
  • 网络dispatcher
  1. TETRA调度台加密系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of TETRA Dispatcher Encryption System

  2. 文章详细论述了TETRA端到端加密系统的关键部分&TETRA调度台加密系统的设计与实现。

    The paper discusses the scheme of design and implementation of TETRA dispatcher encryption system .

  3. 矿用交换机调度台RS-232接口电路设计

    The design of RS-232 interface in mine switch and dispatcher

  4. 在TDCS系统中,列车运行阶段计划是行车调度台与车站终端之间信息交换的主体。

    In TDCS , execution plan is the main body of information exchanged between Dispatching Terminal and Station Terminals .

  5. 设计功能丰富、性能可靠、人机界面良好的调度台软件对TETRA系统的开发与应用有重要的意义。

    It has a significant impact in the development and application of TETRA system to design a feature-rich , reliable and user friendly dispatching station software .

  6. 本论文以数字集群试验系统的开发为背景,对TETRA系统控制中心和调度台进行研究,提出一种切实可行的调度台软件设计方案。

    This paper undertakes a research on control center and dispatching station and presents a practical software design solution against the background of the development of digital trunking experimental system .

  7. 论文着重讲述了分调度台&车载设备这一层的无线传输方式,它是以数传电台实现无线通路,采用了高可靠的CRC冗余校验技术。

    The thesis emphasized to relate to the mode of wireless deliver on the layer of lower shunting work station & vehicle equipments . It conducts wireless thoroughfare on the broadcasting station , and adopts the high credible CRC redundancy checkout technique .

  8. 本文提出基于IP技术的TETRA系统调度台构建方案,调度台为一台多媒体PC机,通过LAN/WAN接入TETRA网络,调度员通过运行其上的软件完成对本部门人员的调度与管理。

    This paper presents a dispatching station project based on TETRA over IP . The station is a multimedia PC and access to TETRA network via LAN or WAN . The dispatcher dispatches people in his organization with the software running on the station .

  9. 尼姆?哥尔德曼一直在调度台上与别人商量。

    Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console .

  10. 数字集群系统调度台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation on Dispatching Station of Digital Trunking System

  11. 调度台录音系统声控变压控的处理

    Processing of voice control converted to pressure control in the dispatch station recording system

  12. 地铁网络调度台软件的开发

    Development of Network CAD Software for Subway

  13. 它的中心部件是位于地面两级台阶之上的调度台上的通讯控制板。

    Its centerpiece was a communications console on a dais two steps above floor level .

  14. 调度台软件经验证符合论文设计目标。

    The dispatching station software is validated and accord with the design target of the paper .

  15. 电力调度台将改变原来调度值班员共用的状况,像PC机一样,实现每座席一台。

    The recently used electric power dispatch terminal will change the status that many dispatchers share a same old one .

  16. 在单坐席调度台的基础上,设计并实现多坐席系统服务器。实现更高层次上的指挥调度。

    Design and realize the muti-seat dispatch platform system on the basis of the single-seat system , and then realize the dispatch-command in high level .

  17. 交换机与调度台之间的接口方式,在调度通信系统中是一个非常重要的因素,它直接影响到系统的整体性能和效率。

    The connection pattern between switcher and dispatch station is a very important factor in dispatch communication system , it will affect the entirety performance and efficiency .

  18. 视频通道:当被控站较多时,采用以调度台为单位组成2Mbps自愈环网;

    Video Frequency Communication Channel : When there are many controlled stations , the 2 Mbps self-heal loop net can be established based on the control-platform unit .

  19. 跟踪地面目标小型无人机地面显控平台的设计与实现它的中心部件是位于地面两级台阶之上的调度台上的通讯控制板。

    Design and Realization of Ground Monitor and Control Station for UAV Tracking Ground Target Its centerpiece was a communications console on a dais two steps above floor level .

  20. 它由调度台客户端与调度服务器组成,调度客户端为调度员进行指挥调度提供一个操作平台,可以极大提高工作效率。

    It is made of dispatching client and dispatching server , the dispatching client provides an operation platform for dispatchers to control and command which can greatly improve work efficiency .

  21. 同时根据实际需求设计了统计模块,可以完成各站段、货运调度台的车种别、去向别和货物品类别统计。

    Meanwhile the statistic module has been designed on the basis of practical requirement , it fulfils the car-type , destination and cargo-type statistics for each station , freight dispatching scope .

  22. 在有效地利用了多台计算机的运算能力后,在实验中我们可以看出基于Hadoop的ALH算法,能有效地调度每台计算机的计算资源,大幅地减少高维数据分类的运行时间。

    With the effective use of the computing power of multiple computers , in the experiments , we can see that the ALH algorithm based Hadoop can effectively schedule computing resources of each computer and dramatically reduce the running time on some high dimensional data sets .

  23. 本文通过探讨调度管理台在数字集群应用中的重要作用,给出了改造现有B/S版调度管理台来达到数字集群共网运营与集团用户专网应用有机结合的解决方案。

    By discussing the important functions of the dispatching manager in the digit trunking network , this paper provides the solution to modify the current dispatching manager of B / S version to reach the perfect combination of universality and exclusivity .

  24. 隔爆兼本安型测控仪通过检测水仓水位和其它参数,控制水泵轮流工作与适时启动备用泵,合理调度几台水泵运行。

    Research on the Flameproof Intrinsically Safe Water Level Sensor about Measuring and Controlling The flameproof intrinsically safe detector and controller controls the pump to work alternatively and starts the standby pump timely , it attempers several pump to work reasonably .

  25. 出租车调度系统车台软件设计

    Software design for taxi dispatch system

  26. 论文给出了系统的部署和业务的运行情况,通过调度服务器,呈现了调度台和各种终端之间,各种不同类型的通信过程。

    This thesis shows the deployment and running status of the system , and presents the communication process between different terminals and network by using dispatching server .

  27. 在此调度系统中,通过调度服务器、调度控制系统和调度台三个子系统之间的相互协作,很好的完成了调度系统所需的各项功能。

    In this scheduling system , through the mutual cooperation of dispatching server , scheduling control system and dispatch terminal , it can complete all the necessary functions .

  28. 该方案引入调度服务器的概念,TETRA系统复杂的信令与数据处理均在调度服务器中进行,进而简化调度台软件的设计,并可进行二次开发。

    The concept of dispatch server is introduced and the complicated signalling and data processing of the TETRA system is progressing in it . This will simplify the software design and be capable of further development .

  29. 介绍了在虚拟调度交换方式中,通过采用一系列软件措施,利用MAXIM公司的MAX1480芯片,不增加硬件成本,解决了虚拟调度交换机的主机同各调度台的远距离多机通讯问题。

    In the paper , it is introduced that the problem of remote multi machine communication is solved between virtual dispatching exchange main machine and the dispatching desks without increasing cost , with MAX 1480 chip of MAXIM utilized and a series of software .