
  • 网络Adjustment value;modifiers;AdjVal
  1. 另外,如果他具有高智力值,还可以获得每日额外灵能点数(参见属性调整值与额外灵能点数)。

    In addition , he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Intelligence score ( see Table : Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points ) .

  2. 成桥后,将斜拉桥梁塔的最大和最小弯矩设为目标函数,求出斜拉索索力的合理调整值。

    After the bridge was closed , the maximum and minimum bending moment of the girders and the cable tower were the objective function ; a reasonable adjustment value of the cables force was obtained .

  3. 未得到回应的心灵攻击模式的DC调整值为+。

    The DC modifier of an unanswered psionic attack mode is + 8 .

  4. 方法用抽样权重作为调整值,采用Taylor级数线性化技术估计总体参数及相应的方差。

    Methods Sampling weights were used as adjustments , and the Taylor series linearization technique was used to estimate the population parameter and associated variances .

  5. t4通道调整值检测结论表明,该系统检测原理可靠,精度高,性能稳定,对于分析研究EEC的内部结构和控制规律,提高发动机品质和飞行安全具有重要意义。

    Results of the experiments on passage t4 demonstrate that the proposed EEC testing system is reliable , stable and of high precision . It is of much importance in study EEC inside structural and control regulations . It is very useful to increase engine qualities and assure flight safety .

  6. 与缺火相关的反向调整值表明控制次数的调整不正确。

    Opposite adaptation values in connection with misfiring point to incorrectly adjusted control times .

  7. 这些改革本应降低购买力平价调整值,但世行基本上维持原样。

    These reforms should have lowered the PPP adjustment , but the bank left it basically unchanged .

  8. 若有生物持用该物品,使用该生物的敏捷调整值代替上述-5减值。

    If a creature holds the item , use the creature 's Dexterity modifier in place of the-5 penalty .

  9. 不过,不死生物可以使用心灵转化系异能&但它们以魅力调整值作为该系异能的关键属性调整值。

    However , undead can use Psychokinesis powers & but they substitute their Charisma ability score as the key modifier with these powers .

  10. 分析了确定房地产投资报酬率的排序插入法、投资组合法、市场抽取法、安全利率加风险调整值法的利与弊。

    The advantages or disadvantages of following methods , including sequence intersecting method , investment combination method , marketing sample method and safe interest rate plus risk readjust value method are also discussed .

  11. 使软件能够根据加工工件(齿轮、插齿刀、剃齿刀)的基本参数和修形参数,自动计算出机床的头架安装角、立柱旋转角、砂轮的偏距等调整值。

    If you provide the basic parameters of the workpiece ( gear shaper cutters , shaving cutters ), the machine will calculate automatically the head frame mounting angle , column rotation angle , wheel offset and other adjustments .

  12. 本文统计了29辆次机动车辆87个轴向全频域计权加速度级与对应轴向最大一个1/3倍频程带计权加速度级的差值,求出平均值作为调整值。

    Adjustment of guidance limit values given in ISO 2631 / 1 may have to be considered . Ths paper takes a statistical difference of a axis over-all weighted acceleration and the greatest single third octave band weighted acceleration on 87 axes in 29 vehicles .

  13. 调整pH值;基于风险的现值法

    Regulation of soil pH ; The Present Value Method with Risk

  14. 然而我们的预试验表明直接调整pH值并没有达到预期效果。

    However , our pre-test showed that directly pH adjustment does not achieve the desired results .

  15. 湖北省火电厂灰场排水加酸调整pH值可行性探讨

    The Feasibility Discussion of Adding Acid to Adjust pH Value in Ash Yard Water Drainage in Hubei Province

  16. 然而高温淀粉酶的最适作用温度和pH与中温糖化酶均不相同,需要反复调整pH值和温度。

    Because both enzymes have different optimum temperature and pH , the pH values and temperatures must be adjusted repeatedly .

  17. 通过调整pH值,选择适当的甲醛浓度,提高反应温度可以提高Ag还原率直至完全还原。

    And all the silver ion can be reduced by adjusting pH value , choosing proper formaldehyde concentration and increasing reaction temperature .

