
  • 网络Psychological Distance;psychical distance;Psychic Distance;psychotypology
  1. 换句话说,一旦心理距离消失了,审美活动也就终止了。

    Once the psychical distance disappeared , the aesthetic would become to an ending , too .

  2. 神思就是在这种不即不离的心理距离间进行自由的、流溢的游动融合,从而呈现出畅游飘逸的动态之美。

    The free and flowing action merging in adequate psychical distance shows a fluent and graceful beauty of dynamic .

  3. 本文通过联系Levinson的指示中心和Yule的心理距离,分析了心理距离对指示语选择的影响。

    This paper analyses the selection or deixis influenced by psychological distance by linking Levinson 's deixis center and Yule 's psychological distance .

  4. 领导与被领导者之间心理距离调校浅析

    On the Adjusting of the Mental Distance between Leaders and Staff

  5. 与此同时,我们的心理距离持续缩减。

    All the while , the psychological distance between us keeps shrinking .

  6. 在社会关系中,心理距离无处不在。

    In the social relationship , psychological distance is everywhere .

  7. 既可以利用心理距离,也可以利用物理距离。

    Well , you have psychological distance or physical distance .

  8. 他的主要著作有《心理距离》等。

    His major works include " psychological distance " and so on .

  9. 试论仪式对悲剧心理距离的影响

    A Discourse on the Ritual 's Influence on the Psychological Isolation in Tragedies

  10. 学生在与老师交往时有一定的心理距离和畏惧心理。

    Students have psychological distance and fear the teachers when communicating with them .

  11. 指示语透视的心理距离之语用解释

    Pragmatic Interpretation of Psychological Distance Reflected in Deixis

  12. 在英语里,心理距离只影响到对将来时间的指称。

    In English , it seems to affect the indication of future time only .

  13. IF条件句的认知分析:预测、心理距离、空间选择与语用嬗变

    Cognitive Analysis of IF-conditionals : Prediction , Epistemic Distance , Alternative Space and Pragmatic Transmutation

  14. (对自己的作品,)要达到那个心理距离需要时间。

    Achieving that psychological distance takes time .

  15. 审美的主客体之间有物理距离和心理距离。

    There are physical distance and esthetic distance between the esthetic subject and the object .

  16. 解释水平理论中将社会距离作为心理距离的一种表现形式。

    Social distance is seen as a dimension of psychological distance in construal level theory .

  17. 指示语和心理距离的语用分析

    Pragmatic Analysis between Deixis and Psychological Distance

  18. 从心理距离说到舞蹈心理学

    From Psychological Distance to Dance Psychology

  19. 心理距离、审美与旅游文化

    Psychological Distance , Aesthetics and Tourism

  20. 从心理距离说分析《无名的裘德》的悲剧魅力

    The Tragic Glamour of Jude the Obscure Analyzed from the Point of View of Psychological Distance

  21. 南京人和香港的交集越来越密,心理距离越来越近。

    Nanjing and Hong Kong more and more of the intersection , the psychological distance getting closer .

  22. 另一种观点则认为,心理距离远也会有更多的利他。

    Another view is that even the psychological distance is far , people also will be more altruistic .

  23. 意与象在古典诗歌的创作和欣赏中,存在着运动距离和心理距离。

    There are Motional Distance and Mental Distance between ideas and images in writing and enjoying classical poetry .

  24. 然而,以往的研究表明,心理距离和行为的关系有不一致的结论。

    However , previous studies have indicated that there are inconsistent conclusions about the psychological distance and behavior .

  25. 所谓的刺猬法则就是人际交往中的心理距离效应。

    So-called " the hedgehog principle " is " the psychic distance effect " in the human communication .

  26. 它强调建立一种情感沟通来缩短与谈判对象的心理距离。

    It emphasizes to establish one kind of emotion communication to reduce the distance with the negotiation object .

  27. 解释水平理论:从时间距离到心理距离

    Explaining Bridging Inferences : An SDRT Approach ; Construal Level Theory : From Temporal Distance to Psychological Distance

  28. 目前学术界着重研究西方发达国家的心理距离,而忽略了发展中国家。

    Most scholars focus on the psychic distance of western developed countries , while ignoring the developing countries .

  29. 国际零售商海外市场选择机理&基于市场邻近模型与心理距离视角的解释

    The Mechanism of Overseas Market Selection of International Retailers & An Explanation from Market Proximity Model and Psychic Distance

  30. 了解熟悉并懂得患者,运用医患沟通技巧缩短医患间的心理距离。

    We should understand and know patients well and reduce psychological distance between doctor and patient by linking skill .