
  • 网络applied training
  1. 本文从创新教育的角度,阐述了机械设计课教学中,在课程设计阶段提供必要的CAD应用训练是机械基础系列课程教学改革的必然趋势。

    Based on the innovative education , the authors analyze that supplying applied train of CAD for students in the machine design course is a trend in the teaching reform of a series of courses on basic machinery .

  2. 以物系一组有代表性的几个组成点的临界性质作为训练样本对改进的BP网络进行训练,然后应用训练好的网络来预测该物系其它组成点的临界性质。

    A group of critical properties of certain mixture as train examples are used to train the BP network , then the trained network is applied to predict the critical properties of other component points of this mixture .

  3. 应用训练效能评估高级教练机方案设计

    Assessment of conceptual design for an advanced training aircraft using training efficiency

  4. 最后,应用训练数据对居民地面积与居民人口之间的关系式进行了检验。

    Finally , the equation between the population and the residential area has been tested .

  5. 作者在基本技能训练实验的基础上,增设了综合应用训练,以提高学生参与实验的主观能动性。

    Based on the experiments of basic technical ability exercise , synthetical application exercise is added in order to enhance the subjective activity of students .

  6. 方法:应用训练平台和实验室化管理,专职教师脱产对92名儿科方向实习生集中分组短期强化培训常规技能。

    Method : Teachers gave short-term intensive training in simulator to 92 pediatric trainees focusing the routine skills of puncture and medical check-up by making full use of all facilities in labs .

  7. 应用训练完成的支持向量回归机,输入交通流量、占有率、平均速度,来预测下时段的交通流量。

    Finally , the traffic volumes being forecasted at several periods of time in the future are available by inputting the traffic volumes , occupancy-rate and average velocity necessary to the trained support vector regression .

  8. 对机械原理课程设计和机械零件课程设计的改革与实践进行了探讨,课程设计不仅是对所学理论知识进行单一的应用训练,还应注重培养学生创新精神和实践能力。

    In this paper the course designs of machine principle and machine element are reformed and tried . The course designs are used not only to discipline theoretic knowledge but also to cultivate innovation spirit and practice ability .

  9. 提高概率论思维的效率及质量,必须从构筑知识平台,加强应用训练及强化批判意识等方面全面注意概率论思维智力品质的培养。

    To promote the efficiency and quality of probability thinking , it is necessary to foster the intelligence qualities of probability theory thinking from the aspects of building the knowledge platform , tightening application training and strengthening discrimination awareness .

  10. 海量数据分类一直是数据挖掘、机器学习和人工智能的研究热点,海量数据分类是应用训练集构造一个分类器,应用这个分类器能够完成后续分类工作。

    Massive data classification is a hot research topic of data mining , machine learning and artificial intelligence , which the training set is used to trained a classifier , and the generated classifier can be used to achieve the further classification .

  11. 对求解含线性约束优化问题的粒子群算法(LPSO)进行了改进,给出了应用其训练支持向量机(SVM)的方法。

    Some improvements on the particle swarm optimizer for linearly constrained optimization are put forward . And the method using this improvement algorithm to train Support Vector Machine is presented .

  12. 其次,建立人体神经肌肉疲劳模型,应用运动训练、间歇性低氧训练等干预手段,观察低氧训练前后以及疲劳恢复过程中H反射参数的变化。

    Second , a model of human neuromuscular fatigue was established . Intervention studies of treadmill training and IHT were also applied in this model in order to observe the changes of H reflex parameters before and after neuromuscular fatigue and during the recovery of neuromuscular fatigue .

  13. 结论:围术期联合应用呼吸训练器和氨溴索可以发挥协同作用,保护肺功能,减少体外循环引起的肺损伤和减少呼吸道并发症的发生,缩短患者术后呼吸机辅助通气时间及ICU监护时间。

    Conclusions : The application of ambroxol and respiration training device during perioperative time could contributed to protect the pulmonary function , decrease the pulmonary injury caused by CPB and the respiratory tract complication , decrease the time of breathing machine assisted ventilation and the time in ICU .