  18. 通过软件功能调整CT值阈值和透明度,显示含气器官或主动脉的内腔,赋予人工伪彩色,重建出沿空腔器官中轴行程一致的多幅器官内表面图像。

    The ranges of CT densities and transparency of gas containing organs or aorta were adjusted using customized computer software to show the inner walls of these organses .

  19. 利用远红外加温萎凋及调整pH值和充氮技术提高乌龙茶与乌龙茶罐装茶水质量。(3)添加天然植物芳香物质提高茶叶香气。

    By using far-infrared heating withering and regulating pH value to improve the quality of Wulong tea and canned tea ( 3 ) By adding plant essential oil to improve aroma of tea .

  20. 在不调整pH值的糖汁中,经过60℃120分钟加热,酶的活性残存约50%;

    If the syrup was not adjusted the pH value , after 120 minutes ' manipulation of heating at the temperature of 60 ℃, the residues of hesperidinase activity was above 50 % ;

  21. 由于糠醛废水酸性较强(pH值为2~3),因此很难通过传统的酸碱中和来调整pH值,从而影响生物处理效果。

    Furfural wastewater is high in acid content with pH of 2-3 , and so it is very difficult to adjust pH by means of acid-base equilibrium , and thus affecting the biological treatment effect .

  22. 为了解决此问题,在基于离散对数难题和拉格朗日插值公式,提出了一个可动态调整门限值的(t,n)多秘密分享方案。

    To overcome these problems , a ( t , n ) multi-secret sharing scheme based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Lagrange Interpolation Formula was proposed which could adjust the threshold value of a secret dynamically .

  23. 通过调整pH值,温度和AIE分子的浓度,利用荧光光谱来研究这些AIE分子与聚电解质的相互作用。

    By regulating pH value , temperature and concentration of these AIE molecules , their physical interactions with polyelectrolytes were monitored with fluorescence spectroscopy .

  24. 采用基于Henderson方法Ⅲ的F统计量来检验每个基因在不同处理水平下的表达差异,并通过调整P值的阈值来控制试验水平的假发现率。

    An F-statistic based Henderson method III was constructed to test the significance of differential expression for each gene under different treatment ( s ) levels . The cutoff P-value was adjusted to control the experimental-wise false discovery rate .

  25. 对不同温度硝化过程中亚硝酸盐氮进行研究,结果表明,在中温(20~30℃)下,通过调整pH值,亚硝酸盐氮不仅可以实现累积,而且温度越高,亚硝酸盐氮累积速率越快。

    Still accumulate research on the nitrite nitrogen , the result shows , under the middle temperature ( 20 ~ 30 ℃), through adjusting pH value , the nitrite nitrogen not only can be realized accumulating , but also the higher temperature is , it creates faster .

  26. 该算法利用一种新颖的数据嵌入规则,调整绝对值较小的DCT系数的正负值,分别用特定DCT系数的正负值来代表1和0。

    Using a novel data embedding rule , this algorithm adjusted coefficients of DCT , whose absolute value is relative smaller than others . Positive numbers were used to denote one and negative numbers were used to represent zero respectively .

  27. 城市居民就诊行为的多项logit模型和嵌套logit模型的拟合优度指标修正似然率为138.54,调整Estrella值分别为0.48和0.91;模型的预测准确率前者平均为65%,后者平均为75%;

    The MLR of the multinomial logit model and the nested logit model about urban residents is 138.54 , the Adjusted Estrella values are 0.48 and 0.91 , and the accuracy rate of prediction are 65 % and 75 % .

  28. 应用程序将onclick事件句柄添加到加号(+)和减号(-)按钮,调整滑块值(knobPercent),重绘滑块并更新示值读数。

    The application adds onclick event handlers to the plus ( + ) and minus ( - ) buttons that adjust the slider 's value ( knobPercent ), redraw the slider , and update the readout .

  29. Hap5和Hap6单倍型的调整OR值分别为6.392和8.449。

    The adjusted OR value was 6.392 and 8.449 , respectively .

  30. 剪切型结构在地动力下调整变形值的探讨

    Discussion of shearing-shaped structure deformed value caused by seismic stress