
  • aesthetic process
  1. 首先,在审美过程中,文本始终作为焦点发挥着聚合的作用。

    The text remains a focal point during the aesthetic process .

  2. 论审美过程中的观止现象

    On the Phenomenon of " Distance " in the Aesthetic Process

  3. 在不同时期的音乐审美过程中,音乐审美的偏离也时有存在。

    Deviation may occur at different times of music appreciation .

  4. 生命体验的自我超越&审美过程论

    The Self - Transcendence of Life Experience : On the Aesthetic Process

  5. 浅析音乐欣赏的审美过程

    A Brief Analysis of Esthetic Process in Music Appreciation

  6. 这一认识过程也是一个审美过程。

    This is also an aesthetic process .

  7. 超越自我的三种力量论陶渊明的自我实现生命体验的自我超越审美过程论

    Three Powers to Surpass Oneself ; The Self-Transcendence of Life Experience : On the Aesthetic Process

  8. 的确如此,其实在审美过程中,艺术在表达人类情绪时是一致和相通的。

    In the aesthetic process , the art is consistent and connected in expressing human emotions .

  9. 作品把现实丑引进小说世界,在对丑的审美过程中将生活丑升华为艺术美;

    It depicts the realistic ugliness in the novel and achieved sublimation of ugliness to artistic beauty .

  10. 第三章具体分析运笔在审美过程中的作用。

    Chapter III analysis the role of the texture of the brushwork in the process of aesthetic specifically .

  11. 识别民族舞蹈的种属,是舞蹈审美过程中必不可少的环节,而识别民族舞蹈种属的关键是判断并确认舞蹈动律。

    Chinese Dance and Cultural Identity Distinguishing the ethnical dance types is a necessary link of aesthetic process .

  12. 审美过程中的想象、情感及理解都是以视觉审美和视觉表现为基础的。

    The imagination , emotion and understanding in aesthetic process are all based on visual aesthetics and visual performance .

  13. 所以,这种存在于审美过程中的接受差异是艺术审美中的正常现象。

    As a result , the existence of accepting differences in aesthetic procedure is a normal phenomenon in artistic aesthetics .

  14. 在寿山石雕的审美过程中,有时我们的视觉也许会有触觉的感受。

    During the aesthetic process of Sshoushan stone carving , sometimes our vision may have the feeling of tactile impression .

  15. 然而她的小说并非是对生活进行单纯的镜像式反映,而是在审美过程中,向读者传达中国人自己的生命感悟。

    However , her novels are not a simple mirror image reflection of life-style but the sentiments belonging to our Chinese .

  16. 另外还有一种动态的符号形式,可以理解为绘画的技巧和审美过程。

    There is also a dynamic symbolic form , can be understood as the drawing techniques and the process of appreciate .

  17. 情感,是音乐审美过程中最活跃的心理因素,是音乐审美感受的动力。

    Emotion is the most active factor in the process of music aesthetics and the motive power of music aesthetic feeling .

  18. 它在审美过程中扮演着重要的角色,是审美心理研究中一个不可忽视的命题。

    It plays an important role in the esthetic process and forms an assignable thesis in the studies of esthetic mind .

  19. 这种倾向来自主体的心理视觉经验,以及对形象的观念性审美过程。

    This trend comes from the psychological vision experience of the subjectivity , and from the conceptually aesthetic process of the image .

  20. 它通过奇特的视角使平常熟悉的事物变得陌生,给人新奇的感受,从而延长审美过程。

    It makes familiar things appear unfamiliar through transformation or new perspectives , bringing up fresh sensation and prolonging the aesthetic process .

  21. 他十分重视善在审美过程中的精神作用。其主要内容表现在人格修养方面。

    Laozi attached importance to show the spiritual role of Virtue . And its contents mainly focus on the cultivation of individuality .

  22. 这三个层次既表现为不同作品意境创造上存在的横的关系,又表现为一个逐级升华的纵的完整的审美过程。

    These three aspects are shown in the horizontal relationship of Yi Jin of different works as well as an upward aesthetic process .

  23. 在审美过程中,秘书人员应注重自身的人格美、语言美、行为美和形象美。

    During the aesthetic process , secretary personnel should pay attention to their beauty of personality , language , action and beauty of form .

  24. 自从她父亲生重病后,我就再也没有见过她。生命体验的自我超越&审美过程论

    I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious illness . The Self-Transcendence of Life Experience : On the Aesthetic Process

  25. 同时旅游者在审美过程中给予了文化更多的关注,追求更加富有内涵的审美体验。

    The tourist offered more concerns of culture in the aesthetic course at the same time , and pursue more in the experiencing aesthetically of intension .

  26. 道家生态美学以自然美为核心,并关注审美过程中自然带给人的精神收益。

    Taoism ecology esthetics takes the natu - ral beauty as the core and pay attention to the spirit benefit that nature brings to people in esthetic process .

  27. 美育是一种新的、有吸引力的、有生命力的教育理念、手段、途径,美学以其特殊的功用,利用审美过程的超功利性和情感化教育,为思想政治教育工作打开新的局面。

    Aesthetic education is a novel , attractive , energetic education principle , which takes advantage of the super-utilitarian and Sentiment Education , breaking new ground in ideological and political education .

  28. 视觉文化对表层化、娱乐化、感官化的过度追求,使审美过程由凝神专注式观照转向了消遣式接受。

    The surface , entertainment , and the excessive pursuit of sensual of visual culture , make aesthetic process shift from the " concentration " type to " entertainment " type .

  29. 文学翻译首先是一种审美过程,其功能就是它所展示给人的美感和美学效果,其最终目的就是要实现文学作品的审美再现。

    Literary translation is the aesthetic process and it functions as conveying the aesthetic feeling and effects of literary . The ultimate purpose is to realize the aesthetic representation of literary works .

  30. 认为不同文化与教育背景的读者在阅读中都会经历一个启发与挫败并存的审美过程,从中构建文本意义,寻找自身定位。

    Readers of different cultural and educational backgrounds will experience an aesthetic process that simultaneously stimulates and frustrates their desire to construct the meaning of the text and locate the disposition of themselves .