
tiáo fú dù
  • modulation;factor of amplitude modulation;modulation factor;AM depth
调幅度[tiáo fú dù]
  1. 基于FPGA的调幅度监测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Modulation Factor Measurement System Based on FPGA

  2. 用单片机实现有声平均调幅度测量

    Realizing the Average Audio signal Modulation Factor Measurement by Computer On slice

  3. 用MCS-51单片机实现调幅度的自动控制

    Autocontrol Realization for an Amplitude Modulation factor By MCS-51 Single-Chip Microcomputer

  4. 幂级数法对无源交调幅度和功率的预测

    The prediction of the PIM amplitude and power by using the power series method

  5. 本文介绍的是一个基于单片机技术和虚拟仪器技术开发的《中短波广播发射机调幅度监测系统》。

    This paper introduces a system empoldered with SCM technology and virtual instrument technology .

  6. 本文介绍了运用计算机技术实现调幅度的自动控制。

    This article introduces how to use computer technique to realize autocontrol foan amplitude modulation factor .

  7. 一种智能型调幅度测量仪的设计电光分析天平计量性能的判断和调修

    The Design of a Kind of Intelligent Measurement-meter Applied in Amplitude Modulation Modulus Adjustment and Repair of Photoelectric Analytical Balance

  8. 李钟柱说,这与过去几年的调薪幅度相似。

    She adds that is in line with previous years .

  9. 旁通管补水定压系统调压幅度确定方法的探讨

    Probes into the Pressure Regulating Range of the Water Replenishing and Pressure Fixing System on the By-pass Pipe

  10. 采用虚拟样机技术构建了液压支架动态仿真系统,在此基础上对液压支架进行了运动仿真,给出了支架在整个调高幅度内重心轨迹曲线,为该类问题的解决提供了技术基础。

    Authors established dynamic phantom system of hydraulic support using virtual prototype technique , and locomotory simulated hydraulic support , included centrobaric track in all high extent of support , provided technology foundation of these problems .

  11. 另一方面,馈线两带的刻痕宽度与长度的选择有助于调较大幅度地整滤波器的中心频率,这一特点在特种通信应用环境中有着广泛的应用。

    On the other hand , selecting proper width and length lying in two sides of the feeding lines will substantially adjust central frequency of filters , it has a broad application in special communica-tion application environments .

  12. 富士康的调薪幅度,预示着该地区对廉价劳动力近乎反射性的依赖,有可能发生明显转变。美欧及日本消费者也把廉价劳动力带来的好处当作一件想当然的事情。

    The sheer magnitude of Foxconn 's salary adjustment signals a potentially dramatic shift in the region 's almost reflexive reliance on cheap labour , the benefits of which US , European and Japanese consumers have also come to take for granted .

  13. 在脉冲核辐射测试中,要求同步信号源的输出延时可调,信号幅度大于5V,且有多通道输出(10路以上)。

    A delay-time adjustable synchronizer is required for pulsed nuclear radiation measurement , which has more than 10 output channels and whose output-signal amplitude is larger than 5 volts .

  14. 悲伤和中性略有拓宽,高兴重音位置处调域拓宽幅度大于悲伤和中性。

    Sad and neutral widened slightly .

  15. 同时,贷款通过先实行浮动利率,后逐步调宽浮动幅度的办法,向利率放开过渡。

    Meantime , the interest rates of loans are in the direction of liberalization through the practice of floating rate and the gradual increase of fluctuation range .

  16. 从调酸次数、幅度及pH下降的程度上分析,含矿石的9K+S培养基更有利于驯化硫杆菌;

    According to the analysis of adjusting the sour times , range and the degree of pH value descent , the ore-bearing 9K + S cultures more benefit to domesticate the Ferrobacillus .

  17. 相对2010年的双位数增长,政府表示希望透过强化持续发展机调,减慢增长幅度,因此市场普遍预期增幅将明显下调。

    Growth is widely expected to slow from the double digit pace seen in2010 , with authorities indicating they are willing to forgo some of the speed while putting a greater emphasis on sustainability .

  18. 文章提出了一种新的方案,这种新的超声电机驱动电源,能产生两相可调频率,可调相位差及幅度的正弦信号。

    In this paper , a new project is presented in which a new type of driving power can produce two phase sin signals , the frequencies , phase differences and amplitudes of which can be all adjusted .

  19. 较宽的调压特性包容了盐炉的调压幅度;

    They have wide adjustable voltage range , containing all voltage which salt bath furnaces need .

  20. 虽然印度中央储备银行调高利率之举,在各方预料之中。但是0.5个百分点的调升幅度,还是让经济学家大吃一惊。

    Although the Reserve Bank 's move in hiking interest rates was widely anticipated , the half a percentage point raise caught economists by surprise .

  21. 同时,进行了氮气泡沫调剖的矿场设计和应用效果分析,现场应用表明,氮气泡沫调剖能较大幅度降低油田含水,提高采收率。

    At same time , the field design and application effect of nitrogen foam profile control are analysed . The field application shows that nitrogen foam can reduce greatly water-cut , and enhance recovery efficiency .