
tiáo jiǔ shī
  • bartender;mixologist
  1. 酒店经理丹尼尔&12539;斯科特(DanielScott)说,在住客抵达时,酒店会向他们介绍唐顿庄园式的客房服务员、调酒师、泳池管理员和管家。

    When guests arrive , they are introduced to the housekeeper , bartender , pool person and butler in the style of ' Downton Abbey , ' hotel manager Daniel Scott says .

  2. 他是个调酒师,所以你们有共同点。

    He 's a bartender , so you have something in common .

  3. 美容师、调酒师、钢琴演奏家和戴紫色帽子的人,韦尔蒂笔下的人物来自那些她与朋友共度的午后,来自她家乡密西西比州杰克逊的街道漫步,来自她在公交上无意听见的对话。

    Beauticians , bartenders , piano players and people with purple hats , Welty 's people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends , from walks through the streets of her native Jackson , Miss . , from conversations overheard on a bus .

  4. 让衣着整洁的调酒师为你调一杯BisonTT(以伏特加、绿茶、生姜糖浆调成),坐在红色的天鹅绒沙发上观赏一下这里的人群,然后移步至VictoriaBrown。

    Ask the dapper bartenders for a Bison TT ( vodka , green tea , ginger syrup ) , and people-watch from a red velvet sofa before moving on to Victoria Brown .

  5. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  6. 这是WFA的大师级人物首次亲临中国,为在中国的优秀花式调酒师们讲授专业知识。

    It is the first time that WFA flair masters have lectures in China to help flair bartenders excel with great flair techniques .

  7. 凭借其超高品质,SKYY伏特加成为了世界上多数优秀且个性的调酒师调制鸡尾酒的最佳选择。

    With its super-premium quality , SKYY Vodka is a perfect accompaniment to the most talented and unique bartenders ( and cocktails ) in the world .

  8. 就像能在旋转木马上看到旅游照片一样,Anthem号上全是这类高端的设施。比如甲板上有机器人调酒师的酒吧,这些观念都是第一次在量子号上引起广泛热议的。

    As can be seen in the photo tour in the carousel above , Anthem is packed full of such gee-whiz features as a deck-top ride into the sky and a bar with robot bartenders , both concepts that first debuted on Quantum .

  9. “调酒师兼婚姻咨询师。”

    • " work as bartender and marriage counselor . "

  10. 你不觉得我是一个出色的调酒师吗?

    Don 't you think I am an outstanding bartender ?

  11. 他叫布尔他想应聘调酒师的位子

    His name 's Bull , and he wants the bartending gig .

  12. 也许我们能跟几个调酒师调调情。

    Maybe we could flirt with one of the bartenders .

  13. 该鸡尾酒清香爽口,是本店调酒师的杰作。

    The cocktails , our mixers'masterpieces , are pleasant to the palate .

  14. 这就是为什么我们希望大家为调酒师捐款。

    That 's why we got leaders to the mixologist .

  15. 一个调酒师应该知道做什么和怎么做。

    A bartender should know what to do and how to do it .

  16. 让你们的调酒师帮我们选吧。

    Please ask your bar tender to choose a nice one for us .

  17. 因为大部分调酒师都有

    for this spill , since most bartenders do .

  18. 大多数调酒师起初还以为我是国家税务局的呢。

    Most bartenders thought I was from the IRS .

  19. 调酒师,6杯威士忌,谢谢。

    Bartender ! Six shots of whiskey please !

  20. 调酒师,给这位女士一杯饮料

    Bartender , a drink for the lady .

  21. 李小姐被认为是酒店里最好的女调酒师。

    Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel .

  22. 她在高尔夫球场里做调酒师。

    She bartends at the golf course .

  23. 事实上,1971年,加州禁止女性调酒师的法律就已经被废除。

    In fact , California 's law prohibiting female bartenders was only repealed in 1971 .

  24. 幸好你找到了明星调酒师

    Lucky you found a star bartender .

  25. 那个醉汉辱骂了调酒师。

    The drunk abused the barman .

  26. 但是我从来没有看到那个调酒师像他这样带着极具感染力的热情在房间里来回忙碌。

    But I have never seen a sommelier bustle around a room with such infectious enthusiasm .

  27. 汤姆先生患了感冒,他向调酒师要一些阿司匹林药片。

    Mr. Tom has caught a cold . He asks the bartender for some aspirin tablets .

  28. 调酒师已经帮她准备好了伏特加,杯子从光洁的桃花心木台面上滑到她跟前,相当潇洒。

    The barman had her vodka ready for her and slid it charmingly across the glossy mahogany .

  29. 独立吧台并配置首席调酒师为您全程提供专属、悉心的优质服务。

    Independent chief bartender bar and configuration for your whole provide exclusive , careful of quality services .

  30. 一些常见的工作有调酒师、律师、老师和销售员。

    Well , some common type AB careers are bartenders , lawyers , teachers and sales people .