
  • 网络censorship;censorship system;Judicial Review;peer review
  1. 这个法令强制实行严格的媒体审查制度。

    The decree imposed strict censorship of the media .

  2. 他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。

    The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship

  3. 在阿尔巴尼亚从未设立过官方审查制度。

    There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania .

  4. 透视WTO框架下的我国司法审查制度&兼及我国法制建设中行政法院的建构

    Grasp the Judicial Review of China under the Framework of WTO

  5. 建立与WTO要求相适应的司法审查制度

    On the Establishment of a Judicial Review System in accordance with WTO

  6. WTO对中国司法审查制度的影响

    Influence of WTO on Chinese Judicial Review System

  7. 因此,建立我国反倾销司法审查制度,是我国履行加入WTO时做出的承诺的义务。

    So to build the system is the obligations that China promised to shoulder when China joined the WTO .

  8. WTO的司法审查制度是指法院通过对行政行为进行审查,发挥司法权力对行政权力的制约作用。

    The judicial review system of WTO means that the judicial power should restrict the administrative power through the court 's reviewing administrative acts .

  9. 我国的税务行政诉讼制度与WTO的司法审查制度的要求是基本一致的,但仍存在不足和需完善之处。

    Our tax administrative procedural system basically tallies with the requirements of the WTO 's judicial examination system but some defects still exist in it .

  10. WTO反倾销协议第13条对各成员国国内立法建立反倾销司法审查制度提出了明确要求。

    WTO anti-dumping agreement has put forward the clear request for its member to set up the system of anti-dumping judicial review in its article 13 .

  11. 本文第二部分,从WTO的司法审查制度的理论来源入手,对WTO司法审查制度的特点进行了详尽的论述。

    In the second part of the article , it has detailedly discussed the characters of judicatory censoring system from original theory of WTO judicatory censor system .

  12. 我国应当按照WTO的要求和中国加入议定书的承诺,维持、建立和完善相应的司法审查制度,并尽快完善相应的司法制度。

    We should maintain , establish and Perfect our judicial review system and judicial system at large in accordance with the requirement of WTO and the Commitments of China .

  13. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  14. WTO是一个有关贸易的全球性组织,WTO以其完备的法律框架体系而著称,除了争端解决机制以外,司法审查制度也是WTO框架中很重要的内容。

    The WTO is a global organization of trade , which is well-known for its complete legal framework system . The judicial examination system is an important content within the framework of the WTO .

  15. 2010年,谷歌放弃了中国内地的互联网搜索市场,原因是该公司认定其著名的“不作恶”(donoevil)原则与中国政府的审查制度不相容。

    In 2010 , the company abandoned the country 's internet search market after deciding its famous " do no evil " ethos was incompatible with Beijing 's censorship regime .

  16. 其他获准在华经营的外国互联网企业——如领英(LinkedIn)——都遵守中国严厉的审查制度。

    Other foreign internet companies allowed to operate in China , such as LinkedIn , comply with the country 's draconian censorship regime .

  17. 2006年在中国接受自我审查制度,对谷歌的声誉来说是一个转折点。谷歌的不作恶(Don'tBeEvil)口号首次遭到质疑与批评。

    Submitting to self-censorship in China was a turning point for the company 's reputation in 2006 , and the first time it 's Don 't be evil motto was subjected to sceptical critique .

  18. WTO要求建立对行政行为客观公正的审查制度,但是我国当前行政裁决制度在保障公正方面存在着重大缺陷,与WTO的要求和我国的入世承诺尚有相当大的差距。

    WTO requests establishing fair system of review of administrative Act . But there are some limitations in the system of administrative adjudication in China , which is far from the requirements of WTO and commitments of entry to WTO .

  19. 由于谷歌(Google)在2010年因担心审查制度而关闭了中国网站,纳斯达克上市的百度迅速崛起,与阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)一起成为中国互联网三巨头。

    Nasdaq-listed Baidu has enjoyed a rapid rise , helped by Google shutting down its China site over censorship concerns in 2010 , and along with Alibaba and Tencent is one of China 's internet trinity .

  20. 加入WTO后,随着国际贸易竞争的加剧,如何遵循WTO规则建立和完善我国反倾销司法审查制度,以及如何把握这一制度的发展趋势,成了一个日趋重要的问题。

    Now , the competition of international trade is intensifying . So after China joined the WTO , how to build and further the system of Judicial Review of Anti-dumping , and how to seize the development tendency of this system has become an important issue .

  21. 香港新闻学教授、中国审查制度专家麦康瑞(RebeccaMacKinnon)表示,此举为网上世界提供了一个重要教训。

    Rebecca MacKinnon , a Hong Kong journalism professor and expert on Chinese censorship , said the move offered an important lesson for the online world .

  22. 我国的司法审查制度基本符合WTO协议的规定,但亦存在需要完善之处,尤其是与WTO《反倾销协议》相联系的司法审查制度十分薄弱。

    It is held in this paper that the judicial review system of our country is basically in accordance with that regulated in WTO agreement , but there is something in it to be completed , especially the part that linked with WTO < Anti-dumping Agreement > is quite weak .

  23. 近年来,我国专利工作取得显著成效,连续两次修改后的《专利法》与WTO规则下的Trips协议基本一致,但是专利保护水平和专利审查制度的科学性还有待提高。

    In recent years , although our Patent Authority is improving on patent law system in order to adapt to the rules of WTO and the Agreement of Trips , the level of patent protection and the patent censor system is not perfect , and should be improved continuously .

  24. Netflix正在同数家中国媒体公司进行初步的商讨,探究如何将其流媒体服务引进中国,这一进展有望为Netflix带来更多的订阅用户,不过也会带来相当大的挑战,其中包括审查制度。

    Netflix is in preliminary discussions with a handful of Chinese media companies to explore how it can bring its streaming service to China , a development that has the potential to increase its subscriber counts but also faces significant challenges , including censorship .

  25. 论我国行政裁决司法审查制度

    On the Judicial Review of the Administrative Adjudication in Our Country

  26. 论我国刑事侦查阶段的司法审查制度

    On Judicial Review System in Criminal Investigation Period in Our Country

  27. 建立我国专门违宪审查制度的模式选择

    Mode Selection of Setting Up Specialized Constitutional Review System in China

  28. 我国公诉案件庭前审查制度的重构

    Restructuring Pretrial Review System of Public Prosecution Cases in Our Country

  29. 论建立我国反倾销司法审查制度

    On the establishing of Chinese Anti - dumping judicial inspection system

  30. 构建中国式的违宪审查制度&代议机关至上为前提

    Establish the Chinese Constitutional Review System Based on the Legislative Supremacy