includes venture capital , growth capital and M & A fund as three main categories of investment . Private Equity invests in non-public companies through various financial instruments .

  13. 我很高兴地宣布,我们投资过的一家非常成功的公司&尼尔森的前CEO戴维•卡尔霍恩已经决定加盟黑石,担任私募股权投资组合营运主管。

    I am pleased to announce that Dave Calhoun , the former CEO of one of our highly successful portfolio companies , Nielsen , has decided to join Blackstone as head of portfolio operations in private equity .

  14. 现在就减产在经济上实在没有意义,因为大部分成本已是沉没成本,标普资本智商股权投资(SPCapitalIQEquity)的能源产业分析师斯图尔特·格里克曼(StewartGlickman)表示。

    It really makes no economic sense to bring down production at this point because most of the costs are sunk , said Stewart Glickman , an energy equity analyst with SP Capital IQ Equity .

  15. 私募股权投资巨头黑石集团Blackstone最近出资收购了美国犹他州普若佛市一间专事安装家庭保全系统的公司的股权并为其估值20亿美元。

    The powerhouse private equity firm Blackstone recently invested in an Provo , Utah company that installs home security systems in an equity deal that valued it at $ 2 billion .

  16. 进入21世纪以后,私募股权投资在国际资本市场上发展迅速,成为仅次于银行贷款和IPO的重要融资手段,在全球资本市场的影响力与日俱增。

    In 21st century , Private Equity as a form of financing has been developing dramatically in the global capital market , and it has become the most important way access to finance except the bank loan and IPO .

  17. 随着我国经济和世界经济的日益融合,尤其是加入WTO以后,外资进入我国的方式有了较大变化,通过兼并、收购、控股等形式进行的股权投资的比重日益加大。

    With the increasing combination of Chinese economy and world economy , especially after China 's entry of WTO , the manner of inflow of foreign capital has changed greatly . More and more equity investments have appeared by the way of merger , acquisition and holding .

  18. 比如私募股权投资公司ForumPartners表示,该公司继续押注中小开发商。这是因为中小房地产开发商无法像大型开发商那样轻松获得银行贷款,这就给私人资本提供了投资机会。

    Private-equity firm Forum Partners , for example , says it is continuing to bet on small to medium-size property developers , because such firms can 't get loans from banks as easily as large developers . This gives private capital a chance .

  19. 一名高管承认,将私募股权投资引进NSN,可能为它在2013年合资公司协议结束后上市铺平道路。

    One executive acknowledged that private equity investment in NSN could pave the way for an initial public offering after the joint venture agreement ends in 2013 .

  20. 在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)崩盘之后,日本政府于2001年通过一项法律,规定金融机构股权投资在其一级资本中的占比不能超过100%,同时大力鼓励银行降低该比例。

    In the wake of the Nasdaq crash , the government passed a law in 2001 capping financial institutions ' shareholdings at 100 per cent of Tier 1 , while strongly encouraging banks to go lower .

  21. 如今,中国最不缺的就是资金。一位了解淡马锡思路的人士表示,我们希望比KKR之类的私募股权投资公司更有吸引力。

    Today , money is the last thing China needs , said one person familiar with the thinking at Temasek . We want to be more attractive than private equity firms like KKR .

  22. 3.大手笔的后期风投基金&GA、TCV等等,似乎只做后期股权投资,投资金额在4000万美元以上。

    Big check late stage funds – GA , TCV , etc. seem to only do late stage equity and write checks north of $ 40 million .

  23. 投资前沿市场的私募股权投资公司LeopardCapital首席执行长DouglasClayton表示,柬埔寨的制衣行业需要持续提高生产率和附加值,因为在高速增长的经济环境下,低劳动成本带来的优势正在减退。

    ' Cambodia 's garment factories need to constantly increase their productivity and value addition as cheap labor is a fading advantage in a high-growth economy , ' said Douglas Clayton , chief executive at Leopard Capital , a private-equity firm that invests in frontier markets .

  24. 股权投资具有周期长、风险高等特点,随着股权投资的兴起,具有高抗风险能力的VAM型投资协议(实践常译作对赌协议)倍受投资者青睐。

    With the development of the equity investment , VAM ( often translated as ' gamble up ' agreement in practice ) has attracted investors for its high ability on resisting risks as equity investment has the characteristics of long cycle and high risk .

  25. 与此同时,总部位于华盛顿的美洲开发银行(IDB)批准了对一个风险投资基金的500万美元股权投资。该基金由墨西哥政府资助,为墨西哥中小企业提供种子资本和战略咨询。

    Separately , but at the same time , the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) approved a $ 5m equity investment in a Mexican government sponsored venture capital fund that will provide seed capital and strategic advice to small - and medium-size Mexican companies .

  26. 二是机构投资者越来越偏好股权投资;

    Secondly , institutional investors prefer equity investment more and more .

  27. 股权投资业务的补税范围解析

    Analyzing the scope of pay tax evaded in the capital investment

  28. 长期股权投资核算方法的研究

    Study on Business Accounting Method of Long - term Share Investment

  29. 我国私募股权投资基金退出机制研究

    A Study on Exit Mechanism of Private Equity Fund in China

  30. 这轮融资是股权投资,而不是债务输注。

    This was an equity round , not a debt infusion .