
  • 网络Psychological Defense Mechanism;mental defense mechanism
  1. 目的探讨神经性厌食症(AnorexiaNervosa,AN)患者的心理防御机制及其与患者个性特征和父母养育方式的关系。

    Objective To study the defense mechanism and its relationship with personality and parental rearing in patients with anorexia nervosa ( AN ) .

  2. [目的]从完善心理防御机制入手,采用认知心理治疗的合理情绪疗法联合药物治疗,以降低、稳定2型糖尿病(2TDM)患者血糖。

    ( Objective ) To observe the effect of improved mental defense mechanism , adopting reasonable emotional treatment in cognitive therapy and combining with medicinal treatment to decrease and stabilize the level of blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus ( 2TDM ) .

  3. 你想想二十世纪初的宣传方式,它擅长了解人类如何解析信息以做出决定,并进入我们的心理防御机制之下,VR在这方面的能力比人们要强一亿倍。

    If you think about the way the propaganda back in the early twentieth century got good at understanding how human beings parse information to make decisions and getting in underneath our psychological defense mechanisms , VR is 100 million times more capable of engaging in that .

  4. 初三学生246名心理防御机制评定

    Assessment of Mental Defense Mechanism in 246 Junior High School Students

  5. 这种自我压抑是很常见的心理防御机制。

    This kind constrains is the very common psychology defense mechanism .

  6. 失眠症患者心理防御机制的调查分析

    Analysis of the Psychological Defense Mechanism in Patients with Insomnia

  7. 白领癌症患者的社会支持与心理防御机制

    Social Support and Psychological Defensive Style in White Collar Workers with Cancer

  8. 2型糖尿病患者心理防御机制特点的临床研究

    Characteristic of Mental Defense Mechanism in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  9. 社交恐怖症的心理防御机制及其相关因素

    Defense Mechanism and related Factors in Patients with Social Phobia

  10. 高中生学校回避行为心理防御机制及相关因素的初步研究

    School avoidance and psychological defense style of students at senior high schools

  11. 高中生心理防御机制研究

    A study of the defense style in high school students

  12. 40例强迫症患者心理防御机制分析

    Analysis of Defense Mechanism in 40 Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  13. 肺癌患者与正常人心理防御机制的对比研究

    Psychological Defensive Style Comparison between Patients with Lung Cancer and Normal People

  14. 心理防御机制对于警察的心理健康有重要作用。

    Mental defense mechanism produces an effect on mental health .

  15. 目的··:研究海洛因依赖者心理防御机制特点,并探讨防复吸的心理康复措施。

    Objective : To study the mental defence mechanism features of heroin addicts .

  16. 有暴力行为的精神分裂症病人心理防御机制分析

    An analysis on the psychological defense mechanism in schizophrenic patients with violence behaviors

  17. 互联网成瘾与心理防御机制的关系

    Relation between Internet Addiction and Mental - Recovery Mechanism

  18. 肺癌患者心理防御机制与社会支持的相关性

    Correlation between psychological defense mechanism and social support in patients with lung cancer

  19. 大学生心理防御机制与挫折应对的相关研究

    On University Students Psychological Precaution and Resistance Against Frustration

  20. 目的:了解具有凶杀行为的偏执型分裂症患者的心理防御机制。

    Objective : To explore defense mechanism of homicide criminals with paranoid schizophrenia .

  21. 飞行员不成熟心理防御机制多因素研究

    Multiple factors analysis of immature defense mechanisms in pilots

  22. 目的探讨抑郁症患者的心理防御机制,为心理治疗打下基础。

    Objective To study mental defense mechanism of depression .

  23. 女大学生心理防御机制的相关研究

    Research on Female University Students ' Psychological Defense Mechanism

  24. 消化性溃疡患者的心理防御机制分析

    Analysis of the Psychological Defensive Mechanism and Related Factors in Patients with Peptic Ulcer

  25. 精神分裂症患者心理防御机制与父母教养方式的相关性研究

    A related study of defense mechanisms and parental rearing pattern in patients with schizophrenia

  26. 论精神内守的心理防御机制

    Discuss on Psychological Defence Mechanism of Consciousness Introspection

  27. 二是建立健康的心理防御机制;

    Build the healthy psychological defense mechanism ;

  28. 结论初中生心理防御机制存在性别差异,不同学习成绩学生应对应激的防御策略可能不同。

    Conclusion There is gender difference in mental defense mechanism among junior high school students .

  29. 结论:人格特征是制约心理防御机制的主要因素之一。

    Conclusion : Personality trait is one of the factors having influence on defense style .

  30. 构筑强有力的军民心理防御机制等。

    And to construct the powerful armed forces and people mental state defense mechanism , etc.