
  • 网络protective tariff;protectionist tariffs
  1. 1861年通过了保护性关税的规定。

    In1861a protective tariff was adopted .

  2. 这等于中国同时补贴其出口产品,并对进口产品课徵保护性关税。

    That is , it 's as if China were simultaneously subsidizing its exports and placing a protective tariff on its imports .

  3. 保护性关税使英国工业免受国际竞争影响。

    British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs .

  4. 保护性关税基本上是为了将那些价格低于国内同类产品的外来商品拒于国门之外。

    The basic reason for a protective tariff is to keep out goods that will undersell products made in the home country .

  5. 建国初期的政治家亚历山大,汉密尔顿就曾主张利用保护性关税来鼓励美国工业的发展。

    At the beginning of the republic , statesman Alexander Hamilton advocated a protective tariff as a way to encourage American industrial development .

  6. 我国必须坚持反对电子商务的零关税政策,适度的保护性关税政策是带动和促进我国经济发展的必然选择。

    We must protest zero - tariff policy of e-business and adhere to modest protective tariff policy the alternative for propelling our economic development .

  7. 谈及此次反倾销调查,沙特基础工业公司在声明中表示:(中国)没有对沙特甲醇征收保护性关税,我们仍在进行商谈,以推翻有关倾销的指控。

    Citing the investigation , Sabic said in its statement that no protective fees have been imposed [ by China ] on Saudi methanol and discussions are under ay to refute allegations of dumping ' ' .

  8. 贸易保护或者保护性关税是一个国家限制进口,从而保护其国内产业不受影响而采取的措施。

    Protective trade or protective tariffs are a nation 's efforts to prevent its own people from trading .

  9. 关税作为保护手段原则1861年通过了保护性关税的规定。

    Rule of customs duties as means of protection In 1861 a protective tariff was adopted .