
  • 网络Aesthetic pleasure;aesthetic enjoyment
  1. 康德指出审美愉悦是一种独特的愉悦。

    Kant pointed out aesthetic pleasure was a unique pleasure .

  2. 想一下简单且重要的审美愉悦的来源,美丽风景的吸引力。

    Consider briefly an important source of aesthetic pleasure , the magnetic pull of beautiful landscapes .

  3. 论休谟的审美愉悦说

    A Talk about Hume 's Theory of " Aesthetic happy "

  4. 当审美愉悦升华至精神享受时,你已走在风尚之前。

    When aesthetic enjoyment upgrading to spiritual comfort , you have been a pioneer of fashion .

  5. 一件艺术品能使欣赏者产生审美愉悦的重要因素之一,是欣赏者在欣赏的过程中有想象的快感。

    A piece of art work may create aesthetic pleasure in its audience by making room for imagination .

  6. 欣赏绘画产生的审美愉悦,能使学习充满活力;

    The appreciation of the painting produces esthetical vicarious pleasure , and it causes the study full of energy ;

  7. 汉大赋作品大多有特定的接受者&汉天子,从而具备了审美愉悦功能。

    Han Da Fu always has its unique readers & the emperor , it can provides aesthetic pleasure for them .

  8. 这些艺术之间有许多不同,但也包含着普世的、跨越文化的审美愉悦和审美价值。

    There are many differences among the arts , but there are also universal , cross-cultural aesthetic pleasures and values .

  9. 首先,诗歌具有审美愉悦功能,即诗的功能。

    First , poetry has functions of aesthetic judgment and enjoyment , that is the function of " poetry " .

  10. 对读者而言,实际上是被剥夺了原本可以通过自己的想像和反思就能获得的审美愉悦。

    A reader , thus , has been striped of the aesthetic pleasure brought on by his own reflection and imagination .

  11. 经由符号化的情感构形而生成的形式美蕴含了审美愉悦感,具有形象性与情感性的美感共性。

    The formal beauty is generated by the symbolic feeling configuration and implies the aesthetic pleasure with the image and the affectivity .

  12. 崇高是一种能给人带来审美愉悦的美学范畴,语文教学需要这样的情感美育。

    The loftiness belong to aesthetic sphere which do much good to taste joviality , as is needed by the Chinese teaching .

  13. 复杂完美的报纸版面格式塔可以从统一和变化两个方面来建构,它能使读者获得审美愉悦。

    Complicated and perfect Gestalt of newspapers layout can be constracted from two ways : unification and variation , which can bring about aesthetic happiness to readers .

  14. 另一方面,反讽式的语言增强了小说的趣味性和可读性,提高了小说的可感性,并使读者获得新的审美愉悦。

    On the other hand , the ironic language enhances the readability , interestingness and perceptibility of the novel , and provides a fresh aesthetic pleasure to the reader .

  15. 《仙女》三位一体的美学特征、多层递进的审美愉悦使得它超越以往任何一部舞剧,成为流芳百世的经典佳作。

    《 La Sylphide 》 has " three-in-one " aesthetic characteristics ;" multi-layered progressive " aesthetic pleasure makes it beyond any previous ballet works and become a famous masterpiece .

  16. 民族民间装饰纹样是中国历史最悠久的艺术,是每个时代最为广泛的艺术,也是给予中国人视觉上和精神上最多审美愉悦的艺术。

    Folk decorative patterns is the oldest arts of China , is the most extensive art for each time , also give Chinese visual and spiritual aesthetic pleasure art most .

  17. 秀美的山水在四季时序的烟雨、朝雾、晚霞变幻中,给人以神奇清新、如梦如醉的审美愉悦。

    Beautiful landscapes in the misty rain seasons timing , Asagiri , changes in the sunset , giving the Magic a fresh , dreamlike aesthetic pleasure , such as drunk .

  18. 其教学实效性具体表现为信息补偿效应、刺激强化效应、和谐沟通效应、审美愉悦效应及社会文化效应。

    Its teaching validity can be classified as validity of informative supplement , validity of stimulating enforcement , validity of harmonious communication , validity of aesthetic appreciation and validity of social culture .

