
The legal relationship concerning guaranty , with guaranty liability as its core , is very complicated . The existence and exemption of guaranty liability directly influence realization of the creditor 's claims .
This article tries to analyze the legal quality of legal relationship of ensuring insurance to provide evidence for its practice .
Secondly the legal relationship of performance bonds is analyzed from the aspects of subject , object and contents , and in stating the subject of performance bonds the insurable interests of performance bonds are also discussed .
And guarantee obligation is undoubtedly the core of the legal relation of guarantee system , in fact , the expansion of the legal relation of guarantee , which is around guaranteeing obligation and carrying on .
There is a big divergence concerning the legal nature of guarantee insurance in China 's legal theory society .
The author thinks that to define the character of the guaranty insurance of automobile credit we must first analyze the legal relation of the guaranty insurance contract of automobile credit .
The guarantee period is an important factor that creditor advocates rights to guarantor and a major reason that guarantor remits guarantee responsibilities belonging to himself in the practice , which has very significant status and effect in guarantee law relation .