
tiáo jiě yuán zé
  • principles of mediation
  1. 第一,基本原则,该制度坚持不公开调解原则、程序有限性原则、当事人亲自参加调解原则。

    Firstly , in terms of fundamental principles , pre-mediation in litigation adhere to these principles : principles of mediation privately , principles of limited procedure , principles of that the parties participate pre-mediation personally .

  2. 关于民事诉讼中法院调解原则的反思

    Recognition of the principle of mediation by court in civil procedure

  3. 调解原则适用于仲裁和诉讼程序。

    The principle of mediation shall apply to the procedures of arbitration and lawsuit .

  4. 论我国民事诉讼中的调解原则

    On Mediation Principles in Civil Action in China

  5. 我国民事诉讼法所确立的调解原则是我国民事立法所特有的原则。

    The mediation principle established by our civil procedure law is the special principle in our civil legislation .

  6. 对人民调解原则作为民事诉讼基本原则的质疑

    Challenges on the Practice of Regarding the Principle of People 's Mediation as the Basic Principle of Civil Procedures

  7. 传统行政法理论认为行政复议制度不适用调解原则。

    The traditional administrative law considers that the system of the administration reconsideration is not fit for the intercessory principle .

  8. 比较美国的做法,我们应该对我国行政诉讼法不适用调解原则进行反思。

    Compared with this , we should reflect the principle of " non-mediation " in our country 's administrative procedural law .

  9. 安装程序不能用于该传真调制解调器调解原则适用于仲裁和诉讼程序。

    Setup is not available for this Fax modem The principle of mediation shall apply to the procedures of arbitration and lawsuit .

  10. 必须正确界定基本原则的内涵,改造立法体例,并从人民调解原则、处分原则、法院调解原则和支持起诉原则等基本原则入手进行思考,重新构建基本原则的内容体系。

    This new development calls for a redefinition of the basic principles , a reform of the legislation style as well as a restructuring of the framework of content for the basic principles covering people 's mediation , disposition , court mediation and litigation support .

  11. 一是整合和提炼民事调解的原则;

    In the first place , reorganize and abstract the principles of civil mediation ;

  12. 民事行政检察工作具有一定的特殊性,在工作中贯彻调解优先原则是一种新的工作思路。

    Civil administration procuratorial work has some particularity , in the work to carry out mediation first principle is a new idea .

  13. 但是,由于认识上的差异和经验上的不足,《实施条例》关于复议调解的原则、范围、程序等的规定还不尽完善。

    However , because of the differences of understanding and lack of experience , the stipulations on the scope , principle and procedure etc. of intermediation are not yet perfect .

  14. 本文拟从法院调解三原则的地位分析中寻找促进和规范法院调解的途径,并运用新证据规则加以落实。

    This paper intends to look for the path that promotes and regulates the court intermediation through the analysis of the position of the three principles in court intermediation , and to carry it on by the new proof rule .

  15. 因此,在处理共同饮酒引发的各类侵权案件时,应贯彻调解优先原则,争取对受害人有所补偿,以实现法律效果与社会效果的统一。

    Therefore when dealing with the various infringement cases arising from the co-drinking , we shall implement the principle of mediation coming first and strive for making certain compensation for the aggrieved so as to realize the unity between legal effect and social effect .

  16. 在行政诉讼调解苯原则的指引下需要对调解程序的启动、终止以及调解的阶段与主体等关系到调解成败的众多因素考虑并寻求最佳的程序设计方案。

    Mediation , termination of conciliation proceedings under the guidance of the basic principles of administrative litigation mediation and the mediation stage , the main related to the success or failure of a number of factors to consider and seek the best program design .

  17. 论法院调解的诚信原则

    On the Principle of Good Faith in Judicial Mediation

  18. 做好治安调解工作的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Public Order Mediation Work

  19. 行政诉讼调解特有的原则应该包括不公开原则、诚信原则和公益原则。

    The own principle of mediation in administrative litigation should include private principle , honest principle and commonweal principle .

  20. 其次,行政诉讼调解的基本原则包括:自愿原则、合法兼合理原则。

    Secondly , the basic principles of the administrative litigation mediation include : voluntary principles , lawful and reasonable principle .

  21. 本文通过对行政诉讼调解的基本原则、适用范围、程序设计展开论述。

    This article , through the mediation of the basic principles of administrative litigation , scope , procedures designed to start discussion .

  22. 主要包括行政诉讼调解适用的原则及其程序,从启动环节、协商环节、协议环节、瑕疵救济环节来展现整个调解的流程中的主要制度设置。

    It consists of the principles applicable to administrative proceedings and conciliation procedures and the main system settings showing the whole Remediation mediation process from the start link , link negotiation , the agreement links .

  23. 第一节完善我国西部农村非诉调解机制的原则:诉讼与非诉并存的原则、合意原则、效率原则、非严格的程序性原则。

    Section one introduce that Improve rural the principles of the non-complaint mediation mechanism : principle of litigation and non-complaint with co-existence . consensual principle , the principle of efficiency , the principle of non-strict procedures .

  24. 家事审判程序只有交错适用职权主义原则、当事人适格的原则、既判力原则、限制处分原则、调解前置等原则,才能适应处理家事事件的特殊需要。

    Domestic procedure demands the crossing application of the principles of the doctrine of judge center , the justification of parties , the adjudged force , the limited handling and preferential mediation , ect for meeting the demand of the peculiarity of the domestic troubles .

  25. 坚持法院调解必须遵循的原则;

    Sticking to principle s ;

  26. 司法调解要坚持正义原则、合法性原则、以及合理性原则。

    Judicial mediation should adhere to the principles of justice , the principle of legality , the principle of rationality .

  27. 自愿、合法合理、尊重当事人诉权、公证员直接参与是公证调解的四项原则。

    Free will , lawfulness and reasonableness , respect for the right of suit of the parties and direct participation of the notary public are the four principles of notarial mediation .

  28. 法院调解中的诚信原则应包括禁止滥用权利或权力、禁止反悔和矛盾举动、不得违反真实义务以及认真履行保密义务等方面的内容。

    The principle of good faith in judicial mediation should consist of forbidding the abuse of rights or power , prohibiting the action of regrets and contradiction , performing the obligation of telling truth and keeping secret .

  29. 要重构民事调解制度的基本原则,完善程序性规定,落实自愿原则和处分权原则,还调解制度本来的要求;

    To restructure the basic principles of the civil mediation system , perfect the procedural rules , truly implement principles of self-willingness and judgement authority , so as to restore the original requirements of a mediation system .

  30. 法院促成当事人之间进行调解并不是无原则的,自愿原则、合法原则、有限调解原则是行政诉讼调解制度必须坚持的基本原则。

    The court contributed to the mediation between the parties is not unprincipled , the voluntary principle , the principle of legality , the principle of limited mediation must adhere to the basic principles of administrative litigation mediation system .