
  • 网络Qingmiaohui society
  1. 19世纪中期以降,以征派差徭为契机,青苗会逐渐演变为担负村庄各项公务且结构严密的村落自治组织。

    But from the middle of 19th century , Green Crop Societies gradually evolved into integrated autonomous organizations of villages which undertook all kinds of public affairs and had the capacity of levying corvee .

  2. 这一演变折射出咸同年间国家与乡村社会之间的新动向国家不断深入地方以攫取财源,乡村社会则在改造青苗会加以应对的同时实现了一定的自治。

    This transformation reflected the new trend between state and rural society during the reign of Xianfeng and Tongzhi : the state continuously penetrated into the local society in order to seize revenues , while rural society achieved a certain degree of autonomy through the transformation of Green Crop Societies .