
  • 网络Preservation Measures;conservatory measures;provisional measure
  1. 同时,正确运用民事保全措施,加强民事保全力度,对于维护司法公正、提高司法效率,树立司法权威有着极为重要的作用。

    At the same time , the proper use of the civil conservatory measures can strengthen the civil conservatory force , which is critical in safeguarding judicial justice and improving the efficiency of the judicial practice , establishing the judiciary authority .

  2. 在实践中银行独立保函欺诈情况时常出现,国际上对此没有统一的救济措施,从各国的司法实践来分析,存在常用救济手段,如法院禁令、保全措施命令以及Mareva禁令。

    The independent bank guarantee fraud occurs in the practice frequently , and there is no unified international relief measure , from the judicial practice to analyze the commonly used relief means , such as a court injunction , preservation measures command and Mareva ban .

  3. 违法采取税收强制措施和税收保全措施的;

    Illegally taking tax enforcement measures and tax preservative measures ;

  4. 对电子数据可以采取多种证据保全措施;

    The protective measures should be taken to electronic data .

  5. 对海运货物保全措施及责任主体的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues Regarding Measures of the Security of Cargo and Liable Subjects

  6. 国际商事仲裁中临时保全措施的决定与执行

    About the Decision and Implementation for the Temporary Preservation Measures in the International Business Arbitration

  7. 可以在起诉前向人民法院申请采取财产保全措施。

    May apply for custody of property with the people 's court before filing an action .

  8. 其次,在民事诉讼中人民法院可以根据情况,采取保全措施。

    Secondly , in civil action , people court can take preservation measure based on condition .

  9. 关于追索权的保全措施

    Conservatory measure in relation to recourse

  10. 第二部分是对我国实行债权转股权的动因分析,指出债权转股权是商业银行资产保全措施的一种。

    In Part 2 , the author discusses the internal motivation of putting the debt-to-equity into practice .

  11. 程序法问题涉及到受益人实施欺诈的救济,本文主要介绍了两种救济措施,即法院禁令与保全措施命令。

    Then the article introduces two kind of remedial measure & injunction orders and conservatory attachment orders .

  12. 作为债的保全措施之一的债权人代位权,从性质上讲是对债的相对性的突破。

    As one of the security measures of debt subrogation , qualitatively , is the debt relative breakthrough .

  13. 裁定采取海事请求保全措施的,应当立即执行;

    If the court orders the adoption of maritime preservation measures , the execution thereof shall begin immediately .

  14. 行政机关在行政程序中申请法院采取保全措施问题之我见

    On Applying for Preservation Measures in the Administrative Procedure The preservation measures of historical circumstances in CHING of CHINA

  15. 《国际商事仲裁示范法》对临时性保全措施条款的修订

    On the Amendment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration as to the Interim Measures of Protection

  16. 船舶是一种财产,本应可以成为任何民事请求的保全措施的标的物。

    Vessel is a kind of property and should be the subject matter of preservation means for any civil claims .

  17. 第四章对海事请求保全措施中的扣押船舶及扣押、冻结转租运费、租金中所存在的一些问题分别进行了阐述。

    Chapter 4 expatiates on the problems existed in the arrest of ship , arrest , freight of freezing and hire .

  18. 本文探讨了如下问题:一、行政机关申请法院采取保全措施的性质;

    The problems discussed in this article are as follows , first , the nature of applying for court 's preservation measures ;

  19. 当事人没有提出申请的,人民法院在必要时也可以裁定采取财产保全措施。

    Where the litigant does not make such an application , the people 's court may rule for custody of property when necessary .

  20. 债权人之代位权制度作为一种有效的债的保全措施,具有保全债权的功能;

    As an effective conservatory measure , the rule of the right of subrogation for creditors has the function of preserving creditor 's rights .

  21. 除了别的以外,这些新的要求包括公众卫生,安全状况和保全措施以及工作环境和污染防治。

    There are new requirements for community health , safety , and security as well as labor conditions and pollution prevention , among others .

  22. 人民法院受理破产案件后,一切有关债务人财产的其他保全措施,应当中止。

    After the acceptance of the case by the peoples court , any other preserving measures related to the debtors property shall be suspended .

  23. 国际商事仲裁临时保全措施是国际商事仲裁中的重要内容,对国际商事仲裁的顺利进行有着不可替代的作用和意义。

    Interim measures of protection in international commercial arbitration are very important , which contributes to the international commercial arbitration development with no other alternatives .

  24. 因为扣船作为一种特殊的财产保全措施,文中将与扣船相关的其他担保作为一种特殊的保全担保进行了单独讨论。

    In this paper , arrest of ship is described as a special interim measures , so the security relating to it was argued separately .

  25. 税务机关未及时解除保全措施,使纳税人及其他当事人合法权益遭受损失的行为。

    Failure to timely withdraw tax revenue guarantee measures by the tax authorities which results in infringement of the legal rights and interests of taxpayers ;

  26. 法院对仲裁的司法审查体现在仲裁协议效力的认定、仲裁员的指定、临时保全措施以及仲裁裁决中。

    Such judicial review is involved in the determination of the validity of arbitration agreement , appointment of arbitrators , interim measures and arbitral awards .

  27. 此外,英美国家的扣押令、临时限制令、预备禁令、玛利华禁令等临时救济措施亦成为英美法系最主要的保全措施。

    Moreover , the attachment , temporary restraining order , preliminary injunction and the Mareva injunction , are the main temporary remedies in Common law counties .

  28. 国际商事仲裁中的临时保全措施,主要问题及争议存在于临时保全措施的决定与执行两个方面。

    To the temporary preservation measures in the international business arbitration , the main problems and disputes exist in the two fields , decision and implementation .

  29. 但在大陆法系及国际公约中,均认为对船舶采取的强制措施是海事财产保全措施。

    But the statutory law and international conventions , as well as China , consider the compulsory measure on ship as a kind of maritime property saving .

  30. 第二章,根据扣船制度在大陆法系和英美法系中的不同定性,分析其分别作为财产保全措施和对物诉讼的优缺点。

    According to the different natures of arrest of ships in the common law and the continental law , chapter 2 analyzes their advantages and disadvantages respectively .