  19. 象征性是指中国民间工艺品重视对民众的伦理道德的教化作用,使民众在社会伦理道德规范的制约下满足感官和情感的审美愉悦。

    Symbol means Chinese folk arts focus on the educational role of ethics to the populations , so that people satisfy from sense and emotion of aesthetics pleasure under the social ethics constraints .

  20. 作为一种叙事文体,报告文学在感性层面上能达成审美愉悦的功能;作为一种知识分子的文体叙事,报告文学则具备了更强大的社会公共功能。

    As a kind of narrative style , reportage can reach an aesthetic pleasure in perceptual level function ; as an intellectual narrative style , reportage , then have a stronger social public function .

  21. 二是强调以画为寄以画为乐的创作目的和态度,凸显了绘画所独有的审美愉悦作用和绘画本体的审美价值。

    Secondly , it emphasizes the creation purpose and attitude of " regarding painting as pleasure ", which highlights paintings ' particular aesthetic and pleasing function as well as the aesthetic value of the paintings themselves .

  22. 近代社会生产的发展带动了包装设计的发展,现代包装设计一方面提供产品保护和商品促销的作用;另一方面,它还逐渐成为一种文化消费与审美愉悦。

    The development of social production promotes the packing design , which functions to protect and promote commodities on the one hand and gradually become a sort of cultural consumption and aesthetic pleasure on the other .

  23. 在艺术存在的原始阶段,艺术明显地体现出艺术与技术一体化的特征,表现为物质生产与精神生产的一体化、工具实用性与审美愉悦性及技与艺的统一。

    The original stage in art exists , art obviously reflects the characteristics of art and technology integration , expression is the material production and the spiritual production integration , tool practicability and aesthetic pleasure and the unity of technology and art .

  24. 他的作品运用搬演、数字特技等拍摄手法真实地复原了历史场面,给受众带来了极其逼真的历史画面,这无疑是一种刺激的视觉体验,给受众带来了丰富的审美愉悦。

    His works use the digital special effects shots and other techniques , which can truly restored historical scenes , bring the extremely realistic picture of history to the audience . This is no doubt a stimulating visual experience to viewers , bringing rich aesthetic pleasure .

  25. 从中我们可以看出,以往唯美的、唯艺术的、审美愉悦的时尚摄影被个性的、调侃的、反讽的观念性表现的时尚摄影作品所取代的最本质条件和其必然性。

    From these we can know , it is the most essential conditions and its inevitability that the past the beautiful fashion photography is replaced by the conceptual fashion photography , and aesthetically pleasing fashion photography personality , ridicule , irony of the concept of the performance .

  26. 另一方面,作为计算机动画艺术,人工生命动画的美学本质又凝聚了动画的科学艺术思维、动画家的自由创造精神以及给欣赏者带来的独特审美愉悦。

    On the other hand , as one kind of computer animation art , artificial life animation aesthetics embodies the scientific and artistic thinking of animation , the free will and creation of animation creator , as well as the unique aesthetic pleasure of animation experience in nature .

  27. 为了实现新闻标题的信息传递功能、舆论导向功能、审美愉悦功能,在标题设计时应该追求新闻事实的聚焦美、形与神会的虚实美、多元布局的和谐美。

    For the sake of the function realization of message-transmission , public opinion orientation and the appreciation of beauty and pleasure , it is supposed to pursue the beauty of focus concentration , false or true combination of form and spirit and the harmony of multiple arrangement in topic design .

  28. 中国古代散文具有一个由道德、情感、形式、文化等构成的多元美感张力系统,能有效地激活人们的客观感知与主观经验,使欣赏者从中获得再认识的审美愉悦。

    Ancient Chinese prose has a perpetual artistic appeal , for it bears a tension system of plural aesthetic feeling composed of virtue , emotion , forms and culture and efficiently activate people 's objective feeling and subjective experience so that appreciators might gain aesthetic delight from their new knowledge .

  29. 旅游的本质是审美和愉悦,具有消费性和休闲性的特征。

    With characteristics of expenditure and leisure , the nature of tourism is happiness and appreciation of the beauty .

  30. 作为参与型旅游产品,主题公园的本质属性就是为旅游者带来审美、愉悦和体验的感受。

    As participatory tourism products , the essential quality of the theme park is to bring tourists aesthetic and pleasant experiences .