
  • 网络warranty;Guarantee;Warranties of Issuing Bank
  1. 如果保险人同意删除该保证条款,则应适用下述第19条子船时速条款的条件。

    Where the underwriters have agreed to delete this warranty , the conditions of the speedboat clause 19 below shall also apply .

  2. 保险保证条款的法律控制

    On Legal Control Over Warranty Terms in Insurance Contracts

  3. 穆迪表示,例如,在岸人民币债券文件几乎不包含任何保证条款。

    For instance , onshore renminbi bond documents contain virtually no covenants .

  4. 要确保产品可靠性的一个方法,就是坚持制定产品的品质保证条款。

    One way of ensuring reliability is insisting on guarantees and warranties .

  5. 那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。

    Nasdaq 's warranties / disclaimer of warranties .

  6. 航次租船合同有关滞期责任的除外条款和保证条款

    Exception Clause and Warranty Clause of Voyage Charter Party in Connection with the Demurrage Liability

  7. 在制定产品保证条款时的主要决策变量之一就是保证期。

    One of the major decision variables in making warranty terms is the warranty period .

  8. 审计报告中的消极保证条款

    Negative assurance clause in auditor 's report

  9. 对电热水器未经授权的更改可能会对生命和财产造成危害,而且也导致质量保证条款失效。

    Unauthorized modification of the water heater may create a hazard to life and property and will nullify the warranty .

  10. 加强创始机构的保证条款,如保证够回不良贷款,应可达成同样效果而不必绑住宝贵的资本金。

    Toughening up the warranties that securitisers sign , agreeing to buy back duff loans , would have the same effect without tying up precious capital .

  11. 我国产品质保条款的法律经济学分析要确保产品可靠性的一个方法,就是坚持制定产品的品质保证条款。

    An analysis of our country 's product quality protection clause from the viewpoint of legal economics One way of ensuring reliability is insisting on guarantees and warranties .

  12. 欺骗性贷款一旦出现,只能通过更多的欺诈行为,如编造合约声明和保证条款把这一借款转售给次级市场。然后借方再推出抵押贷款证券和衍生产品,而为这些产品进行担保的正是欺骗性借款。

    Once it starts out a fraudulent loan , it can only be sold to the secondary market through more frauds , lying about the reps and warrantees , and then those people are going to produce mortgage-backed securities and exotic derivatives which are also going to be supposedly backed by those fraudulent loans .

  13. 投连产品都包含许多类型的保证性条款,这些条款增加了寿险公司的经营风险。

    Popularly , equity-linked life insurance contains many kinds of guaranteed clauses , which augment business risk of life insurance company .

  14. 在贷款保证的各种条款中,有一条规定让我们的工人拥有职工股票的计划。

    One of the provisions of the loan guarantees was an employee stock ownership plan for our workers .

  15. 起草“股权收购框架协议书”,并设计陈述与保证等保障条款,由收购方与目标公司签署;

    Draft " Stock Purchase Framework Agreement " and guaranteeing articles as statement and promise , letting them signed by buyer and target company .

  16. 近日,中国保监会对个人汽车消费贷款保证保险旧条款紧急叫停,根本原因在于个人汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷案件与日俱增。

    Because cases of individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance increase steadily , the old article about individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance is forbidden .

  17. 在合同缔结中,法律强制将当事人事实陈述与保证纳入合同条款,成为目前国际法律实践中的重要通例。

    The position of the offer in current legal system of our country has learn much from the international theoretical experience , but it needed to be clarified and improved .

  18. 他们坚持要在合同中写入保证供应中餐的条款。

    They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts

  19. 期货交易的初始保证金实质上是为了保证按照期货合约条款履约的信誉存款。

    Periodic ordering The initial margin requirement on a futures transaction is simply a good-faith deposit to ensure performance according to the terms of the futures contract .

  20. 保险公司不仅要注重研究保证保险的性质,并适时调整完善保证保险合同条款,而且应注重防范业务风险,调整管理模式。

    The insurance company should not only focus on researching to the nature of guarantee insurance , then timely adjust and improve the terms of the insurance contract , and should focus on prevention of business risks , and adjust the management mode .