
tiáo zhěng piàn
  • adjustment sheet;trimmer
调整片[tiáo zhěng piàn]
  1. 调整片:减少杆力以保持高度和速度。

    T rim : trim to relieve control pressure and maintain altitude and airspeed .

  2. 某水上飞机升降舵调整片操纵杆腐蚀裂纹分析

    Analysis of corrosion induced cracking for a control rod of elevator tab for a water plane

  3. 沿行驶方向将快速螺母从右侧滑到风挡框架的调整片上。

    Slide the speed nut from the right in direction of travel onto the tab on the windscreen frame .

  4. 本文提供了一种试验测定操纵面或调整片绕自身铰链轴线的转动惯量的新方法。

    This paper presents a new approach to determining the moments of inertia of the control surface or tab about its hinge line .

  5. 当驾驶员的操纵力仅使调整片偏转而不作用于主操纵面时,称为伺服调整片。

    When the pilot 's control force acts only to deflect the tab , and not the main surface , it is designated a servo tab .

  6. 运用这种方法获得用单独后缘主控调整片抑颤的优化控制律,实现了对质量不平衡舵面颤振和翼面弯扭颤振的有效抑制。

    As a result of applying this method , simple and optimal control laws have successfully been developed for the active suppression of wing bending-torsion flutter and under-ballanced aileron flutter using a single trailing-edge active control tab .

  7. 这类方法中的一种非常有效的方法是随动调整片或伺服调整片。当驾驶员的操纵力仅使调整片偏转而不作用于主操纵面时,称为伺服调整片。

    One such means , which is very effective , is the geared or servo tab . When the pilot 's control force acts only to deflect the tab , and not the main surface , it is designated a servo tab .

  8. 此外,调整分片的过程应该是个离线的过程,因为对物理设施进行修改时还需要对键进行调整。

    Additionally , the process of rebalancing shards should be an offline process due to key rebalancing as the physical infrastructure is modified .

  9. CMP工艺中的RBR控制是利用CMP工艺后检测获得的抛光质量数据来调整下一片硅片抛光的输入工艺参数的方法实现的。

    The RBR control of CMP process adjusts its recipe primarily relying on the measurement of the post-polishing parameters .

  10. 动态优先级调整和时间片划分可能在不可预测的时间内发生。

    Dynamic priority adjustments and time slicing can happen at unpredictable times .

  11. 位置可调整的多片刀具,使得更换型材时不必更换刀具,从而节约生产准备周期和刀具费用;

    Adjustable multiple cutters need not be replaced when the profiles changed , which can save the preparation period and cost of tools .

  12. 最后,基于调整后的三角片法矢,调整模型中各顶点位置,实现三角网格模型的光顺处理。

    Finally , the paper adjusts the positions of vertexes in the model on the basis of the modified normal vectors of triangles .

  13. 通过调整此体模片的叠放顺序可以测量不同深度处的吸收剂量,使用方便,易于操作,且重复性好。

    We can measure the dose at different depth by changing arrange of this phantom , as it is easily used and less complicated to operate and has a good repeatability .

  14. 间接操作电阻器型自动电压调整器方向舵调整片致动装置

    Indirect acting rheostatic type automatic voltage regulator rudder trim actuator

  15. 其中索引数据分配采用了基于值范围分片的策略,并通过调整范围的上下界来调整每个分片单元的大小。

    The index data assignment use value range partitioning strategy and adjust its size by change the range .