- 名investigator and researcher

Researcher Elizabeth McClintock , of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana , said : ' This indicates that women 's sexuality may be more flexible and adaptive than men 's. ' Her study comes as growing numbers of female celebrities openly talk about being bisexual .
I was the responsible investigator at the start , though matters quickly got beyond me .
One of the ways to address this problem is for designers to learn to be researchers .
Now it was the turn of the " education survey specialist " to rise to the bait .
' You trade one kind of risk for another , ' says Dr. Silberstein , who has served as an investigator on several companies ' clinical trials .
But we didn 't want to send one of our engineers or researchers , because he or she might have too many preconceived notions about technology transfer .
Discussion on the Application of RFID in Library Circulation and Book Reservation Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries : Library 2.0 in Librarians ' Opinion
A Comparative Study of Job Burnout between College Library and Public Library ; Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries : Library 2.0 in Librarians ' Opinion
Currently work as a online investigator in a market research company .