
  • 网络types of insurance;Type of Coverage;Categories of Insurance
  1. 决定合营公司的保险种类和投保范围;

    Deciding the types and scope of insurances for joint venture company ;

  2. 学生可以选择的医疗保险种类数不胜数。

    There are countless types of medical insurance offered to the students .

  3. 市场上的保险种类繁多,满足了人们对于健康、教育、财产安全等不同方面的需求。

    Variable kinds of insurance in the market meet people for health , education , property and other various needs .

  4. 纵观金融市场,按照不同的标准,知识产权保险种类繁多。

    Taking a panoramic view of the world financial markets , there is a wide range of intellectual property insurance , according to different standards .

  5. 为了解决这个问题,在考虑随机保费和保险种类之间不独立的情况下,建立了基于随机保费和索赔相依的双险种模型和多险种模型。

    To solve this problem , the article establishes two insurance models and various insurance models by being based on random premium and dependent claims .

  6. 社会保险的种类有哪些?

    What does the sort with safe society have ?

  7. 保险的种类、价值和保期应由董事会在与乙方及保险公司协商之后确定。

    The types , value and duration of insurance shall be decided by the Board of Directors after discussion with the insurance companies and Party B.

  8. 介绍了国外工程保险的种类及应用,详尽的阐述了在我国实施工程保险的必要性,对如何加快发展工程保险提供了建议。

    The paper introduces the kinds and application of overseas project insurance , expounds thoroughly the necessity about the implementation of project insurance in our country , and gives some suggestions on how to develop project insurance quickly .

  9. 然而,这些机制仅在社区范围内,针对协变量冲击提供微小的保障,因为它们通常不会分担大量群体的防范风险,而且仅提供有限的保险产品种类。

    However , they offer only feeble protection in the face of community-wide , covariate shocks , since they do not typically pool risk across broader populations and are limited in the types of products they can provide .

  10. 其结果不但团体健康保险产品种类少,价格偏高,现有的市场需求得不到有效满足,而且赔付率高,整个团体健康保险市场基本处于亏损状态。

    Its result in not only product category is limited , the price is higher , the existing market demand can not be met , but also the rate of compensation is high , the whole industry is totally in the state of poor performance .

  11. 保险单的种类、责任范围、生效日期和有效期;

    Types , coverage , effective and expiration dates of insurance policy ;

  12. 但是,随着保险公司业务种类的日益增多和复杂,经典的破产模型已不能够很好的描述现实过程。

    However , because of the increasing complexity of insurance and reinsurance products , it can 't describe the realistic process well .

  13. 家庭金融资产的多元化,又会产生家庭金融财产性收入的多元化,出现利息收入、股息红利收入、资本利得和保险收益等等种类多样的财产性收入。

    Diversification of household financial assets will result in diversification of household financial assets income , such as interest income , dividend income , capital gains , insurance benefits and so on .

  14. 草案没有明确出需要支付保险机构的银行种类。

    The draft plan did not specify how many different types of banks will need to pay into theinsurance fund .

  15. 概述了养老保险的特点、种类和养老保险法律制度的基本内涵;评述了世界各国养老保险法律制度的典型模式及其主要优缺点;

    Summarizing characteristics and categories of the old-age insurance as well as the basic content of the old-age insurance law system ;

  16. 摘要分析了工程保险的概念、种类及工程保险的必要性,探讨工程保险应采取的措施,使其更好地为我国工程建设服务。

    This paper analyzes the concept of project insurance , the necessities and kinds of project insurance , and also studies the measure that project insurance should be taken in order to serve for engineering construction better .

  17. 第二部分,阐释海上保险的保险利益归属和种类。

    The second part talks about the attribution and variety of marine insurance interest .

  18. 主要内容涉及强制责任保险的界定、强制责任保险的种类以及强制责任保险的价值功能。

    Main content involves compulsory insurance of liability of the definition , the types and compulsory insurance of liability of compulsory insurance of liability of the value function .

  19. 在美国,接受汽车保险的保险公司很多,汽车保险种类和对车主的有关服务也很多。

    There are a large number of insurance companies that sell such insurance , and a wide variety of automobile insurance policies and related services available to automobile owners in the United States .

  20. 主要是对信用保险、国际贸易风险与出口信用保险的概念、种类、特征、作用、出口信用保险与出口信贷、出口保理及商业保险比较等基本问题进行论述。

    Exposition will be laid mainly on the concept , category , features and functions of credit insurance , international trade risk and export credit insurance , and on essential issues such as comparison among export credit insurance , export credit loan . export insurance adjustment and commercial insurance .

  21. 其主要包括的业务种类有:家庭财产保险、企业财产保险、工程保险、农业保险、航空器保险、运输工具保险、货物运输保险和特殊风险保险等种类。

    The kind of business which mainly include : homeowners insurance , commercial property insurance , engineering insurance , agricultural insurance , aircraft insurance , vehicles insurance , cargo insurance and special risk insurance and other types .