  14. 无氧阈强度在短距离游泳项目中的应用及训练监控

    The Utilization of Anaerobic Threshold Intensity and its Training Supervision in Short Distance Swimming

  15. 应用写作训练刍论

    Remarks on the Training of Applied Writing

  16. 表象训练法在射击教学中的应用及训练效果的统计分析

    The Application of Imaginational Training Methodology to Shooting Teaching and Statistical Analyses of Training Results

  17. 应用表象训练法进行网球发球教学的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Imagination Training in Tennis

  18. 梯度算法广泛应用于训练前馈神经网络。

    Gradient algorithm has been widely used for training the weights of feedforward neural networks .

  19. 偏瘫患者应用步行训练

    Apply walk training of stroke hemiplegia patient

  20. 提出了恢复能力可以进行训练,以及对不同运动疲劳的恢复能力提出了应用不同训练手段进行训练的观点。

    1t expressed an opinion that the recovery needs training and we should use various training methods for different sports fatigue .

  21. 方法术前应用松弛训练、矫正认知、信息疗法等心理学方法对病人进行心理干预。

    Method preoperative psychological intervention were conducted by many ways , such as relax training , modifying cognition and information therapy .

  22. 另有一定篇幅的内容涉及到小加尔西亚练声曲对流行唱法的应用及训练。

    Otherwise the contents of a certain length of training related to M · Gacia voice singing pop songs on the application and training .

  23. 在瑜伽教学中应用表象训练法符合运动技能的形成规律,能促进学生对体位动作的记忆和掌握。

    In yoga teaching , the application of representation method accords with the motor skill formation law , can promote students to master and memory the posture movements .

  24. 应用认知训练法对格斗擒敌技术动作的教学训练效果进行对比研究,发现认知训练法在格斗技能形成中具有较为明显的训练效益。

    It was found in our contrast research that CT can help trainees form the cognitive structure of capture technique , and the training effect of CT is obvious .

  25. 所以,目前世界各国都非常重视竞技游泳训练,并把科学研究最新成果应用于训练实践中。

    Therefore , at present , all countries in the world attach great importance to competitive swimming training , scientific research and the latest results applied to training practice .

  26. 针对不同形式的规则集,提出应用区间训练法或参数训练法改变神经网络的输入输出形式。

    For different types of rule sets the paper presents two methods the interval-training method and the parameter-training method to change the inputs and outputs of the network . The interval-training method .

  27. 《数字应用能力训练手册》可帮助学习者学习提高获取数据、数字运算、结果展示和应用等的数字应用能力!

    " Digital Application Ability Training Manual " can help learners to learn to improve access to data , digital operations , the results show the number of applications and application capabilities !

  28. 32例手外伤后肌腱移位术和游离肌腱移植术患者应用功能训练与动力性支架,治疗4周后采用总主动活动度、肌力、日常生活活动能力评估手功能。

    Thirty-two cases of hand trauma after tendon transfering and free tendon grafting were treated by functional training and dynamic brace . After 4 weeks the function of hand were evaluated by TAM , ADL and muscle strength .

  29. 分析游戏训练法与其他训练方法的区别,如何在青年专业队的篮球训练中应用游戏训练法进行篮球训练,如何有效地激发了篮球队员学习动机和欲望。

    Analysis Training of the game the difference with other training methods , how to train young professionals in the application of the basketball team play basketball training method for training in how to effectively stimulate the basketball team motivation and desire .

  30. 元胞自动机的核心内容是转换规则的获取,本文应用云理论训练CA转换规则,综合考虑多种影响负荷发展的因素,制定了多种转换规则。

    This paper applied Cloud theory to train CA conversion rules , considering several factors affecting load development , formulate some conversion rules .